A old friend

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#3 of Dad's girl

Due the situation Alan needs some relief and finds it with a old female friend.

On the next day Allan wakes up listening his alarm clock, he has his face sunken in the pillow. Alan growls with bother while he feels the heat of some sunbeams on his nape of the neck.

He growls because he wishes to sleep, only had managed to close his eyes for close to one hour. His organism requests him rest, the wolf without thinking a lot decides to take the day off.

His important work fortunately is done and Barret just needs to add his work of marketing.

Besides it is Friday and it is not a big deal, Alan gets up and calls to his friend in the department of human resources of the company to report sick for that day.

When the call ends, Allan yawns largely and he scratches his crotch a moment before getting out of the bedroom and knocking the door of the bedroom of Amanda.

He opens the door and smiles seeing that his daughter was sleeping in bed peacefully, she embraces her pillow while she has his closed eyes. Alan comes closer and smiles seeing his big love.

Alan sits at the edge of the bed and caresses Samantha's head with calm, she looks beautiful.

"Dad?" Samantha asks when she wakes up feeling the caresses. The girl rubs her eyes smoothly.

"It is time to wake up, you have to go to school." Alan says smiling at his daughter.

"And you?" Samantha asks noticing that her father still is using his pajamas.

"Well I will not go today, I will take the day off." Alan responds while he gets out of bed to let that she gets out of her bed and get ready.

"Can't I stay too?" Samantha asks looking at her father. He shakes his head.

"But you will not go to work." She says with bother. Alan laughs smoothly seeing the small tantrum.

"Well here I am my father and decide what I can do, but you need to go to school." Alan says with firmness and with some laughter. Samantha growls before sitting at the edge of the bed and stretching her body.

Alan gets out of the room and comes down to the kitchen to prepare a fast breakfast for his daughter. A half-hour later she goes down to the kitchen to take the breakfast before taking her backpack to go to school.

When he is alone, Alan gets in his bedroom and jumps in bed to keep on sleeping, he closes his eyes when his head touches the pillow. The wolf sleeps totally tired.

An alarm of his cellular phone finally wakes you up, he growls with bother when he holds out his hand and catches his telephone. He turns off the alarm and growls with distaste before stretching his body.

Alan changes his clothes and he puts on more comfortable clothing, he begins to do some housecleaning. He prefers to put things in order a little before having a big problem of disorder later.

He gets to Samantha's room and makes a grimace seeing that there are several things out of his place in addition to the bed is not made. Alan with calm begins to pick up some things on the floor and makes the bed.

While he does it, the wolf notices something hidden below the bed, it is hidden behind some shoes.

Alan introduces his hand under the bed and catches a brown crate box that he takes out.

His eyes open completely seeing that in that place, it is a box that was hidden in the attic.

Alan opens the box and with surprise he looks at some of his old porn magazines that he had collected some time ago.

Alan looks at the first magazine's cover, show a naked tigress supporting his ample breasts in her hands. One by one Allan sees the pages of the magazines observing the multiple photos of naked couples in sexual and very explicit situations.

The wolf's heart runs rapidly while he places the magazines on the box again without understanding what happens. He puts rapidly his attention in the computer of his daughter.

Alan feels a great indecision the moment that he turns on the computer, the wolf feels that he betrays his daughter's trust spying her, but he needs to confirm an idea that is in his mind.

The wolf uses the browser to check the pages that his daughter visits, Alan's eyes open when he sees that many of them are XXX sites with a lot videos.

He turns off the computer and he sits in bed completely confused, his daughter is seeing this in spite of what he happened to her. That does not make sense for Alan, he sees the floor and notices some black knickers at his feet.

Alan's hands pick up the knickers and the wolf places it at the height of his face to see them. They are a clothing that forms part of a fine lingerie that she had implored him buying it a little while ago.

Alan without noticing he lays his nose on the knickers and sniffs them completely, his developed sense of smell perceives the aroma of young juices that fills completely his mind.

Alan's eyes open completely and he hurls the knickers to the floor with apprehension when feeling that his member in his sheath hardens. The wolf stops and gets out of the bedroom feeling terrible.

Alan feels that his penis tip gets out of his sheath, he breathes agitatedly while he sits on the sofa and begins to watch television switching channels rapidly.

He tries to have fun for a while not to think about the delicious and sweet aroma that he felt in the room of Samantha. She is her daughter, her daughter and he could not feel desires for her.

It is somewhat terrible, she is a young female and yet not he had come to adulthood, even so it would be completely reproachable. After some minutes Alan feels that his member's tip again hides.

The wolf feels calmer while he denies with his head, but his problems only increase when his cellular phone rings. Alan takes his telephone and responds the call.

"Good day Mr. Arrington, I am the director of the school of Samantha again." Tristan Elwyn says in the other side of the line. Alan opens his eyes with surprise.

"Today we had a new incident with Samantha." The principal says for surprise of Alan.

"What happened?" Alan asks anxiously. He did not know how he will see his friend, if Richard was attacked again.

"Apparently a boy touched Samantha sexually without her consent, and she attacked her; Samantha kicked him in the crotch and she kicked him a couple of times when he was in floor." Tristan says while he talks with calm and worry.

Alan feels that his rage rockets listening to the words of the man.

"He is a problematical boy and this will be last time that he will come to the school, I will throw him out of the school and in spite of the fact that his parents can present any complaint I will not take any action against your daughter." Tristan says while the sound of papers moving is heard.

"Thank you a lot." Alan says feeling a more unruffled that his daughter was not in a big problem.

"Mr. Arrington, I understand what happens to your daughter and I hope she gets better, but it is necessary that you take the necessary steps to help her before this gets out of my hands." The principal says while he takes a deep breathing.

"I understand it, I will solve it." Alan says worried for his daughter.

