Uks Silvercast

The only sounds around him where that of shuffling feet of rotted furs outside the door which he really didnt seem to fear as much any longer. end of chapter one....tbc!

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He Is Here.

His belches and farts spewed fumes that circled the whole world; people on all other continents started to rot and die, only the prelude to his putrid presence there.

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Guardian Without Direction Chapter 2: My strange damsel in distress

Only to let his remains rot into decay. only a handful of citizens remained in the southern districts. some of them being too resilient as to let their beloved homes, filled with memories,rot into nothingness. others, like me, where forced to stay.

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A Sticky Situation (Halloween Story)

"now, what to do to with you," cim pondered to the groaning and snarling feline zombie, who's proud mane was now falling out of its rotting skull.

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The Furry Dead Chapter XVIII - In the Firelight

Others, all around, raised their arms as if in unholy unison, their voices coming together in a horrible melody, a choir of the rotting dead.

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Descending on a Feast

The scent of rotting flesh grew sour in their snouts, the blood caking the dusty fur of those who had already indulged now a terrifying harbinger of the approaching doom.

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Character Sheet: Selen Shepard

-miasma: a foul stench of rotting flesh invades the air, draining strengths from enemies around. -plague: spreads the plague to her enemies, which causes their skin to quickly rot and kill them.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 25

Fusing a rotting meat flower and a turtle. \> you activate the machine. you place the flower in the first cage, and the orb in the other. you then place the turtle in the first cage, and the flower in the other.

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Sommerträume Kapitel 3 Eine Party Teil 2

Sie wurde ganz rot, was black star ebenfalls etwas verlegen machte. wollte sie etwa mit ihm flirten oder warum war sie so rot angelaufen?

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Keine Frage der Ehre Kapitel 5: Der Fremde

Und warum tut mir alles weh:als er hoch blickte und den jungen wolf sah wurde er rot und fragte wer bist du?

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3 Scarlett Waters The Arm

You swallow hard and bring the dagger down about half way up her forearm above the reach of the rot.

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?Keine Frage der Ehre Kapitel 6: Der Weg des Kriegers

Der löwe antworte:"ich heiße tritus,junger mann".der junge fuchs beobachtete den löwen er sah das er schwarzes fell hatte und eine goldene mähne,der fuchs wurde leicht rot bei diesen anblick. fortsetzung folgt...

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