Mistakes and Miscalculations

An informational video discussing the economic realities of life in the twenty-first century was playing, complete with the regular internet video staples of eccentric characters and throwback comedic graphics.

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A Space Opera Ch. 4 part 1

The bear saluted until neil cut off the vid feed, no doubt a throwback to the others military service. with that out of the way and with a few minutes until his orders where carried out, neil decided to try to contact vlad one last time.

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Hungry For Love: Chapter One

His face was long, a throwback from his original equine ancestors, but the large, dark bags under his piercing turquoise eyes were simply the result of his lifestyle.

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Enemy, Chapter 7

My trainers had called it 'madness,' an instinctual throwback to an earlier history when our ancestors partook of 'the hunt' in wild packs, with nothing but their fangs and senses as weapons.

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throwback to that time i wrote great mouse detective fic about basil's crippling drug addiction. i spent many years beneath the floorboards of 221 baker street, sharing rooms with my friend and colleague, mister basil of baker street.

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Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 2

"what i mean is, wearing clothes that seem to be a throwback, even to a more peaceful time, doesn't fit my diplomatic narrative."

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Surrendering Command - Part 2 (A Jeeves Disney Prompt, posted with permission)

- another fun throwback, this time to one of the very first prompts i ever had jeeves fill for me, which had captain amelia from _treasure planet_ being the submissive slut for a futa peg pete, which was titled _surrendering command_.

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Not So Home Alone

"due to an unfortunate genetic throwback, yes, i resemble a feral in my sexuality. i assure you, even though my scrotum is above my cloaca, and you can not see my penis - it is there, and it does work.

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Pins and Needles, Part IV

No matter how far mankind advanced technologically or socially, there were always throwbacks like the human league. a loud beeping suddenly drew everyone's attention to the hover bike. it had completed charging. the men looked around.

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Walk A Mile: Covert Ops: Tawny

She was almost a complete throwback to the extinct leiaou male, a dead weight her race had cast off once genetic engineering allowed for the much larger and intelligent females to attain the only bits of the male that mattered.

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Chapter: 5 Decisions

Even rarer was the fact he let the inu see him in his animal form, only a handful of people knew he could even transform in such a way, again another throwback that he had kept well hidden. "you're naked," inuyasha stated dumbly.

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