The Much-Needed Goal

He quickly turned them around, and pushed the pup onto his back along the bricked slope. the younger canine shivered from the cold pressing up against his t-shirt.

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Corwin Hall, Chapter 1

Todd peered in long enough to satisfy his curiosity, and then moved along, looking up at the brick structure ahead of him.

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A new chapter of life

As he started to relax a brick suddenly flew through the window to his room, tiran jumped off his bed as the brick flew through the air that his head had just been seconds before.

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Probe (2020)

Both males panted heavily as the raccoon rested the temple of his head against the cold bricks.

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Akita's Jobs

The sharp bite made the akita moaned and claw at the wall, dragging his claws down the face of the bricks and then pulling back to return his paws to their original place.

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Quiet Torment

On the floor was shattered glass and brick. besides the window nothing was broken. "was it a burglar?" asked my mom. "i'm not sure. it might have been." while my parents looked out the window i took a closer look at the brick.

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Venturing: Deceptional Flour

For after the stairs was a huge brick wall. nine bricks are labeled from zero to nine. we never knew the order however so we just headed back up." "so these numbers...?"

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Huff And Puff

Either way he was much too busy building his home out of bricks, clearly proving his metal as the smartest of the piggy trio.

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Change of Perspective Page 10

Quickly she grabs a brick and tosses it in the opposite direction where she wants to go. "i heard something," hux says as the brick clatters behind some rubble.

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Mind if I DO

"how did you--how did he, brick?" fox had known brick for several years now, and he was not one to simply let a debt slide. he only thought it fair to ask him directly why this sudden change of heart. brick simply shrugged at him.

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Red Storm Ch. 6

He fired once again and the mg42 turned and fired on him, cutting the brick pillar next to him down. "gah! der'mat!" he cursed, bits of brick flying up and hitting him and sticking to his fur.

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ToLaD: Chapter 9: Second and First Tests

He peeked out from behind the brick, ducking back when another bullet hit the bricks. he spied down the alley, seeing a door that lead into the tall building.

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