"That is all, have a nice day." The principal says before Alan says good-bye too and hang up the phone. Alan does not move while he watches television, he does not pay attention to it while his thoughts are focused on his daughter.

Alan reads over the last doings and what he saw in the bedroom of his daughter, she has desires and needs. It is not somewhat strange due to her age, Alan is sure that some of her friends no longer are virgin.

But the past persecutes her daughter, she cannot permit that a male touch her, Richard is a good boy and Alan is sure that he did not touch Samantha sexually of lascivious way intentionally.

Alan drowns himself in his thoughts while he does not know what to do to help his little girl, she is everything for him. At noon day Alan eats a couple of sandwiches, he does not desire to have something more elaborated.

The wolf is sitting on the sofa when the front door of the house opens and Samantha enters in the house.

"Hi dear." Alan says while he sees his daughter. She greets him and she looks sad, Alan feels that her heart shrinks with pain to see that she cleans a couple of tears while she goes up the stairs and she heads toward her room.

Alan heaves a sigh while he gets up and goes up the stairs, he gets close to his daughter's door and knocks at the door.

"Samantha. May I come in?" Alan asks and expects some moments. He sees the doorknob turn slowly before his daughter opened the door. Alan enters in the bedroom while his daughter moves back.

Alan sits in bed and gives some soft taps to the bed, his daughter sits at his side. Alan nuzzles his daughter's right ear some moments before she looks at him.

"You know...attack a boy's noble parts it is not defense, it is senseless violence." Alan says doing a face to his daughter. She opens her eyes and she laughs by the joke of Alan.

"The principal told me that he would be thrown out of the school, but I want to know what happened." Alan says looking at his daughter. Samantha gets surprised a little and remains in silence some moments.

"While we were in the cafeteria, that boy from behind hold me and he squeezed my breasts telling me that surely I enjoyed what happened with Richard." Samantha says looking at her father.

Alan growls with angry hearing it. He wanted to come across that little kid and to give him a great lesson.

"But at the end perhaps he will not have children." Alan says looking at Samantha. She laughs just like him for some moments. When laughter finishes, Alan takes a deep breathing.

"Samantha... I am really sorry... I had snooped around when I was trying to clean a little your bedroom I found the magazines." Alan says looking at his daughter. The girl's eyes open completely and she sees at another side feeling a great shame.

"It is Ok you feel curiosity... it is somewhat normal when I was young also wanted to see find a chance to see a naked girl." Alan says making a grimace while he embraces his daughter to lean her against his body and to show her that he was not angry.

"Did you see the rest? Samantha asks and looking toward her computer. She had noticed that not everything was just as she had left it. Alan nods shamefacedly.

"It is OK dad... at least you did not look for drugs and I guess that I leave the box very at sight." Samantha says trying looking calm. Her father had not spied on you, he trusts her completely.

Alan laughs smoothly and kisses his daughter on the forehead.

"You told me that you want to have cubs someday but that will be difficult if you not permit that a boy touches you or... you know sexual stuff." Alan says looking at his daughter.

"I did not trust in males." Samantha says while she growls with distaste.

"Don't you trust neither in me?" Alan asks doing a grimace to his daughter.

"I trust in you dad, even if you touched me sexually or take me to the bed." Samantha says while she has her closed eyes and embraces her father for some moments. Alan's eyes open with complete surprise and consternation to hear that.

Samantha realizes of what she says and rapidly she moves away from her father. She does not look at him, she does not know how to look at him. Samantha cannot believe what she said.

Alan neither can believe it, he swallows saliva while he looks at his daughter without moving, and he stays quiet without knowing that to do. His ears perhaps listened badly, she may not have said it seriously.

Both do not move during more of unconformable fifteen minutes, Samantha is the first in moving.

"Uhmm dad... Can you go out? Please, I want to get ready to go to Susan's home." Samantha says while she has her look put in the floor of her bedroom.

"Of course..." Alan says getting up and getting out of the bedroom rapidly.

He closes the door and he goes away rapidly, his head is full of doubts and thoughts that torment him. His body is shaking and his level of stress soars to the single thinking in making something like that.

Alan locks himself up in his bedroom while he does not stop thinking about what happened since his little girl was kidnapped to the last incident. He shakes his head time after time.

The wolf does not realize that the sun goes down behind the horizon and arrive the night, he gets startled when somebody knocks at the door.

"Dad I am ready and it is time to go." Samantha says with a weak voice.

"Ok I will be with you soon." Alan says while he changes clothes rapidly and in a few minutes he is ready. He uses a white shirt with a tie and a black pair of pants, the wolf gets out of his bedroom and goes down to the living room of the house.

He swallows hard when he sees that his daughter awaits for him close to the door, she looks beautiful wearing some pants jean and a white blouse. Alan shakes his head and takes his daughter to the automobile.

Alan locks the doors next h gets in the automobile. The automobile gets out of the garage and the garage door closes slowly, when it is done the wolf runs the automobile that begins to move on the streets.

Everything is in silence in the automobile, Samantha looks through the window of the passenger while Alan drives. They feel uncomfortable and they do not know what to say, Alan looks at his daughter repeatedly.

Samantha for her part only wishes to arrive with her friends, the girl refuses to see her father directly. After a half-hour they get to their destination and Alan stops the automobile.

He turns off the motor, Samantha and his father do not move.

"Samantha, dear." Alan says looking at his daughter. She looks at her father with discomfort, both look at each other in silence until Alan does her a funny face.

"I do not want problems, I do not want the mother of Susan have to call to tell me that she cannot control a couple of girls." Alan says looking at Samantha.

"Ok dad." She says before getting out of the automobile and smiling. Samantha walks to the house of her friend while her father looks at her. Alan sees as the ass of his daughter moves with each step.

