
So you will go to your fancy hotel suite... and lick the cum of the male who is breeding her out of your wife. huhuhu heh... that much you'll enjoy i'm sure..."

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.6 - With Burning Faith

"some fancy hotel-casino combo," the stallion shrugged, "i dunno why, we got plenty of those already."

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The Dragon’s Dungeon, Chapter 1 - Ren: Abduction

While a fancy hotel room would have had paintings and plants, slithar's room had cages, whips, and chains decorating the wall like some bizarre museum.

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Interspecies Camaraderie

It was like he was checking in at a very expensive and fancy hotel. this was a stark upgrade to the typical cramped barracks he normally bunked in whenever they did operations.

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Locked 6

It looked more like a fancy hotel that the inside of a boat, jake glanced around in wonder as the prince went on. "i hope for your sake that you are a male of your word."

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The Boneheap, Part 7: Acquaintances, Old and New

The actual parking, if any, was located behind a metal gate discreetly off to the side; directly in front of her, though, seemed to be a replica of one of those roundabouts you'd find driving up to a fancy hotel, complete with light-studded marquee

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Stripping Stripes II

But they're going to put me up in this fancy hotel suite while i'm there. and i'll make about two years' worth salary. it's a big thing for me." "well, congrats, man. i'm happy for you." nate nodded. "yeah. it sounds great.

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Tailesium - Welcome to the Neighborhood

The elevator car's interior looked a lot like the type seen in fancy hotels, full of polished brass, mirrors, and bright ceiling lights. its dimensions, though, were more like a cargo lift - a cube ten feet on each side and nine feet high.

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Last Resort: Chapter 4 (Final)

The bedroom was as you could expect from a luxurious suite in a fancy hotel. there was a massive double bed, at least king size or maybe more, with plenty of room for the two of them, coupled with silk sheets.

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Shark Lovers 3

It reminded me of a classy hotel sort of thing red carpet on the floor plants spaced out evenly and gold lining along the floor we stopped at a door that said 'executive 16-a'.

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Life's a Bitch

It was a recreation of their wedding night, when he and stephanie had shared the honeymoon suite at a fancy hotel, long before he could afford such things, and he did not feel strong enough right now to clean it up.

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Developing Prints - Chapter 4

It's not going to be the end of the world if she spends _one_ night in a fancy hotel." cam gulped, hoping the sound of the water drowned it out.

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