Twilight Eros Chapter 1

A bit of trivia, jon is based of a real person and i am the godfather of two of his children. jon's wife and children wont be appearing in the story as of right now. the future we'll see.

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Leaving The Past

I was fascinated about all the places he traveled to before coming here, apparently his godfather wanted him to experience some different cultures before they settled down. i talked mostly about my home life, school, and sports i played.

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The Kitsune of My Dreams

My magical godfather?" the fox slyly grinned, and said, "something like that. you may call me kosuma, the one who watches. and right now, i'm watching you and your future." i stared at him. "okaaaay...what about it?"

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Ted was cody's father's best friend from before college and after cody was born he became his godfather, so after the accident he had accepted cody as his own son. ted's real son's name was mark, who was only two years older than cody.

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Chapter One, Ghosts of The Past

The brother of their godfather no less!" brody's father snarled "that was years ago alec you lost the right to call your self our friend after what you did!" a feral snarl ripped from alec his face the epitome of outrage and anger.

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Devon was his godfather. his father and devon had been best friends all through school. though, matt didn't really know him that well.

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Thanks for the Gillyweed

He had not gotten another chance with it yet for third year had been to hectic for both harry with the escape of his godfather from azkaban while dobby was busy seeking new employment.

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Crisis of Power, Chapter 4

He's got connections, tony, he's practically 'the godfather'." i laughed and hugged her tight, getting a happy murr. "good thing he adopted you huh?"

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Wishmaker Chronicles: Sizume

Miss omori is to remain present at all times and her legal council or the puppy's godfather may preside as well. all visitation will be at the department of family services for the first month."

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official haven prologue

Loud, but he sheepishly opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks, the office wasn't anything at all like he'd imagine a night club owners office being like, he'd imagined a small hole-in-the-wall office, instead he felt like he was on the set of the godfather

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Reunion- Part 8

I'll have kids on the way.... you and kurt will be... y-you'll be their godfather's... stay with me damnit!" "huh... wish i had one of these last time!" mark cheered from behind the two severa standing close behind.

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