The wolf shakes his head, he cannot see his girl like a woman, and he cannot make it. When Samantha enters in the house, Alan feels calmer and sighs.

His stress's level is high. The great quantity of problems have his mind filled with worry and affliction, Alan knows that he needs to relax to have the mind clean to deal with the problems that he has in hands.

He could go to a bar, but it is not his style. Instead runs the automobile and drives it through the streets of the city until he gets to the most sordid part of the city.

It is full of neon signs advertising many brothels and night clubs, the people enter and gets out of them. There are several cars parked in the streets, Alan advances to get to the central part of the zone.

It is a most exclusive and expensive place with where are bigger and certainty cleaner establishments and with the most beautiful females. Alan stops in front of an old and well-kept big house.

There are luxurious automobiles parked on the street, Alan gets out of his automobile and sees as the men enter and they get out of the big house. Two frightening bears are in the door keeping watch to everyone that enters in the place.

Alan puts the alarm on his automobile and he is walks towards the entrance of the big house, when he gets close to the bears, they look at him and they make a grimace because they know Alan.

He enters in the big house, and sees the activity that develops in the inside, some men are sitting at the table seeing a show of striptease while they drink something.

Alan sees that a poodle female dog gets close to him. She is half-naked and her breasts are attractive

"Good night Alan. What do you desire?" The female asks smiling and taking the hand of Alan.

"Hi Diane. Is Katherine working tonight?" Alan asks looking at the female dog.

"Yes, when you will choose me? The female asks with bother and smiling at the wolf.

"Next time, I promise." Alan responds looking a Diane. She nods content.

"Wait a moment." The female dog says smiling and turning over to go away to disappear behind a drape. Alan has fun some moments while he sees the spectacle until he sees that somebody goes out behind the drape.

Alan sees that a Persian cat with silky tail gets close to him. She uses a seductive black dress that contrasts well with her white fur. The feline one has some sky-blue beautiful eyes.

"Uhmm... Alan I am glad that you visit me." The female says when she comes closer and caresses Alan's chest.

"Hi Katherine I need a relief." Alan says while she sees the cat is almost one lower head than he is.

"Well... I am good in that." Katherine says purring and looking at the wolf with a smile. Katherine takes Alan's hand to lead him along a corridor and next both go up the stairs to the big house's first floor.

Alan feels the floor carpeted under his feet, to the corridor it is well decorated with paintings of naked women. The wolf sees as some men get out of bedrooms while they fix their clothing.

Katherine opens a door and leads to Alan inside the bedroom, he sees an ample and comfortable bed. The floor is covered by a thick and fine carpet.

"Well Alan, you know my tariff." Katherine says smiling closing door while she opens the front part of her clothing.

"Of course, but I want anal sex too." Alan says while he begins to open his shirt.

"That increments the tariff, but without the knot." The cat says while she finishes gotten rid of her clothing. She has a thin figure and with breasts of a size for a female of her species.

Alan takes his shirt and the rest of his clothing to sit in at the edge of the bed, Katherine leans on her hand and knees on the floor and purrs while she crawls getting close to Alan slowly.

She introduces her head between the legs of the wolf, Alan opens his legs wide and sees that the cat gets close to his crotch, the female begins licking the big balls.

Her tongue moves on the two balls of slow way in the meantime she is looking at the wolf.

Alan enjoys feeling like the rough tongue on his fur, the tongue goes over each part of the furry orbs slowly.

The halfback line of both testicles is caressed by the tongue with slowness until it gets to the black sheath. Katherine uses her right hand to catch the two orbs, she caresses them with calm.

Alan does not miss a single moment of the action, the cat's tongue moves on his sheath and gets to the opening. The tip moves circularly in the opening, Alan shakes when Katherine pushes her tongue.

The tongue breaks forth by the opening, the female feels the internal heat, she pushes her tongue and touches the tip of the member of the wolf. He pants and moans feeling his member's tip it is caressed directly.

Katherine continues massaging two testicles, her tongue begins to be pushed back out by the member of Alan that emerges slowly.

The female cat takes out her tongue and sees as the red tip appears, she purrs and closes her lips around it. Alan moans and growls with calm feeling as the tip of his cock is sucked.

Katherine opens her mouth feeling like the canine member begins to grow in her mouth, she feels as the hard meat keeps on filling it. Her tongue touches the penis and she likes very much the taste.

Alan pants and sees as the female sucks his shaft with slowness, his knot grows on the base of his penis and Katherine begins to caress it. She feels the hardness and it is what she loves more of a canine penis.

Katherine takes out the penis from her mouth and licks it from up and down repeatedly without stopping to see the wolf. The tongue is delight for Alan, the female takes down her snout and licks the knot.

"Your cock it is delicious, I would like to have toy with a similar taste." Katherine says purring and looking at Alan while she masturbates the wolf slowly.

"You can have it every day, if I have free service." Alan says looking at the female.

"That will not happen." Katherine says licking her mouth before passing her tongue on the tip of the member. She with slowness cleans the precum on the tip before closing her mouth around the cocks and sucking it.

Alan growls and moans while the cat moves his head with slowness, she feels as spurts spatter the entrance of her throat. Her tail budges slowly because she has a good time of what she does.

The cat lowers her head further at the moment that the shaft is disappearing, Alan moans and closes his eyes at the moment that his penis enters in the mouth of the female.

Katherine's lips touch the knot, she had practiced a lot to be able to give a deep throat, Alan's member is large and it is a great achievement for her and few female cats to make it.

The hard meat is squeezed and stimulated by the muscles of the throat of Katherine. She keeps her head in place, her hand caresses Alan's testicles while her saliva drips from the knot.

Alan enjoys this for some minutes. The female slowly withdraws the shaft of her mouth to begin to move her head and to suck a portion of the penis.

