Negotiations and a plan

"i thought this was supposed to be a parley, diplomacy." "it is, it's just their own style of diplomacy." "it sounds like the warrior would step forward, and shout abuse at the chosen warrior for the other side."

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Epilogue (Kreet 32)

He taught them many things, not least of which was the art of compromise and diplomacy. but he also taught them fighting skills. the next time a band of adventurers were seen lurking around the kobold's home, brand was there to intercede.

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Tribal relationships

Sigel climbed down from the small boat, tied it to one of the masts in the harbor, and lowered a huge wicker basket full of fish. The day on the lake had been a success, and all those fish meant that the big bear could take a couple of days off. The...

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GD: Skyrim Part IV Making a Plan

Somehow i knew diplomacy wasn't going to be an option. no way was i storming a place full of demented mages alone. the closest city i felt comfortable going to was whiterun.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 4

; poor cold weather endurance) \* kim possible (unarmed combatant; acrobatics; numerous gadgets) \* kovu (wilderness survival, warm-weather specialty; unarmed combatant; poor cold weather endurance) \* krystal (diplomacy; staff fighting; magic/psi; basic

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"compromise is the essence of diplomacy, my friend, and diplomacy is the cornerstone of love. sweet love!" -dr.

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Demon / Angel Confusion

." ===== unheard by those below, the kids giggled from the upstairs window, releasing the glamour that had frustrated all attempts at diplomacy. "woohoo, we got to stay up late!" ===== black wings furled behind me, i shook my head.

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Guardians of Gaea's world: History

To ensure the truce, a "super partes" international organization was later formed to overlook in matters of world stability, diplomacy and military balance: the guardians of gaea.

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From the desk of the General. Mission 3.

I'm not very good at diplomacy (that's an understatement!) and if someone is being an idiot then i'll tell them to their face. posh dinners at palaces, and summertime soirees in the presence of royalty are always good for stirring up trouble.

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Now that diplomacy has failed, torekmetia is using its weapons to either destroy the titan or bring it under its control. since torekmetia has a much larger army and is also in a better strategic position, almost all of ephtal is soon invaded.

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From a World Long Forgotten

The first time in diplomacy is always a learning experience, no matter how much you've trained for it."

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