Food for Thought
Jake more commented than asked, knowing exactly how his friend gets around shorter men. "maaaaybe~?" again, john had that goofy look on his face.
He slid it off, and set it down next to his glass, before he walked behind his shorter boy.
The Journey
Squealing loudly, the shorter male he had gotten ahold of squirmed and kicked about uselessly as he was lifted clear, dangling in front of the dragons snout he nearly fainted when he snapped forwards at him with his mouth. "oh stoppit.
Intermediate Species Studies - Chapter 1 - Making A New Friend
He leaned in and bit gently at the red-furred shoulder of the shorter boy, growling lightly as his paw moved faster and started to make lewd sloppy noises with the filling sheath from the sound of fur brushing wetly against the inner fabric of the shorts.
One Of Those Evenings
I try to simply shove the heavier, but shorter, boy against the ropes and he goes easily, surprised by the ferocity of my sudden attack.
A New Hole
He almost had his teeth around the bottom of the devin's ear before the shorter male pulled away. "that's not going to work this time."
Offering Comfort
Nick kissed the back of finnick's head, and reached around to stroke what little fur of the shorter male's features was still visible, wiping away his tears and generally wanting to comfort him with a little skin-to-skin contact.
JY 4 - Territorial
The shorter boy slipped his arm around kris' and examined the raccoon's face. "you aren't jealous, are you?" there was a note of teasing in the older boy's voice, but it held real concern as well. "no... i mean, yes...
The Snuffer Tale VIII
Leonard smiled as he quickly turned the ferret around, used his right hand to grease his fingers with the shorter male's seed and inserted two fingers inside of him.
A Quick Pit Stop
"hey, better than wetting myself like a chi-..." ...before he saw the look on cassius' face, and felt the red panda embrace him from behind as the shorter male stepped in close, wrapping his arms around killian's waist and rather shamelessly teasing the
Caught Crossing
He knew the shorter male was close. "mmm, you're such a cute girl in this... should take you out for a nice dinner. wine and dine ya," he chuckled. "what sounds good?"