Alan's moans increase and he pushes his penis on the face of the female at the moment that his member begins to shoot semen in the feline mouth.

Katherine feels that her mouth becomes flooded with thick and delicious semen, the female sucks the seed with pleasure while Alan growls and pants.

When the whole seed is swallowed by Katherine, she draws the penis from her mouth and she licks her mouth to clean the whiskers that are stained with semen that is dripping.

The cat closes her hand around the cock and she masturbates the wolf. Alan moans and pants without stopping to observe the woman.

"You are my only customer that I allow ejaculating in my mouth." Katherine says while she purrs and looks at Alan. He smiles smoothly.

"The cats like the warm milk." Alan says at the moment of that Katherine stands up and gets in the bed to lean backwards. The female purrs and looks at Alan sensually.

The wolf moves to position himself on the woman. Alan places his hands on the white tits to press them and to stimulate them, Katherine moans and permits that the wolf have fun with her breasts.

Alan leans forward and begins to suck the pink right nipple that sticks up from the white fur. Alan sucks softly and listens as the female meows with pleasure.

She feels as her nipple is hit by the tongue of Alan, he has his other hand the other tit to stimulate it. Alan stops and changes of tit to suck it, with his free hand he masturbates rapidly.

His penis hardens and shoots little spurts of precum. The wolf stops to get comfortable, between the legs of the female. Katherine purrs while she sees as the hard member heads toward her slit.

The tip gets between her vaginal lips, Alan feels the heat and pushes his hips. He closes his eyes when the soft and wet heat of the cat surrounds his shaft.

Katherine moans and closes her eyes feeling as the member slides in her inside and stretches her vaginal walls, she loves the big cocks. A wolf has a big one and no male of her species has such big cock.

The penis slides in her body until the knot touches her wet vulva, the tip is touching the entrance of her cervix. Alan moans and enjoys the moment, the female is tight, very tight.

Alan begins to pump his penis in the feline female, his penis enters and gets out of the cat's body rapidly. His precum spatter the vagina.

Katherine moans and meows with pleasure, her juices surrounds the member. She closes her arms around the neck of Alan. The female's whiskers move while she moans of pleasure.

The knot whams her crotch, Alan growls drooling on the face of the female. His member's is rubbed by the vaginal walls is loudly exquisite and she gets a great pleasure.

His balls and his stomach get wet with juice that splashes from the pink opening of Katherine, her body bounces and the bed creaks with force. Alan's penis hardens more and his balls prepare to shoot semen.

The wolf stops and takes out his penis rapidly, Alan pants while he sees that Katherine is breathing agitatedly, the precum is dripping from the tip of the penis.

Alan holds Katherine's hips and she turns him over to raise the ass of the female, she feels as Alan squeezes her cheeks with calm. Alan feels the firmness of the buttocks.

Katherine is reclined forward, she with her left hand points at the bedside table that is close. Alan stretches his hand and takes a lubricant bottle, Katherine pushes his tail aside while Alan opens the bottle.

The cat shakes when the wolf pour some cold lubricant on her little anus. Alan scatters the liquid between the cheeks of the she-wolf before applying lubricant on his member.

Katherine's juices would be enough, but she asked to use the lubricant. The wolf gets ready and puts his penis tip on the anus of the cat.

Alan begins to push his penis against the sphincter of the woman, the female cat whines of pain by the pressure of the tip. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply, pressure increases and a meow of pain is heard when the tip penetrates into the ass of the feline.

The heat surrounds the tip of the penis, Alan feels it and places his hands on the white buttocks and spreads them when he begins to push. He looks as his shaft is disappearing in the posterior passage of Katherine.

She pants moan feeling that her entrails open as the cock keeps on invading her rectum of slow way, Katherine feels as the penis slides without problems.

Alan stops when his penis tip touches the bottom of the anus, his knot is touching the female's sphincter. Alan begins to pump rapidly in the ass of the cat.

He moans and pants with pleasure feeling as his hard cock is caressed by the anal hot walls. His hands hold Katherine's white buttocks.

She moans and pants with pleasure, her breasts rock back and forward with each push of Alan. She feels as her buttocks are hit by the groin of the wolf and they tremble lightly when this happens.

Her sphincter moves on the hard and thick shaft of Alan, she likes very much the anal sex, mainly with the canine species. The bottom of her anus is touched with each thrust.

Katherine places her hand on her crotch and begins to rub her vulva rapidly, her clitoris is caressed with each motion. Her juices drip in the bed while her body rocks.

Alan growls of pleasure while he drools and his saliva falls on the back of the cat, the tail caresses the chest of Alan. The little spurts of precum help to the motion of the penis in the rectum of Katherine.

The ass of pussy of Katherine is always tight no matter how many guys fucked her.

That's why he usually requires her when he comes to the brothel.

Alan closes his eyes a moment and he concentrates on the pleasure that he feels, his penis moves back and forth. His tail moves with pleasure and his balls hit the hand of the female cat that moves.

In his mind is the image of the female that he is fucking, the cat's tail moves and suddenly the image changes to take the appearance of a white and canine tail.

Alan sees two white ears of a canine in the head that also is one canine.

He gets surprised and listens with surprise a different moan, with the timbre of Samantha.

She moans with force and grunts his name while he continues pumping his member in the tight anus.

Katherine gets surprised a little when the velocity of the thrusts of Alan accelerate and he growls with force. The penis enters and it comes out faster of her anus shooting more precum.

Alan growls and pants while his look is placed on the white cheeks that his groin hit, he listens more moans of his daughter. She does it with pleasure, her daughter looks over her shoulder.

"Dad knot me!" She says whining of pleasure and looking at his eyes directly.

"Alan... no!" Katherine says when she feels the pressure of the knot against her sphincter, the cat looks at that the wolf has his closed eyes while he holds her and he pushes without stopping.

