(ZOO) Caught On the Wrong Side Of the Fence

red deer or sika - he wouldn't know until he found them - or they found him. because of his scent, he was fairly certain no deer would come within screaming range of him, but he just wanted to see them running free and wild.

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Twas The Night Before Christmas (M/F)

As he finally unbuckled the last one, he slid his fingers underneath the hood - then threw it back - and found himself entranced by the dark, soulful eyes of a red deer - its eyes were like pools of liquid chocolate - yet they fixated on him, before eyelids

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Pain of Loneliness (3): As the world falls...

"in related news, red deer isn't the only city that has seen a rise in the amount of racist acts of brutality against daemons.

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"through here." she said as they entered the canyon, walking another quarter mile until at last they exited into a huge cove, teeming with all manner of fresh plants, a clear flowing river on one side, and many other animals such as red deer, rabbits, and

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Pain of Loneliness(2): Learning to live...

"my apologies for prying, but the last thing we need are the red deer police searching for you and believing that you were kidnapped," he told me, nodding slowly.

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Slainte Mhath!

The dragon then stepped up to a second curtain, pulling it back to reveal a red stag in similar binds to the wolf.

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hotter than a fantasy (longer like a highway)

Those with stronger, more capable shifts - bill, a massive kodiak bear, javier, a red wolf, dutch, a barbary lion, arthur, a red deer, and miss grimshaw, an osprey, would protect those that were more at risk - hosea, a grey fox, pearson, a manx cat, mary-beth

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He had been a proud red deer at one point in his life, but no longer. something moved within her - a scrap of knowledge that this deer held importance for her, though her mind struggled with retrieving more information.

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Monarch of the Back Country - Pt 3

This story explores the life of a young feral red deer stag in the new zealand mountains, from birth to sexual maturity. **monarch of the back country - part 3** theo s.

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Honeyside Disappearances

Vlad pulled the dildo gag from the red deer and gently shook him. "wakey wakey cayser, i need you to tell my friend here how you arrived."

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 34

The red deer shook his head sadly. "what are you talking about? i'm not becoming anything." "really? then what happened to the police officer who did his best to treat criminal as fairly as victims?" "he got kicked out, remember?"

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Forbidden Love - Chapter Three - WritingGroupChallenge -

"i'm a whitetail, you're a...a beautiful red deer - it'd be wrong for us too..." "why?" eilidh murmured, nibbling at his left shoulder, her tongue slicking down the pale fur. "is doe, you are buck - is natural to feel this way, is it not?"

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