Span part 2

He said evasively "look seb you invied me all the way to valencia in spain, spain, and then you seem to need to tell me something and then you kiss..." he thrust his paw over my mouth to stop me.

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Shadow of the Ancestors - Chapter 3

Reynard smiled and decided to send valencia a response within the next few days giving an okay once he had his new job straightened out.

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S5 Ep4- The Truth of the Moonstone family

valencia moonstone- she was the second fairy type magic user in the moonstone family, and was also the one who started the tradition of a magic wand being passed down from king/queen to their daughter or son.

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Touch of a Barn Cat - Page 1

valencia and i have been lucky to put our skills to the limits, developing a series of spells and potions that allow us to empathize more with our feral friends.

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Luna and Thief, OI Ch 6

**_there wasn't any boat on valencia island either._** it left griffin to swallow as he looked at his capsules methodically. _marill can't support him.

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When we arrived in valencia airport sebs father hired a nice mini bus which took us to a huge house. the house belonged to sebs family and there were enough spare bedrooms for jas and i.

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Maid Services; Inside and Out

Also, my name's valencia, ilorek's mate and co-runner of this here ranch studio." khloe snorted a bit as his eyes darted from the massive ilorek to the barely-over-a-meter-tall valencia and back to ilorek who had to be two and a half times her height.

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Under Tail Behind The Barn 2

It was valencia, ilorek's mate and telkop's other boss. a single dribble of his own seed trickled down over the side of ilorek's beak as he gulped, nervously.

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Fondlings at the Cabin

My mate, valencia, has taught me the ways of a form of hypnotic mind control, or as she likes to call it, 'coercing folks into doing what they always wanted'.

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