the CAS blazer (details of it not a story)

Other information the armored crystal is compressed titanium crystal alloy. the power core of this ship is a dark matter energy core it takes the power of dark matter and converts it into power for the ship and there are 100 of them.

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Imagining the horrors that awaited me if i suffered a lapse in judgment, one languid reaction and bone, flesh and blood would mix with carbon fiber, aluminum and titanium.

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Life in Dead Earth (Important things to know)

(only pures) titanium- highest status that a feral family can achieve, they have a sufficient amount of money for a feral family and own a business that does well.

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Interstellar Darkness

We are to mine substances called gold and titanium. after the briefing of the materials and the rules, we a handed hard helmets, picks, and buckets. we were all then squeezed in a small elevator shaft, then we are sent down to 5b.

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Of wings and scale chapter 1

Finally i removed my amulet it was a strange material that i didnt know and come to think of it no one has ever found out, but from one awkward situation i had it placed onto a titanium chain so it couldnt fall or be ripped off.

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse Character chart

Jewelry or accessories: both nipples pierced with 8 ag titanium rings. done after he walked again to affirm he is still alive and able. gold wedding ring and titannium annaversary ring.

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The Crying Game

There were no titanium fox hearts available yet in walter reed, i thought, they made titanium paws but no, hearts weren't on the list yet. i suppose they didn't plan for fox sergeants getting their hearts broken by a pair of doberman brothers.

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I Know All There Is to Know (Hockey Hunk Season 5 Opens!)

I got up and went for my cane, and the table cobb had pulled closer caught me on the shin...or where a shin should be, but in my case, there was just a titanium pipe.

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A Demonic Challenge - Chapter 6

His wind powers picked it up, forcing it toward the demon and sefra leapt of the haft as tsochan turned and roared at the massive sheet of titanium hammer shield.

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Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight: Charater Information

. - kitty - age: 3 - height: 6 - weight: 1000 fully loaded and with out user - body: made of titanium, steel, and several other top secret materials that released to public knowledge.

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