Messy Magic Matters

Story by TheNeutralOoze on SoFurry

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#6 of Elliot's Worlds

Elliott's adventures heat up as he helps a few friends with a particularly hard and sticky situation. If you enjoy please leave a like and if you have the time a comment, it helps to shape my future content. <3

I would never, with any certainty, call myself an expert in magic, but the scene Basil and I had stumbled upon was most certainly fueled by it. The air was heavy and an aromatic scent sent chills down my spine, the edge of arousal washing over me. I felt my left arm pulse slightly as I took in the scene, pulling me back into reality.

The two near strangers I had shared an awkward sexual encounter with earlier were again going at it again, Corey face down with Oliver thrusting deep into him from above, hilting with every move, the two splattered in a pool of their own cum. It all seemed very mechanical, their movements practiced with no true passion behind it. We were watching it all from the dorm entrance and Cordova was just standing next to me, seemingly stunned at the display. I moved my way around the two just inspecting the scene as I noticed Corey, a dazed and gasping mess with a pained look across his face.

"E-Elli, help m-me." Corey said, his speech broken by each thrust from Oliver, who's eyes were pale and glazed over. The tigers face was some cross between fear and anger as he looked at me, every mustered push causing the man to wince slightly. "This h-h-has been going on for n-near two hours. I-I'm so tender b-but he won't... c-c-can't stop, l-look around some-one's fucking with us."

"Alright, I'll take a look," I said, making my way to the reception desk opposite the room's entrance. Cordova was no help, clearly over-taken by his lust as he had pulled his long shaft from his shorts and was stroking himself openly to the display. The desk was small, a computer, a few small shelves, and a standing organizer. "anything I should be looking for in particular?" I asked, shuffling the papers on the desktop with no clear goal in sight.

"More t-than likely it's some-something small, l-look for a coin, m-maybe a stone." He let out a gasp as I heard Oliver roar assumingly reaching his climax and adding to the mess they were already in. After the two came down from the peak Oliver went back to his motion, thrusting his length deep into his lithe boyfriend.

I swept the paper to the side gathering up what I found relevant including a translucent paper weight, a handful of coins, even a small dish on the table. On the shelves and in the drawers, I found a couple more things but nothing of interest mostly writing utensils and some folders. I was sweeping my way through some of the files and I brushed my hand through a file tapping on a jagged object with the tip of my finger. Immediately a feeling, pins and needles, ran up my arm and I pulled the object out. Palming it in my right hand I studied it, a small flat and black stone with a crooked spiral on one side and a star on the other.

"This it?" I said, sliding the stone easily over the soft carpeted floor.

"Yep, that's i-it." Corey said grabbing the stone in his hand. A plethora of black threads darted from his hands, running over the stone in a quick flurry of smooth swipes. It took a few seconds but the black threads eventually pieced the stone in several places before it shattered to small shards and melted from the tiger's hand before disappearing. I heard a pop before watching the exhausted duo separate from each other, falling over softly onto the carpet. Cordova stopped, blushing and tucking himself back into his pants. He shook off the remaining spell and looked over at me.

"Here, help me move these two back to their room, please." I said grabbing Corey's arms and dragging him back. Cordova lifted Oliver over his shoulder easily before directing me to the room to the back right of the small building. Inside, the room was very similar to the one I shared with Leon except large. The two had pushed their beds together and moved a couch in opposite a small television on one of their desks, the other at the foot of the beds. Once we moved the two in I flopped onto the couch suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion hit me. It didn't take long before I was out cold.

* * * "Yeah, I recognize this, I think it's Clement, a spider that lives in the room next door." Oliver was talking when I woke up, the two fully clothed again, sitting on the bed and talking with Cordova across from them. I sat up on the couch and looked over at the trio as they looked back at me. "Looks like our hero's awake." The bear said, rolling the stone over in his hand a couple times.

"Didn't Corey break that?" I said as I blinked the sleep from my eyes, god I need to get myself together I'm sleeping to much. At least this time I wasn't bombarded with the water dream even if my head felt like it was swimming.

"Yeah, Cor did a number on it but that's why we're built for each other, he breaks it and I fix it." Oliver was looking over at Corey a small smile on his face before he returned his gaze to me. "My magic isn't like others, Corey and Kajan are learning to master their abilities for utility but I use mine for art and stuff." He faded off a bit returning to the stone. "Anyway, Clement or maybe his roommate Blanche, neither of them is all that happy with the volume we tend to hit."

