A Journey Begun - Chapter 19 - Interlude 2

If the anomalous word was pointing off in a certain direction, what if he walked in that direction while fixating himself on it? so he tried it out. he backed up a few steps and kept his eyes on the anomaly.

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Persona 3: A New Empress [Story]

It was known that the shadows inhabiting the anomalous tower grew in power as they congregated closer to its apex - thusly, that shadows existed further up the tower

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Abandoned Artificial Asteroid Asylum

"from what we read of the manifests for this facility we thought bodies in these tubes were anomalous," the yithian states matter-of-factly. "they began appearing here over a time period we believe you designate as a month.

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[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 2

Not anomalous at all -- for how _could_ it be anomalous? for him, it was the setting of a grand stage of fun and arousal. the hydra had departed (with all three heads shaking in that "now i've seen everything!"

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The Engineer's Curse

The lights in the bay have gone out eight times, and the fire suppression system has been triggered twice", replied the ai, "there have also been fourteen separate unique anomalous errors which have not repeated themselves as yet."

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Walk With Me Quiet

Anything anomalous. when you reported for duty. when you left. just a log. any requests you need ... any concerns ... " "i know how to write a daily log," opal said warmly, smiling. "i've done it a few hundred times before."

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Laying the Dragon story

Diamond ran her hand across the anomalous road.the strength of the blast had fused the stone together, almost like glass. "he was carrying gold?" she asked alduin.

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Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 3 - Reconnaisance

We have detected many anomalous readings identical to those caused by the crag super-weapon detonated eleven yeas ago," the prime minister watched with earnest anticipation.

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The Battlefield (part B)

The fox rolled on the floor in pain, and as the light from the anomalous pyramid caught him i thought i could see his face... adrenaline shot through me like lightning.

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Virility Plague 1

anomalous quantity detected!!!!_ _8__.8 gallon ejaculate volume estimated...._ his balls rumbled so hard his entire body shook. his penis inflated both from bothhis unnatural arousal and the dangerous amount of fertile gunk it was being forced to eject.

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