De nuevo Guerra... Cap. XVI

Por lo general la melena de un león funciona como nuestro pelo, barba y bigote, per a leo no le gustaba tener barba ni bigote, así que con una pequeña navaja comenzó a cortar aquél pelaje naranja oscuro.

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 8

You then can judge if i was wrong in accusing you as bigots or not, but remember my warning, i will pay back any and all crimes against me or navaja."

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"no one at school is going to fucking believe this... big dog on campus lucas mandrake, beater of the weak and all time loud mouth bigot, is just some two bit tail chasing queer." the fox was holding his sides laughing hysterically .

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Teddy clenched his fists as his eyes traveled from one bigot to the next. "ohhh... i think he means to do something about it, frank," goaded the lion.

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The Pig's Wedding (1 of 2)

The town was as strange and bigoted as they said online, and that was fine. they would just leave and never step foot in the town limits again. they almost managed it, too.

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You'll Always Belong | Entree Sized Commission

Tomek's paw squeezed down on the pliers, the growing pressure forcing the feline to mewl and struggle. "...bigoted, cruel and heartless..."

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It All Ends Up on the Cutting Room Floor

What, you a bigot or something?" it sounded harsh, but the trick was to get a rise out of leto, something to build upon. "of course i'm not a bigot, cal!" replied the genet, squirming nervously.

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The Duel

He might have been a misogynistic, bigoted individual but to be fair, not many of the prospectors who went to california in 1849 were paragons of virtue either. he was the co-leader of the gold-mining operation second only to the bulldog mr.

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My Thoughts on the "Reptilian Agenda"

We love, we hate, we have our bigots, we have our rational people... we even have reptilians who don't believe in the existence of reptilians.

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Chapter 11 - The Shepherd

"i am not bigoted by your kind being at my church. what troubles you?" "is it that obvious father?" geist asked as he looked down.

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Starting from a cold memory

His name was jacob he's a dingo from the southern parts of the county but moved to corkwood to have independence from his parents that and he wanted to be away from the bigots who hate bisexual people in his former place of work.

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A Saturday Night In 1924

**A Saturday Night In 1924** By: DankeDonuts []( "You won't find anything officer. I run a dry establishment." Evie Adler looked on with polite contempt at the gaggle of...

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