Hearth Star: Supply Run

He observed as wuffs appeared with robotic herders, the lupine space pirates left the mechanical ranchers to their programming and took off on foot in the general direction of the lone traktor puttering along through a field of alien grain.

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Tales from Silicon City 6: Titanium Rider

In modern times, outsiders knew the country more for its nomadic herders and a surprising wealth of mineral deposits buried beneath the expansive grasslands.

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Ferina III - Chapter 1

Where houyhnhnms were masterful farmers and herders, the dwarves preferred city life and city tasks--most roads, banks, and markets were maintained and defended by the dwarves.

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Prayer and Demon 15 - Returning to Nazeen

"careful where you point those," oro growled, leaning against the cart like he was waiting for a herder to finish driving cattle by, "if you hurt one of my wives, i'm going to eat you face-first."

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Rebels and Empire

"anyway, we should track down that nerf-herder. he has some questions to answer." luke pulled out his lightsaber, and motioned han, chewbacca, and the soldiers to follow him. "i think he's at the communication center," he said as he ran down a corridor.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo Pt. 6, 7, 8 rewrite

**"[dumbass manky-breathing nerf herder!]"** **"[at least i'm not a brain-dead ditto slut!]**" **"[hey, it was just that one time! and how was i supposed to know that infernape was a ditto?]"** **"[hmm, true.

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Bolts Fourth Lesson...

Suddenly with a loud yowl tabbs hilted himself and came deep into mittins womb, tabbs's sudden movement accompanied by his hot cum painting her inner walls made mittins loose her focus and clamp down on bolts cock and suck herder than before.

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Urokon: History, Culture and Religion

To this end he created the shepherd; a man with a bare skull for a head and dressed in ancient herder's clothing.

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Chapter three

The officer began, as if he was talking to a three year old, "generally afghan villagers and goat herders and farmers are not normally armed to the teeth. so you'll be searching for weapon caches." "and if we find any?"

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Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 11 Horsey Rides

In addition to tips on growing it i found it amusing that according to legend, its aphrodisiac properties were discovered by a chinese goat herder who noticed sexual activity in his flock after they ate the weed.

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Dante's Awakening. Chapter 4

Makes it easier...the shepherds and cattle herders over there are quite happy to see me in the winter...i tend to pay a coin for each sheep or cow i take..." rena burst out laughing, "i'll bet they are fucking happy to see you!

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