Delta Redux 01: Blood in the sand
Clarice blushed, and kissed him on the lips quickly while no-one was looking, as best she could anyways, possesing a muzzle rather than lips, and took her sandwich, winking at jj before she bit into it hungrily.
Xavier: The Beginning
He's terribly protective, kind, and posseses a plethora of worldly knowledge. he is very clever and inventive. ---- "oz" the receiver buzzed into the otter's ear, making his whiskers twitch as he monitored the screens.
Naughty Dragons With Naughty Ideas
The flesh of the males' sack was wrinkly, even flappy in places, but she knew that only one species of dragons possesed such as physical trait. a wyrm. or egg burglar, as they were often called with ill intention.
Consequences I Guess
I start chewing on that strip of flesh in my mouth, possesively raking my tibial spines through his chest fluff, leaving thin cuts across his chest and hearing the drip drip drip of blood on tile.
Mohjir entered the room with a fairly tall, bulky lepuline possesed of particularly short ears and a rather long muzzle; his fur was the color of the drinking-chocolate mohjir had found for my breakfast.
Spooky Paws Chapter 1
Spooky Paws It's Halloween and JellyPaws couldn't wait to go venture out to trick or treat. The white and pink husky looked himself in the mirror, making sure he was wearing his costume properly and that every detail is in check. After all, he...
Eyes Open
He must have done or said something unintentonally becuse john gave off another one of those sexy growls and the look he gave arlen next was something very dark and possesive, sexy and primal. delicious.
Blue Moon
A few seconds later my tailbone started to throb and grow pulling away from the rest of my body and as fur consumed it i realized that i now was in possesion of a tail. i growled in pleasure as my growing frame snapped my panties in two.
Over Time
A heavy sense of unease and grogginess possesed him as soon as he could form thought. the bedroom was easily not his room, but wasn't all that unfamiliar in its appearance.
The Name of Science
The lapine's beautiful looks hiding the psychotic mad scientist mind she possesed, she smiled as she entered looking to alexzander and walking up to the glass. "ready to start the day?"
The Enchantress's Endowment
He growled out possesively as he pushed forwards and got up to his knot in the panting eeveelution. the large orb of flesh pressingbup to the others tailhole. the obscene bulge of his cock very obvious as he laid once more on the now 'inferior' male.
Aren't We Lovely Ch. 1 (Pony Tf, Tg)
Besides, if she indeed possesed power, that would explain why she wasn't afraid of you outside of exotic curiosity. even then, you didn't seem all that exotic to her. she said 'other types' such as you would be seen sometimes.