Alan does not listen and pushes with more force, his senses they do not perceive the meow of pain of Katherine when she clenches her teeth and she closes her eyes with force when her sphincter opens and surrounds Alan's knot.

She feels a great pain when the whole penis enters in his anus, being knotted is not new for her, but prefers not to be knotted to avoid losing time in her work.

She feels as the member throbs in her rectal passage and Alan pumps savagely drooling in the female. Katherine again masturbates because she knows that no longer there is going back.

All her rectum is full of meat hard, the female puts two fingers into her vagina and she moves them rapidly. Her meows are strong and they mix with the growling of Alan.

He does not stop while he is completely absorbed in fantasy, Katherine whines with force and pushes her fingers in her vagina deeply. She shakes when her orgasm breaks out in her body.

Her body arches and tightens, her anal walls squeezes Alan's cock with force. He feels it, a howl escapes of his mouth when he pushes with force and powerful spurts of seed hit the anal walls and fill each crack.

Katherine feels this and she enjoys it completely, she gets surprised when Alan leans upon her, the female cat leans upon her chest while she feels the weight of the wolf on her body.

She breathes agitatedly while she feels as the wolf does not move. Alan has his closed eyes in the meantime his cum continuous flowing.

Alan opens his eyes when he hears that Katherine clears her throat.

"I guess that I cannot trust you." Katherine says while she crosses her arms and leans her head on them.

"Oh I am sorry." Alan says grieved completely. But the in his inside he feels more ashamed because in his mind he fucked his little young girl.

"I will charge extra." Katherine says looking at Alan.

"Ok.. no problem." Alan says while he nods because he knows that it was his fault. They do not move for the next minutes. Katherine closes her eyes and get some rest while Alan waits patiently.

He in his mind thinks about what he will make now, he needs some courage to talk with Katherine. The knot in the anus of the cat slowly decreases in size, Katherine moans with pain when around thirty minutes later Alan begins to pull his penis out.

The wolf's knot is smaller now and Alan raises his hips, his slides out of the feline anus.

Katherine pants contentedly when Alan's cock is out of her ass.

Alan sits at the edge of the bed and breathes deeply while he sees that Katherine gets out of the bed and with a cloth she cleans her ass crack, she feels like her hole is lightly open.

"Katherine... May I ask you something?" Alan says while he looks at the cat, she turns to see him.

"Of course." Katherine says looking at the wolf. Alan seems a little uncomfortable and his legs move lightly showing that he is nervous.

"How did you overcome your rape?" Alan asks looking at the cat. Katherine gets surprised when she listens the question. She frowns because that theme is delicate and she refuses to remember it.

Alan notices that his friend looks at him with bother while she gets dressed.

"I have a daughter... Samantha, she has sixteen she had been sexually assaulted and now has problems with the boys, she does not let a boy touch her in spite of the fact that she has a boyfriend." Alan says while his hands are interlaced and he looks to the floor.

"I found some of my old magazines in her room and videos for adults in her computer... I know that she is growing up and I do not know what to do." Alan says looking at the female.

"I managed to overcome that situation thanks to somebody very close me." Katherine says without while she looks at Alan. He looks at her and nods while he gets up and quietly takes his clothes to get dressed.

Both say absolutely nothing before Alan takes his wallet and pays for the services, he gives him an extra money like compensation for the no desired knotting.

Alan says good-bye and gets out of the big house. He gives some money to the two guards before to return his automobile and driving to his home. He feels more relaxed, but also he feels uncomfortable because he had have revealed something that maybe he should have keep in secret.

Katherine was his friend long time ago and she had also fought with that problem too, Alan thought that she could helped him. But apparently Katherine do not liked the question.

Alan gets to his home and he gets dressed with more comfortable clothes before beginning to watch television. He eats a couple of sandwiches while he sees the night-time news, fence of 11 p.m. he sees an action movie until his cellular phone rings.

Alan gets surprised and responds the call.

"Hi Alan, this is Katherine." It says the voice at other side of the line.

"I am sorry to call you so late." The female says while is heard some sounds to the bottom of music and party.

"There is not trouble, I am still awake." Alan says while he decreases the volume of the sound of television.

"I managed to get out of the work early today, I wanted to ask you. Can I go to your house? I need to talk with you." The female says while she looks a little nervous.

"Now? ... Of course there is not trouble." Alan says while he feels confused by the unexpected visit.

"Great I will be there soon." Katherine says content before saying good-bye and cutting the call. Alan hangs the phone up and he cleans a little the living room feeling confused.

Alan waits until he listens that an automobile stops in front of his home, Alan goes to the front door of the house and she sees that there is a black automobile parked in front of his house.

Alan sees that Katherine looks at him and moves her whiskers. The wolf opens the garage door and the female nods. She puts her automobile into the garage before Alan receives her.

She is dressed with simple gown dress, but that it looks great in her.

"I am sorry... I know that it is late." Katherine says with discomfort and smiling affectedly at Alan.

"Tomorrow is Saturday and I do not need to work." Alan says doing a grimace to the female. She smiles in a friendly way and both go to the living room.

"Do you desire anything to drink?" Alan says looking at Katherine.

"Some whisky will be great." She responds while he sits on the sofa. Alan serves two Whisky's glasses and places two ices before return with the woman and sitting next to Katherine and passing her the glass.

"Thank you." Katherine says while she takes a sip.

"You have a nice house." Katherine says looking at everything. She notices that her friend has a good life, but simple.

"Is she Samantha?" Katherine says to see a photo of the daughter of the daughter of her friend. Alan nods while takes to photo and pass it to Katherine, she watches it a moment.

"She is beautiful." Katherine says looking at Alan and passing him the photo in order that he places it on its original place.

"Thanks." Alan says taking a sip of the liquid that burns his throat when it is going to his stomach and a moderate heat is felt in the inside of his body.

