Art Of Passion

Well, she was still thinking of ideas for the obelisk to become but now most were phallic monuments and that would not do at all. or would it? iris furrowed her brows trying to think of if it was actually against the rules to do that.

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Chapters 3+4

Zen you shall sacrifice zem at ze altars of hogvarts, which are four places: zis chapel, ze fountain, ze obelisk and ze church. zen you shall kill zem according to ze god's demands.

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Beauty and Joy

A warm, blue-green glow began to spread through the hieroglyphs on the obelisk, and as the assembled priestesses fell to their knees and lowered their heads in awe, the light spread through the base of the dais to the remaining obelisks.

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Chemicals in the Water

There in the middle of our pool was a gigantic naked man, his broad muscular back rising like an obelisk from the water. by the moonlight, i could see that his skin was not a natural color, but what appeared to be green.

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Unexpected Bet

And since it doesn't say anything about targeting, your little obelisk is also destroyed! so say goodbye to your precious god card!" left completely speechless, zara moved obelisk to the graveyard and moved pendulum dragon off to the side. "but wait!

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Coiled From The Same Cloth

Even though he didn't like the situation he made his way over towards the obelisk and peeked into this new cave tunnel.

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The City of the Damned (Part One)

In the distance he spied a nearby city, the once towering obelisks of stone now nothing but filthy rubble. "...a waste..." talon grumbled, his hand tight on his blade. only the sharp snap of his wings flaring open cut the silence short.


Character Sheet: Evei Petrov

-obelisk: summons a pointy monolith from a dimensional portal. -zodiac: opens a large portal over the battlefield and small comets fall down. -gravity crush: crushes the enemy raising gravity in a small area.

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 1: Shadow

Around the castle were obelisks, made of stone from each realm of the knights with a portal at the top of each. when he reached the throne room he saw the knight sitting on his throne. "shadow!" he shouted "sorry, let me just..."

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Tiger Wolf (pt 1)

Another quartet of obelisks surround the palace which rises one hundred feet, half that of the monoliths, into the air. the procession road from the north continues right up the front doors of the palace.

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