Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Chapter 15

"you just want to snuggle your little wyrmling again." he replied, she listened to the sound of his footsteps as he strode over towards her. "is that so wrong?"

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A Sympathetic Mind: Part 1-Brambles

Dominaratal guided slair to a milk-dripping nipple which he instantly latched onto, suckling the dragoness' breast as a hungry wyrmling would.

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Engaging Blitzen

I'm so excited to actually see it in action, i feel like a wyrmling celebrating its hatching day." "well i guess there's no reason to wait for the initial test then." he smiled as he spoke, moving to stand up.

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Knight of Soular: Chapter 8

The one from the city that had watched with interest as the wyrmling had played with him.

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I still say i detest wyrmlings." "i wasn't that bad, was i?" dia teased, feeling a slight head shake from the black one. "no... not in the slightest." a deep sigh as he continued to whisper.

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Zhaiothe Part 7 - Collapse My Dream

Zhai felt himself become the wyrmling he was when he last saw his father, towering before him. "you didn't even deserve to live, not compared to what valo was."

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Sent Kobold Chapter 8: Library's Seal

Who knew how the wyrmling thought. he could either be selfishly impulsive one moment and cunningly patient the next.

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Somewhere Out There Act 5 - Brave New World

Your wyrmling's future? would you let it slide if she could promise a cure? because she can find it, if you give her the resources. but it will come at a price; mostly dealing with her pride and arrogance-" "like you?"

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Gaining Momentum

Lexar, the wyrmling snorted. hearing the younger adult whimper a bit and faintly turning his entire body purple. "especially dia." another whine as the smaller adult lowered his head and ears. "he needs the most work."

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Mach 2 Love

The small matcha wyrmlings were now inside the canisters, contently snoozing full of new gel. "won't be long, they just need to grow bigger."

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A Suitable Arrangement (Suited for Adventure Part 2) [COM]

From the time he was a wyrmling the drake enjoyed doing little more than staying up for hours- days even- at a time, taking apart and reassembling any piece of salvage or equipment he could get his claws on.

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Two Weeks- 11 A New Life

The wyrmlings inside were eager to be free, and soon all three were hard at work. little by little the shells tore, and the last vestiges of goo began to leak into the water. "they're hatching."

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