Desires 3

Perhaps he was simple, but it was a dream that he thought would never be fulfilled, and the small glimmer of hope it provided was like opium to his abused soul.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 40

It was due to head north from shanghai to a port named peking, to buy silk, and sell opium and spices. it had a crew of thirty seven, counting peter and ash, and the ship was a fast one, able to make 250 nautical miles a day in good weather.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 30

When the british defeated china in the opium wars three years earlier, one of the terms the chinese had been forced to agree to had been the opening of five chinese ports to direct foreign trade.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 27

We will start with those hated foreigners from the west, and their mind-killing opium merchants. i command you to set their ships ablaze with your celestial fire! rain destruction upon them, my slave!"

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Death's Blood Ch. Eleven: Gone Astray

I know the smell of it all too well; it is opium, preferably morphine. i scowl at how much this bear and his subordinates could be using and how long they have been drugging and raping females.

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The Fox General: One Day of Decadence

I could have really used some opium paws were shaking for the first time since the beginning of the campaign. the withdrawal was long over but the memories still remained. i needed to keep active to keep the memories behind.

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Becoming a star part 3

She was living with zack after her handler got caught with firearms, cocaine, and opium derivatives. holly was feeling better and zack felt tired most of the time. his stress level was high and he wanted a vacation.

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House of Seven: Travis

The tabbaco and opium dens. the inner baths. the private bar. and of course, the private rooms. now, if you knew your way around the inner baths and the private rooms were almost one area, at least in regard to services rendered.

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The Night is Long

She would eventually be dismissed as meredith and her cadre retired to sample the opium, she would relax her sore back in bed, and she would call nadira and sephii to her room to help suckle the creamy milk out of her plush teats, relaxing the pain

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I Put a Hex on You And Now You're Mine

We got a friggin opium den. we're going to play to every base desire those bunch of degenerates have and rob them blind while we do it." nay frowned a bit, running a finger over the thick scar across hex's chest, "old man's goons won't like that.

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The Fox General: Flames at Balaton

"and how about the opium?" "oh, i've been off the stuff for months now. just take a bit to help me sleep, that's all." livio looked at me with a questioning glance. "what?"

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