In the Bunkbed - Illustrated Story (by Cheetahs & The_Secret_Cave)

Oh,'re such a pervy, pervy dog." relight frowned at that. "alex. alex...think i heard that name before," he looked at aurelius. "you know any alex around?" "dude, i'm a bartender.

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Perfect Kidnapper (The Legend of Korra Vore Story)

Angry pema kicked the pervy snatcher's stomach with her knee, making p'li to hiss from pain and irritation. swallowing continued. offended predator made another gulp, and her mouth reached the biggest part of her meal.

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Dog Days of Summer

"pervy brat. what if i had a friend over?!" he growled through gritted teeth. "somehow i doubt your friends would be against seeing a pretty girl walking around naked," the other dalmatian huffed at him. "that is so not the point!"

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A new beginning part 2

You have been warned you pervy fur's!

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Thomas: Crisis of Faith

And so marie grabbed her pervy siblings tails and went. they were very disgusting cishet males who worked for french animation, they always objectified women but threw a hissy fit whenever lgbt characters were featured in animation.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.10: Mall Brawl - Ep02

She asked them again and made them snap out of their pervy envisions. "yes ma'am! count me in!" panja gladly accepted without a second thought. "great! thanks, panja!" rinami happily exclaimed and waited for hazard's answer.

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Yipping for More of Her (Puyo Puyo Tetris Fanfiction)

Alexandria giggled at the pervy dog and hugged him. "did i mention that i love chihuahuas," she asked while she mushed her breasts together with her hands. ai was speechless from the seduction and just murred.

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Midnight Park Pleasures

We spoke about all sorts of pervy kinky stuff, things that usually made me feel out of place, in the wrong, misunderstood.. when i started talking to her however, she assured me it was okay to think the things i did and made me feel normal.

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He had the pervy boar all worked up, and pawing him off now, he soon had some slick pre covering his fingerpads while he kept humping the boar's deliciously dirty rump and listening to the extra squeaky sounds that made, along with myles' manly moans of pleasure

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Hardcore Play Pt 1

I shook my my pervy thoughts away and trudged on towards the lab. i welcomed the cool air conditioned interior and sat down with my lab partners. i listened to them talk and gripe about the morning until the ta started to explain the experiment.

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Calling In a Favor

"a super pervy favor, if you ask me." jade's voice cut across the room from where she stood, leaning casually against the doorframe. "honestly i'm disgusted i had to even witness this." her voice betrayed her own amusement though.

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Growing closer with your dragon part 2

He now regretted not reading those pervy books that spawned tails of humans and dragons, amongst other unusual erotic material; maybe he would have learned some practical advice.

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