"Well... What do I owe your visit to?" Alan asks doing a friendly face.

The cat lays the glass on the little table.

"When you came... I noticed two things that you were under a great stress and worry." Katherine says while she looks at Alan. He nods lightly and silence.

"The second thing is that you came to ask for advice and I did not give you an honest answer that can help you." Katherine says looking at the glass a moment.

"That did not allow me enjoying my next clients because I felt bad, I did not tell the truth to you for fear that you considered something terrible of me, but next I realized that I am a prostitute and... What worse thing you can think of me?" Katherine asks with fun in her voice.

"I would never think badly of you, we are friends since elementary school although we lost touch and I moved." Alan says looking at Katherine in a friendly way.

She smiles content and takes a new sip.

"I know what your daughter passes through... feel a great conflict in her inside, feeling that your hormones leads to you to feel curiosity and desire of knowing what your head says you that it is something terrible." Katherine says while another sip just like Alan.

"To say it directly... It was with my father with whom I learned how to enjoy sex." Katherine says while she looks at Alan and takes another sip of Whisky. Alan opens his eyes with surprise listening to his friend.

"I was the same age that your daughter... maybe a bit younger than her. It was one of the hottest days of that year as I remember it, I returned of the school." Katherine says while she takes the glass and drinks some whisky while she takes courage to go on with her story.

"I got to my house and look for my father to greet him, I found him on his bed leant half-naked, just with shorts." Katherine says while she laughs smoothly.

"That did not surprise me neither I got upset, when I got closer to the bed to tell him that I was in home... before waking him up I noticed the delineated form of his cock in his shorts." The cat says while she feels uncomfortable a little and Alan notices it, he smiles to her.

He would clearly do the same thing in a hot day, he would jump naked in a bed or a stone or cold place and take cover of the sun. Although a swimming pool could also make a lot.

"I felt interested when I saw it, his cock was half erect. I do not know what crossed by in my mind exactly, in a few moments I lowered his shorts to see a penis directly. I began to touch it and to explore it with calm, his penis seemed somewhat incredible for me." Katherine says looking at Alan and making a grimace.

Alan nods without looking surprised, sometimes hormones lead somebody to make completely crazy things.

"His cock got erect and I continued bunting it, when I look up I saw completed shocked that my dad was looking at me... he clearly was awake. I released his penis and began to cry, my father sat with me at the edge of the bed and we talked." Katherine says while she remembers that episode of her life.

"My father told me that he woke up when he felt my presence and he did not tell me nothing because he thought that shouting to me could make my trauma worse. I told him about how I felt about the boys and my interest in sex." Katherine says while she drinks another sip while Alan listens.

"Dad told me that he always was willing to help myself and that if I desired, he could teach me those aspects." Katherine says while she sees Alan. He gets surprised a little and nods in silence.

"It would be a lot to say what happened exactly, only I will say since that moment I enjoy sex, and I have sex with my father on every occasion... it is somehow different and more special." Katherine says looking at Alan. He gets surprised a little and says absolutely nothing.

"I doubt that some qualified professional recommends to do this... it it's possible that only it worked in my case." Katherine says while she looks at her friend before taking other sip.

"Samantha between jokes told me that she trusts me completely even... if I touch her sexually or I take her to bed." Alan says looking at Katherine and next to the table before taking a sip.

"She said without noticing... and well... I did not know what to say." Alan says while he looks at Katherine. She listens attentively.

"What I should do... make the love to her? Alan asks getting a lump in her throat at the thought of that. Fucking a virgin girl is glory, but he feels different thinking that girl is his daughter.

"Do not press her, just talk with her and let her know that you are willing to make it, if she wants it, and do not touch the subject again. Look for professional help too." Katherine says while she looks at Alan.

"It can happen tomorrow, in a month or never." Katherine adds before taking a last sip.

Alan looks at her and nods thinking that his relation with his daughter is good and just talk would not hurt.

"She loves you a lot and it is somewhat mutual, just help her no matter what happens." The cat says looking at her friend. Alan nods more content.

"Well I guess that I would have saved the trip, if I would have told you this before." Katherine says laughing smoothly.

"It is truth, but one pleasant visit always is welcome." Alan says at the moment of making a grimace. Katherine laughs smoothly and nods. Both were very good friends, but they had taken different roads due their own lives and problems.

"I should leave." Katherine says looking at Alan noticing that had pass almost an hour after the midnight.

"Stay here, it already is late in order that you leave." Alan says offering to the cat stay, she had come to his house to help him and this is what's minimal that the wolf can make to pay her interest in helping Samantha.

"Do you want it free?" Katherine asks crossing arms and raising an eyebrow while she smiles in a friendly way at Alan. He gets surprised before laughing smoothly.

"If you permit it." Alan says looking at Katherine with a smile. The cat makes a whirring sound and she smiles at Alan, she leans over Alan and licks his mouth with calm.

"Do we make it here or in your bedroom?" The female asks looking at Alan sensually. Alan with his head points at his bedroom.

He gets up and catches the hand of Katherine to help her on with standing, she content go after Alan that leads her through the stairs to his bedroom. There Katherine begins to take off the clothes of Alan in a slow and careful way.

Alan observes as his clothes fall on the floor to his around, when he only is in shorts Katherine places her hand on the crotch of the male and caresses his genitals over the cloth.

The wolf does not move while he feels as the hand moves on his crotch slowly, Katherine smiles when she feels that the penis begins to get out of the sheath.

Alan moans when the tip touches the cloth and rubs it, the wolf trembles lightly while he feels as his penis grows up slowly and forms a very obvious tent in the shorts.

Katherine smiles and she turns over in order that Alan helps her take off the dress. The wolf moves down the zipper of the dress slowly until it arrives down as much as possible.

