Runaway: Chapter 5: Epsilon-9 Station

It seemed as if we took hours to complete the massaging shower before we stepped out into the attached wind-tunnel dryer. the air was good and warm, but at first felt cool as it dried the water from us.

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Our Trip to Paris

After another 20 minutes, we loaded up on our plane, while on the runway i couldn't help but notice how windy it somehow this place was giant wind tunnel and i swore it was going to blow my clothes off.

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Getting into the Spirit of Things

They travelled some distance in the winding tunnels of the subterranean dungeon until they came to a small chamber with a large metal disk in the middle of the floor - like a manhole cover.

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Halcyon Univeristy 8 - Peace and Tranquility

Lee's shirt was cut right down the middle, his hair looked as if he had been in a wind tunnel, and his pants were slightly ripped along the side. "she happened." he pointed to cresselia without even looking back.

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Fox Furnace

Alexander's body writhed as she spoke, her words pulling hard on the rope, shadows drawing ever darker over his intellect as it screamed like a mouse in a wind tunnel. "just tell nana what you are" the husky said.

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Twisted Fates

She let makaidos through a winding tunnel, and into another section of the mountains. the growls were more intense here, as was the scent of dragon.

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Boony's Gym Trip

The vortex coming from his cumslit was enough to grab the smaller furs in the gym right off of their feet, like they were caught in a wind tunnel. they barely had time to resist before they were pulled down his cock with ease.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 4 of 29, "All of this, is ours. We built this."

A classroom and library fit between the ever-expanding spiral farm to the long winding tunnel that connects the main hall with the underground highway. a strong ironwood hatch replaced the oak wood hatch on the surface.

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Story Time

Roaming through winding tunnels. "so on the matter of kobolds. they're a classic creature from stories, what adventuring tale doesn't start with someone facing down kobolds or goblins?"

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Chapter Three: From Ashes

After a few turns of the winding tunnel, the wolves came to a set of iron doors, latched with a ridiculous amount of locks from top to bottom. kaenis gave a tilt of his head as he came up and placed a paw on the cold metal surface.

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Cosmic Cannibal Cruise Line Part 1

Upon reaching the chamber through a winding tunnel with recessed lighting brighten enough that everything is seen rather clearly but not so bright as to eliminate any shadow from forming the place is not exactly uninhabited as a gorgeous elven woman

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Instincts of Justice Chapter 9: Breaking Point

They followed the winding tunnel coming to several intersections where the ninja would pause before picking a direction. sometimes they would come back to the cavern while others they found entrance to the city.

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