MLP: A Tale Worth Telling - For it has Dragons in it

Luna only avoided the overwhelming urge to just curl up in a melodramatic ball and disappear by taking celestia's assignment with the utmost seriousness.

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Something More //Chapter 1

The two set off for the far side of the clearing where a small podium had been set up, housing a selection of local musicians wailing on guitars and screaming melodramatically. it really wasn't sammy's thing, but triss insisted he come along.

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He Who Would be Master: Prologue and Chapter 1 (redux)

Neil cried out in melodramatic anguish. the startled glances didn't phase him much. "it's just a way to draw out the story by drowning us in questions!" he was just about to respond when the fog shifted outside the window.

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Library Consultation

Atlas let out a sigh, perhaps a little melodramatically, then he nodded. "fine." he reached into his flight harness and checked a small pocket watch. "my shift is not ending anytime soon. i suppose it wouldn't be unreasonable if i took a short break."

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Day 31 Mischief _ Candy

She said in melodramatic shock as she turned to the wolf, sizing him up and then quirking a brow. "oh my, is that a real sword? proper armour? you must be rich to afford such a fancy costume." "costume?

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Just a Little Lick(Illustrated story)

"you can be melodramatic, or you can accept the situation for what it is." melodram--melodramatic?! fredrik lunged forward with his arms, intent on strangling the bastard, but kaspar's immense forepaw held the squirming bird back.

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Chapter 4 - From the Desk of Mordecai Crossbell I

I admit that i may sound melodramatic, my prisoner, but it is the truth in such trying times. my family is known, publicly, to be humble where reporters are visible but ruthless behind closed doors.

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Blue Eyes 03

"no, pull yourself together, you're being melodramatic." time to think: crying could come later. he'd have to move from his current lodgings, far away from alex, maybe even the other side of the city.

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The One Where They Go To Zimbabwe

"don't be so melodramatic. we're doing fine. only 13 more to boot out of here and we're paws deep in a million bad bones." team start to arrive at the top of falls. the clue box is sitting at the top. policefurs maintain a lead and get there first.

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Tina's Story Chapter 24 I did, I do!

She harranged melodramatically. "well, you're not going like that" ray observed ray shuffled off bearlike to the shower, while tina slipped on a cute little green sundress, with a ruffled hem, then went to do her hair and makeup. "no undies?"

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Random Rabbit Shorts - Sam's Show

"it's just too humid for it to be winter," he added with a pout, lifting a hand up to press to his forehead melodramatically. under his palm, he watched the users add occasional sympathetic comments.

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