The cat turns over seeing Alan and smiling she permits that her dress slide out of her shoulders and fall to the floor. Alan looks at the female, she is wearing a black lingerie that highlights very well her body and white fur.

Katherine takes off the rest of her clothing before seizing the waistband of the shorts and pulls them down. Alan's penis bounces and hits his stomach before rocking a little.

The cat kneels down and grabs the wolf's penis, he moans and pants when he feels that the hand moves on his hard meat caressing it. Katherine feels some veins throb in the penis of Alan.

She moves her hand up and down on the shaft, her hand caresses the knot slowly in the meantime the precum fall on her head. Alan looks at the cat without missing detail of what it happens.

Katherine places her snout on the balls of Alan and she sniffs with force. She trembles when the masculine aroma fills her nose. The cat pushes her snout repeatedly achieving that the balls of Alan bounced on the air.

"Do not play with them." Alan says looking at Katherine.

"Do you want me to play with them in reality?" She asks purring and taking out to her claws to press them lightly on the testicles of Alan. He opens his eyes with surprise and smiles with discomfort.

Katherine smiles and she begins to lick the weighed balls of the wolf, her tongue moves repeatedly getting wet the testicles in saliva. Alan has a good time and he does not move.

The tongue moves on the halfback line of both testicles and gets to the retracted sheath.

The female licks that place before her tongue touches Alan's meat.

He trembles lightly when the tongue moves on his knot slowly, Katherine moves it in each part of the mass of meat. The cat bites delicately and her nose caresses the knot.

The soft bites make Alan tremble lightly feeling pleasure and pain that combine of exquisite way. The cat is content seeing that Alan moans with pleasure.

She begins to move her tongue on the rest of the canine penis with calm and slowness, her licks make the member of Alan rock slowly until the tip is touched.

Katherine opens her mouth and takes the cock in the mouth of Alan completely, the wolf moans and pants with pleasure feeling as his member is sucked slowly.

Katherine's mouth moves back and forth, her saliva covers Alan's member. The sticky liquid slides towards the knot from where it drips to the balls.

A paw of the cat stimulates the furry balls smoothly, she has fun with them for some minutes. Alan places his hands behind the head of the cat and she begins to fuck her mouth.

The wolf pumps his penis rapidly in the mouth while he moans with pleasure, his knot hits Katherine's lips repeatedly and releases spurts of precum right into the throat of the cat.

The female supports the ass of the wolf while her throat receives the canine thick shaft that enters and that gets out of her mouth. The precum covers the walls of her throat completely before sliding towards the stomach of the cat.

His head budges and her nose fills up with the aroma of the palpitating cock, Alan moans and growls while his hips move by instinct. He has his closed eyes until his body becomes taut.

Katherine feels the explosion of semen in her mouth that becomes flooded by the warm and sticky substance. She moves her tongue and enjoys the taste before swallowing cum.

Alan moans while each drop of his seed is suctioned and swallowed by Katherine, she drinks semen as it were a delicious milk that delights her completely.

When the flow runs out, Alan moans when the female begins to suck his cock again of slow and soft way. The pleasure in his sensitive meat is delicious and painful.

The cat makes a whirring sound smoothly before taking the penis out of her mouth and getting up while she masturbates the wolf slowly. He moans and pants feeling as the hand moves up and down.

Katherine releases the penis when this is hard again, she with sensuality moves and get in the bed. Alan follows her and he also enters in bed, he uses his hands to separate the feline white legs.

Alan sees the pink slit between the white thighs, the wolf leans forward and sniffs the swollen vulva of the cat. The feline aroma gets to his nose and activates every one of his olfactory cells.

His penis shoots more precum, Alan takes out his tongue and gets it through the pink opening of the female. Katherine meows with pleasure when she feels that Alan's big tongue goes on her vulva and gets to her clitoris.

Her point of pleasure is stimulated by the taste buds of the wolf, the taste delights Alan.

He moves his tongue's tip on the clitoris of the cat, Katherine moans and her claws digs in the bedspread.

Her meow of pleasure fills the room, her juices begin to sprout of the inside of her slit, and she feels as his clitoris is twisted by the tongue of Alan.

The wolf stops and he licks his lips before starting to lick the vulva completely, the vaginal lips open with each lick and the tip rubs on the inside of the slit.

Katherine gasps when Alan pushes his tongue and her pink passage is invaded completely by the big wolf's tongue. The vaginal walls squeeze with force while Alan uses his hands to keep the white legs of Katherine separate.

The cat shakes her head while she moans with pleasure, each part of her tunnel of love is touched and caressed, cracks are touched by the tip that does not stop moving.

Alan's mouth is closed around the slit and juices drip in its inside, the hot respiration that gets out of the nose of the wolf caresses the female's clitoris.

She trembles and closes her eyes while her respiration accelerates, all her senses are concentrated in the marvelous sensations that come from her crotch.

Alan moves his tongue with more effort inside the female, the tasty juice surrounds it and gets his chin wet. The wolf sees the cat breasts, he releases his legs and lengthens his arms.

His hands rest on the tits of the female, Alan squeezes and stimulates them with pleasure.

The fur that surrounds both small hills is soft and short, Katherine moans the moment that her nipples are twisted by the fingers of the wolf.

She opens her eyes and pants observing the male between her legs, Alan and the cat cross looks before Alan's senses focus again on his task.

Katherine's pleasure increases rapidly just like her juices, she closes his legs around the head of the wolf.

Alan gets surprised and he feels pleased noticing that his lover is reaching an orgasm.

Katherine's whiskers quiver at the moment that his body becomes taut and an intense orgasm comes to each corner of her body.

She meows with force and her claws tear the bed bedspread. Alan feels that his mouth fills up on juices and some little spurts sprinkle his eyes and face.

