Wishing For More - Ascension

Yet at the same time that ethereal ache from far deeper within her flesh-and-blood felt oddly satisfying, like that burn of your muscles after an intense workout.

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Nyxilan (Nyx) Veldser

The scythe has an ethereal blade powered by a rune carved into the hilt. tapping the base of the hilt twice against any surface will make the ethereal blade appear or vanish. past: "well, it's not that exciting.

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Three dragoness one human (preview working title)

ether way, she, using her magic, made one of the rooms, well, larger on the inside. it was like another home, within a home. and in one of those rooms, a portal was made.

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Ghostly Pest Problems

Below the ghost's neck, there was a bare chest of white fur-like form, but anything beneath the chest dissolved into the ethereal smoke the mythical being was made of.

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Mystery Hero

#1 of etheral city "you have got to get your act together penny! if you don't come up with a good story soon, i'll have to let you go." said the older bear. he had a gruff voice, but cared about his employees. "but sir!

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Redemption: Fragment

A smell of magical ether caught john's attention and he turned his head to look for a specific piece of his offensive force.

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Luna's Awakening: A Tale of Discovery

Luna seemed almost surreal, like an ethereal being, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. she shimmered like a living, breathing crystal, constantly shifting and changing.

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Smokey, The Bear

With a mesmerizing swirl of smoke, connie's robes dissipated, replaced by wisps of ethereal mist that cling to her form before disappearing all together.

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The Breaking of the world

The imagi was the remaining ethereal wisps of the thoughts and imaginations of the dead ancestors of the past.

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But, oh, her eyes what a sight to behold, the most beautiful amethyst color, helped, along with the rest of her features, giving her an ethereal look as if she were a fallen angel.

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