To Dream of Darkness III - CH 50

In the evenings and on weekends, ashley and lu chen served sarina and lord pennington, and the maid and cook had those two days off.

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Hotel Paradise (Chapter 1)

I have to give my fuckin' name, but chen here gets away without giving an actual personal detail." "um... it's actually 'bao'." the panda corrected. "my family puts our last name first.

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Open Season Chapter 42:Closing Time

"hel-lo, in the kit-chen." gwen called back. "hey loves, how was work?" kel crumpled into a chair. "exhausting," the vixen sighed. "it was _packed_tonight, a thrash-metal b-o-t-b." i agreed, as gwen moved to massage kel's shoulders, "my god, kel..."

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{The Conquest} - Chapter 1 - Strength Amidst the Chaos

"kashikoi, mingzhi, chen." raiji said, a low and baritone voice barely cracking. "what are you doing here? i said the council is to be done tomorrow." the emperor said, looking a bit annoyed.

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Elliot's Awakening p. 1-2

Another form appeared, this one closer cordelia chen, the young bunny from earlier, staring at me like a child, making me feel small and unprepared to face the world. i turned away escaping her gaze to be met with another.

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Chapter 2: In Denial?

That is what the sage chen said." "yes, i know, although i don't believe it will become true, it is always better to be prepared." the two sat in the chairs of the dining room, silent. "so, what should we do?"

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Splintered Light, Ch 0: Prelude

chen standing at the doorway of the forecastle. the cat said a quick series of staccato words from the language he and the tanuki shared and lee responded by tossing the oar to the other crewman with whom he'd been working.

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The Brewery

I...stepped on...giant beetles...and mended...the wall...and...met chen...chen stormstout..."  he plopped his head down. "you know...he owns this brewery now?  he...he makes the best beer...and he's thrall's buddy.  he...he helped make the horde. 

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The Brother's War

Regards, major rudolf lee chen seng. 12-3-1943

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My Journey Through High School: Chapter 13: State Chess Championships Part 1

They're star player was tony chen, exactly my age, and rated slightly higher than i was at that current time. he gave me a cold stare as he sat down with his team. he was sitting next to what looked like his personal coach.

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Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 2: The Distraction

Damian finished, placing his left paw to his chen and rubbing it softly in thought. "have you figured out what he changed to get this upgrade?" he asked, looking to his brother with a raised brow.

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Hearth Star: Scientific Curiosity

chen began just as a large, armored elephant anthro squeezed through the doorway and took an empty at the end of the table.

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