The Christmas Particle - A Quantum of Entanglements: Lightning Rod

What did surprise her however was the greeting she received - she could hear him whining long before she rounded the last corner towards the entrance of the workshop.

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However, some neat stuff has come out of the generative workshops that i can share, so hey, have a poem from a workshop on surprise. too many suits move in too many lines.

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Michael Flehmen - Character Detail

From a young age he enjoying working with wood, and soon learned enough of the trade to help his father in his workshop, building wagons and other pieces that folk commissioned them to build.

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Indomitable Book 1: Warm Welcome-Twelfth of Revival

I would be careful around her workshop, things tend to blow up around there frequently." we all give the workshop a wider berth. smith eventually stops at that first long stone building i saw my first night here.

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Binding Backfire

Azura's tail flicked across the floor and scattered his lust across her workshop, masking the scents of herbs and reagents with abyssal essences.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 14

She brought out two blueprints and teleported everyone to what could only be the biggest workshop ever, astonishing even jane who was used to big workshops. it was not long before sasha had attached the blueprints onto the wall, "we are making these two.

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The Big Chance Ch.Final - The Acceptance

With that, everyone headed inside the workshop. rosie had new friends, became part of the team, and had a good first impression. imagine what would happen tomorrow... the end

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More Than A Tool

Not only the cage was a recent addition to the workshop but also it wasn't empty either. a female zebra, gagged and chained, wiggled in small spaces, sometimes looking at the dragon with a silent begging.

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Sword Day

€ â€oh you know, there was that sword workshop today. the one about actual swords not rapiers. wanna come with?†asked rhys, not at all surprised when alex said yes. then together they walked off towards the ballroom where the workshop was held.

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The Magic of Christmas

The sleek red nosed reindeer called from the front, the team exhausted and ready to drop as they flew low and fast over the ice towards the red glow of santa's workshop. "nearly there team, one last push you can do it!"

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The Greatest Design

There was a noise, like footsteps, coming from across the workshop.

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Bronx's Bitch Part 2: Two for the Price of One

"i'll see if he's with lexington," brooklyn agreed readily, then started up the stairs, towards the room where lexington kept his private workshop. in all honesty, brooklyn didn't really understand lexington's need for the workshop.

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