
A hinderer could use telepathy to alter their foes perception while blades can only use it to witness their opponents next move.  healers could use telepathy to take the pain away from their charge.

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The Meadow of Dreams ( Mr.Prism )

telepathy. maybe this thing was a telepath and thus never evolved to speak.

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Broken Prophecy (Book7, Chapter5)

I guess he heard me cause of that telepathy business. i wonder what it's like, or how far it reaches. i wonder if that guy is going to call my cell any minute, now, and tell me he can still hear me.

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Powers that Bind 1

A week ago, his... telepathy... seemed to take a leap forward...

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The Rescue

He was now sending warmth at her, and spoke mentally to her using telepathy.

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Ben and Justin: Our Stand Chapter 3

If i can develop, perfect, and master the use of telepathy, i can certainly see past your pathetic attempts. and now, you will die for your impudence!"

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Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter One)

She didn't know back then that she could use telepathy as a psychic type, but she knew now how to do it and how useful it was. she could easily catch fish pokemon to eat by talking to them like she was their conscious.

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Break time. The best time of the day, one might argue. You always took your break at the same time every day, and usually at the same place - a coffee shop just down the street from the lab. They even knew your name, which you found very gratifying. ...

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Day 4 - Psychic

Their party was split up. It was full blown worst-case scenario: after an encounter with some kind of entity had gone south, the party's mage found himself completely alone in the dark of the tomb, using his staff to light his way as he searched...

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Chapter 4 – Transitions and Preparations

Chapter 4 - Transitions and Preparations Walking down the veranda, Fox and Krystal made their way to the car and got in. Just as Fox started up the motor, his vehicle's communication unit signaled an incoming call from Fara, which Fox...

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Chapter 3 – A Home to Look Forward To

Chapter 3 - A Home to Look Forward To Fox and his crew made their way down the ramp onto Corneria City Spaceport's tarmac, duffel bags slung over their shoulders. After...

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