Love Lost, Chapter 12a: Communiques.

frankie and his own true master were reading a simple book together. sam said something privately, to which frankie responded with a bleat and a nod.

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Chapter 20: Last chance to rest

Asked ty 'they were annoying the girls,' shouted frankie 'oooo, how are they even a live before you guys got to them?'

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#4 of frankie-survey mayham introducing travis the musical wolf who is the ying to frankie's yang.


Not So Romantic First Date , Part 3

[1.5 hours later] back at frankys salon complete silence filled the room as everyone was taken back by mikes answer.

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The PokeHumans: Episode 05

franky nodding violently. hanzo then took harold's hand, looking back at the other two mons. at franky in particular, "come on franky. let me introduce you to the team" franky's ears perked, "really?!"

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Gender Bending Clubbing.

frankie glanced at her, nodding a little but still there was a sigh in her voice. "i know, doesn't mean i don't miss him though." wiping a tear away from her muzzle, frankie spoke up.

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The Search is Over-Chapter 29

Fate has brought you and brandon to find rain and because of that, she brought you here, so you'd find frankie. fate wanted you to find frankie."

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Tales from Anthracite City 2: One Night at Frankie's

"this was a frankie's? i thought the whole chain closed down a decade ago."

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digi kimi Chapter 16: Welcome back Ty

Said cliff as he was standing next to frankie 'cliff, frankie,' said ty as he high five frankie and cliff 'what about us?'

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Digression: Pt 2

I'm going to get frankie ready and then she'll come join you.

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