A Week in a Cop's Life

Professor piper came out of the admin building dressed all in black with a hood over his head, and walked up the steps. bullock said "holy cow! this is going to be one special hanging." "i imagine so."

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Inglorious (Glory Hole TFTG)

Would he pay the piper, or just buy out the place and ruin the blackmailer's life? and then ned stuck his tongue down my dick. well, not down it. not exactly.

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Dead Trees

At first one may have assumed that she was simply going to escape, and pied piper them all into following her where she went, but that would've been too conspicuous for her taste, too complicated to effectively manage.

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Demonic Duplicity

Attracted like a magnet, or like the children to the pied piper. it was those yellow eyes. there was something in them that he could hardly help but walk towards. his muscles twitched with impatience.in fact, to walk towards them made perfect sense.

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"The Perfect Spell 2" - Story by Kaz

So, like the pied piper of filth, senerus neared the edge of town, a small posse of filthy furs following him with tongues out, drooling over the sight of his massive

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Hot Water - (Comm by Bearmonster)

Like a pied piper, the tiger called and the flesh followed. the severed string shook but there was no response, no reassuring weight to heed its command.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Nine

piper?" "jake piper, yes, dad. i have his number on the computer there." he pointed to the computer he kept his recipes and kitchen inventory on, then called it up by using magic to press a few buttons.

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Red shoots the moon

I'm pam piper, here to set up for the matheson show." the feline nodded and stood aside. he said, "the pieces are in the back by the alley door.

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Premium Kashyyk Wood

At some point, he would make himself more acquainted with the piper. first, he wanted to greet her captain and see his new home. hesk was already in the pilot's seat as he arrived.

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New Beginnings with Doctor Sylvia

"let's just leave her here for now, i'll let piper know to get the silk ready for when she wakes up and we can measure her." walker suggested. sylvia nodded in agreement, as the doctors stepped outside to resume their work.

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Supply Run

"these are piper nigrum,or black pepper seeds. they require a green house to grown any place that gets colder than just above freezing. i am sure you will find away to create a heated greenhouse.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 31)

The cockatiel sisters, penny and piper, are attention whores who love the sound of their own voices.

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