Harvest Home

silver spoons from a drawer landed beside each cup with a jingle, and he sat down again beside the fox. "nothing to do but wait now."

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The Long Road Home: Farm Country

I wonder if any of them has ever had to fight for anything in their lives, or did the silver spoon shoved in their mouths at birth stick with them. always dependent, never fending or fighting for their own survival. daddies little fucking entrepreneur.

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Dante's Awakening Chapter 10.

As the last silver spoon dropped into the fine china dishes of the dessert, the unicorn sighed and leaned back into her chair. "i am guessing that you enjoyed that?" dante asked. ammy giggled, "not eaten out like that in over fifty years.

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Forbidden Fruit, Part II

She was carrying a shallow bowl in each hand, silver spoons gleaming as they reflected her wings. specter grimaced. "shade, did you really need to go around with your wings on in the middle of the night?"

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Sellouts or Survivors

But, we do not blame you for this, it is the way of your world, of you silver spoon fed fools."  the crowd remained silent as the feline made her speech without a hint of anger or animosity in her melodic voice.

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Between Rainbows and Butterflies

I almost always find her with silver spoon, but this time even silver spoon was taking part in all of the fun the other kids were having. but for whatever reason, diamond tiara was not. in her hooves was a single card.

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Presenting Paradise

But to the wiser man's frustration by the time he turns back to address the silver spoon fed dilettante he has already absconded to one of the adjacent chambers. reminded of children on christmas day the archaeologist sighs and takes out his pipe.

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ch 34 reap what is sown

It was holding its silver spoon above the trainer's head. looker explained, "in case you are wondering, that spoon will act as the lie-detector. if you are dishonest, it will bend forward."

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Master's Request

It came from having a lifetime of silver spoons crammed into his muzzle.

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You can see the silver spoon sticking out of his muzzle if you squint hard enough.

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Love's Battlefield - Volume 9

With lawyers for both his mother and father, he had every opportunity to be just as pretentious and self-serving as the rest of the rich, silver spoon-fed snobs that sauntered up and down the building's halls as though they owned them, but he'd never once

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Reynard and the Dragon

"your words, reynard fox, are honey, sipped from a silver spoon. but you speak true, and so i shall give you what you seek. strange are the times when the knave of thieves will ask before taking."

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