After some minutes she opens her legs while she pants rapidly, her chest fills up with air and deflates without stopping. Alan takes out his tongue and the mouth seeing Katherine's swollen and brilliant vulva.

It is covered with juices and saliva. The cat looks at Alan and she smiles weakly while she opens her legs largely. Alan crawls a little and takes his penis to aim it at the pink slit.

His penis touches that sensitive place and it gets inside between the swollen pleats of Katherine, Alan pushes his penis and the opening opens slowly to surround his penis.

He closes his eyes when Katherine's vaginal soft and wet walls begin to open around his hard shaft. The cat makes a whirring sound feeling the slow penetration of the masculine meat in her vagina, her inside adapts itself to Alan's thick member.

Each centimeter in her pussy is rubbed by meat, Alan sees as his penis is disappearing until the knot touches the feline female's vulva. Katherine feels full and purrs looking at Alan.

The wolf raises his ass and his member moves back until only the tip is inside the cat, Alan takes down his hips and Katherine meows with pleasure feeling that the whole length of the shaft enters in her vagina again.

The wolf begins to fuck the feline with pleasure, he growls and pants feeling the friction of his cock with the inside of the cat. The spurts of precum sprinkle the vaginal walls with each motion.

Katherine moans of pleasure, her vulva is hit by the inflamed knot and splashing sound is heard.

Both growl and pant with pleasure, Alan takes down his head and he closes his mouth around the left nipple of Katherine, he sucks and nibbles the nipple smoothly.

The cat moans with pleasure, her delicate nipple is trapped between the wolf's sharp teeth, he pulls it smoothly before releasing the nipple and repeating the operation again and again.

The meows of pleasure fills the ears of Alan, he concentrates on the other tit and his tongue hits the erect nipple repeatedly before beginning to suck it.

Katherine pants while she looks at Alan, she looks as the male sucks her breast with pleasure. She moans and pants feeling as the tip of the penis touches her vagina bottom.

"This time I want that you knot me there!" Katherine says looking at Alan. The wolf releases the nipple and looks at her before pushing his penis with more force. The knot begins to press the pink slit forcing it to open.

Katherine moans and meows with pain feeling the pressure in her vulva that slowly begins to open and to surround the canine knot. Alan pushes with more force and the female yelps with pain when the knot expands her opening and she is knotted.

The cat feels as her vaginal walls around the knot are stretched out to adapt themselves to the form of the mass of meat. The tip and a portion of the member are in her cervix.

Alan resumes his thrusts feeling as each part of his penis is wrapped by the soft and wet inside of Katherine, the spurts of precum increase and fall in the vagina of the cat.

She closes her arms around the neck of Alan while he growls and pumps with more speed. Katherine moans closing her legs the best that she can around the hips of the wolf.

The bed squeaks with more force until Alan stops completely and pushes with force, a howl of pleasure escapes of his mouth when he begins to ejaculate in the feline female.

The canine sperm shoots bathe the female's vaginal walls activating her instantaneous orgasm. Katherine meows with force at the same time that her body tightens and she digs her claws into the back of Alan.

He moans with pain, but his pleasure is a lot bigger, his semen deluges the tunnel of the love of the cat and it blends in with the abundant juice of Katherine. The wolf seed runs out slowly until no more drops gets out of the tip.

Both breathe agitatedly while they recover from the intense pleasure, Alan gets surprised when skillfully and suddenly Katherine changes the position and Alan this leant in bed while she is sitting on her crotch.

"I love to be knotted and filled with canine seed." She says purring and doing a face at the same time that she caresses Alan's chest slowly, she feels clearly the muscles and she likes it.

"Are you using the pill, don't you?" Alan asks while he does face to the female. She laughs smoothly.

"Of course... if I would not use it, I could not work." Katherine says at the moment of raising her ass and beginning to ride Alan. He moans with pleasure when his penis begins to caress the vaginal walls.

His penis still is supersensitive and sends a great deal of pleasure to his brain, his balls bounce every time that the bed creaks at the moment that the ass of the cat moves down and it hits his crotch.

Katherine moans with pleasure while she moves her tail, she feels as the penis moves in her vagina, the thick semen moves in waves in her inside increasing her pleasure.

Alan has a good time completely and sees as his friend moves, her tits rock and bounce.

The wolf licks his lips and places his hands on the breasts of the cat that shakes of pleasure.

She feels as her two white small hills are pinched and the nipples caressed with the thumbs. Katherine looks at Alan and takes the hands of the wolf to move them away.

The female leans forward to put her nipple close to the lips of Alan, he takes out his tongue and moves it on the erect nipple. Katherine shakes and moans when Alan begins to suck her tit.

She moves her ass circularly while she holds herself from the head of the bed, the female smiles and sees as Alan sucks her breasts like a little cub sucking milk.

Alan pulls the nipple playing with it. His pleasure grows slowly just like the one of the feline female, moans and growls get out of the bedroom of Alan in the meantime the mating continues.

Minutes pass and the ass of the cat begins to move more rapidly, she moans and trembles with pleasure when she feels that new shots of seed hit her vaginal walls and a new orgasm takes possession of her body.

Alan pushes his hips with force instinctively to deposit more seed in the female. Katherine collapses on Alan, she puts her mouth on the mouth of Alan and she kisses him.

The wolf embraces the cat and responds the kiss pushing his big tongue in the mouth of the feline female, their tongues touch and they fight some moments before to break off the kiss.

Katherine takes the bedspreads and she covers herself and Alan. The female reclines her head on the chest of Alan and closes her eyes. The wolf looks at her and also closes his eyes, an excited night with a lot of pleasure is enough for him.

Alan, Barret, Franny, Richard, Tristan Elwyn, Franklin Wiley, Susan, Samantha, Katherine, Diane are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

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