Unending Love - S2, E9-10 Trailer

Kion tells Maalum about Makucha: Kion: I saw Makucha outside the passageway. Maalum: M-M-Makucha? Nooooooo! \*scared\* Kion! We can't let him enter the Tree! Kion faces Goya: Kion: Goya. We need to talk. Goya: Really? I don't think we have...

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Secret Desires; Ain't Make Up Sex Great?

Dasher did notice that, like himself, he was a king cheetah. they were very rare and he found himself quite attracted to the character. he would have to watch the credits and see just who the actor was.

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Tribal Tendancies - Chapter 2

Akhet was hunched up knees to hsi chest, soaking in the sun, his king cheetah pattern visible for all to see, "yeah?" he responded.

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Writing Stream 2: Wheel of Fetish

**marked by magic** **for sigma** the king cheetah ran hard and fast across the field, knowing that the master of the town was right behind him.

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Tribal Tendancies - Chapter 2

Akhet was hunched up knees to hsi chest, soaking in the sun, his king cheetah pattern visible for all to see, "yeah?" he responded.

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Love and Pain recap 2 UPDATED

Abasi: an anthro male king cheetah and like koga a rogue f.a.s member. he is a master at hand to hand combat and weapons but prefers to use his own claws. like all cheetah he possess great speed and strength.

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Making it Big Time

One of the few females padded forward lightly, her fur darkly patterned like a king cheetah, closely tailed by mike, who muttered something barely coherent and explicit about what he would do to kc if he said his name wrong one more time.

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Auld Lang Syne of Things to Come

"i had a most disturbing dream, sirocco," kody tells his first wife, an oracle of the wind that officially is his indentured servant to settle a blood debt owed the captain by her father emir sargon, a king cheetah who has a great harem of dancers

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Desires: Dasher's Party or Dasher's Revenge?

I am of a rare sub species called a king cheetah. that is why i have the larger spots, bars and semi striped pattern you see. it is also why my tail has a more pronounced banded pattern but it is all natural."

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Richard Cory

Being feline was enough, i suppose; being such a perfect example of the king cheetah species was another.

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ID - Chapter 3: Discovery

He took the initiative, tugging off his own shirt to show off his intricate and somewhat uncommon 'king' cheetah pattern. she peeked up at him, inspecting curiously. she'd never seen anything like it before.

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