3.3 - Now and Again

"that's what intimacy is: full disclosure." "that's a bit idealistic." "it's the truth." "a little mystery spices things up, sometimes!" the rabbit insisted. "the unknown can be alluring."

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Homecoming, Part 1

In the interests of full disclosure: i can only speculate, as that information was not included. only the note that border stations have been on the lookout since eight hundred and forty-five years from now."

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Café Plaisir: Shadow of Eclipse: Chapter 3

But recent developments have justified a full disclosure. unfortunately, it seems eclipse has returned. yesterda-" another flurry of questions from the audience. more questions of how much and when and where and how and why.

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Shifting Gears

"uh, full disclosure, i don't exactly have any money to-" "shit, kid, it's fine. i kinda figured as much what with you being stranded. don't even worry about it. s'nice having somebody to talk to. driving's lonely business." he glanced at julan again.

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A Slippery Slope - Part 3: Grioden's Reclamation

They have full disclosure and can work on defending our interests without any concerns about the moral fabric of what we're doing here." rilt leaned back again and shifted his expression to a more serious flavor.

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Walls: Exodus 4 - Shield of Sophos

Volkov motioned to me, "okay, full disclosure... i may have used a variant of our name when i first entered the virtual world. volkov vilkas, to be specific, and allen was the one who contacted me." "... why?" i wondered.

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Relevant: Chapter 4

"full disclosure," he confessed. "my financial situation isn't really the best. the place we live in is a gym that hayden okojo owns temporarily from his dad.

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I can try to hold onto the information as much as possible, but eventually general zaron will ask for a full disclosure. it will be up to him to decide the patrol's course of action."

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My Life is Super Profiles: The Lumberjack - Declassified

full disclosure. bren, gather your team. i want a full analysis on what's happened to fang and see if he's fine to deploy again. i have a lead on another of the working men and if lumberjack was hit, maybe the others are too."

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Chapter XXII: Before Horizon

full disclosure will be a given but they can just pretend they knew nothing of it. the generals are absolved as well as all these events occurred well before their time.

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Independent: Chapter 12

"full disclosure," faceless said, holding up his paws. "there is something... _else_ going on in the overworld that's got the leadership rattled for a while. we infiltrators have just heard whispers of it. it's called the 'overlord project'.

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full disclosure, in case you haven't noticed, i've been going hard with the dom today. i let her persuade me to use her, and only _use_ her for the entire day.

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