The Jarl's little troublemaker

What you did was both disobedient and dangerous! your mother would have you doing jobs, perhaps helping hrolfr at the mill. but i think a few short, sharp blows to your backside are more fitting to a would-be warrior than hours of manual labour.

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Failed Binding

Rierza was absolutely relentless when it came to punishing the mouse for disobedience. in this case, disobedience being the mouse not licking or kissing the demon's toes for longer than one consecutive second.

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Scales and Honor Night Rising: Chapter 6

"for your disobedience you will be spending the rest of the evening with this dragon you are so fond of. continue to resist me...and you share her fate within this place."

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The Lost Temple: Starlight's Discovery

disobedience leads to punishment.' the suit said again but shi refused to give up either going to the aircar or cumming. 'punishment level increased.'

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The White Cat

He had been an exceptionally disobedient shit when he was being suited up the first time. tiam had done a good job with him. " mistress." tiam nodded, placing a hand on the cheetah's head and pressing him gently down to his knees.

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Obedience Training

He knew the erotic actions he was performing on the disobedient pokémon was wrong, but he simply couldn't control himself at this point.

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Couches and Punishment

However, whenever a pet should mess up or be disobedient, they need to be taught to never do that action again. they have to be punished thoroughly by being "hit" with the stick.

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She wasn't a sneaky or disobedient teenager. she had no reason to lie to her mother unless it would come to midnight for whatever reason, but she had stopped their love sessions anyway and was suffering because of it.

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Revised Karina and Fedar.

I will not tolerate disobedience." karina's body shakes pain ripping through her. fedar his her pain and reaches down under her and lifts her up.

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Rowan Fafnir: Prologue

You know the punishment for disobedience..." at that, the two enforcers, one on either side of the boss, grinned, and the boss continued, "before that, though... have you anything to say?"

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Tresh and Raziel: Feral Dragons

Her heat was ebbing, but still strong within her, and she knew that her disobedience would earn her an especially vigorous mating when he caught her.

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Learned Behaviour (version 1)

Where he was quiet and great in class, they were rude and disobedient. where he was short and soft-bodied, the hyenas were already towering above the rest of the year and they had the muscle to go with it.

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