"How are we getting em back Oli?" Corey asked laying across Oliver's lap. "We gonna hex em back, steal something maybe, ooh screw all over their room and replace the lights with those fancy bulbs?" He rattled off the ideas inordinately until he forgot what the bulbs were and just started quietly trying to remember the word.

"Black light hon and no, we're just gonna back off, I'll ask Blanche about it but we don't want to start a fight we don't have to." Oliver's plan made sense but I did see Corey sigh and relent the idea of payback sadly. "Besides, you know it could just as easily been Kajan, he still hasn't retaliated after the thing at the South End Shopping Center."

"Ey' Elliott, didn't ya come down here to ask about Kajan?" Cordova reminded me.

"Oh, shit, yeah, hey Oliver could you fill me in a bit on Kajan? I'm suppose to meet up with him later and I have no idea who he is." I showed him the packets Kajan gave me and the note he had left me.

"Kajan's a tough one to describe, he's a little all over the place, powerful magician and lazy as shit. Me and Corey met the guy our first year, within that time he's shadow walked us across town in a blink, summon an ethereal beast, and even opened a dimensional portal. On top of that we've had some 'fun' in unusual places, he's publicly embarrassed both of us, and vice-versa, and the three of us once spent a full day blazed out of our minds in his high-end apartment downtown." Oliver explained.

"Wait, high-end apartment?"

"Yeah, couple of rumors, some say his family's rich, others that his Dad's a god, even a couple that think he's an international jewel thief or something, we don't even know, he's not real big on sharing ya' know?"

Yeah, I got it, thanks Oliver." I stood up and headed for the exit, my meeting with the jackal was soon and I still had a few things I wanted to do, Cordova was gonna stay, Corey starting some story about when he and Oliver met or something. Walking out of the building I pulled my phone out and dialed the number Leon left me for his friend with "supplies" whatever that meant. It rang a couple times before a hoarse voice answered on the other end.

"Yeah what up?"

"Uh, I'm Elliott, friend of Leon's, he said you could help me with supplies I might need."

"Yeah, I've got a couple things, where are you?"

"Outside the B-Dorm, shouldn't I be asking you th..." As I started to ask a portal seemed to appear and suddenly I was greeted by a black furred fox sucking on a cigarette. He was slightly taller than me, maybe, 5'9" with red eyes and soft shaggy fur. His demeaner was harsh much like his outfit, a pair of destressed jeans, a black shirt with a skull on the chest and a dark jean jacket.

"Call me Sal, here's a transport charm," He blew smoke as he talked, a deep earthy smell like he'd been chewing on gravel. He dropped a small chain wristband with a silver train charm attached to it. "tap it and it will bring you back to the location you last slept in." He looked me over before step back and falling into a new tunnel that formed just behind him on the ground.

"Thank... you?" I hadn't even hung up the phone before Sal disappeared again. I took a second to shake off the weird encounter before heading over to market to meet with Kajan.

It wasn't a long walk from the dorms, especially in the setting sunlight instead of the black of night, so I was there in about and hour. With some time to kill I looked around and found my way into a quiet little café, ordering something small and dark, and parking myself outside. I sat sipping my drink as I watched the sunset until I felt the familiar buzz of my phone on my thigh.

I pulled out the handheld device, it was a message from Kajan: _Hey, I can see you down there. Meet me on the roof of Noma across from you. _ Tossing my drink, I bolted out of the café and across the street, sliding into the alley and around the small building until I found a ladder anchored to the side. Quickly scaling the metal, I was on the roof in a minute, only a couple stories up. It wasn't easy and I could feel my, clearly out of shape, body fight the excess movement and exercise. Slightly out of breath I looked around without any clear sign of the black-eyed jackal.

"Kajan?" I asked stepping further out on the sand-covered building. Suddenly I was rushed from the side, knocked clean off my feet. I was on my back with Kajan straddling me his red irises staring into mine. He was pulling my shirt off me and before I could protest he was successful tossing it to the side. Then the quick canine flipped facing away from me and stripped off my jeans, like it was nothing, and my striped boxer briefs followed suit. "Kajan, please, slow down." He turned again to look at me before returning to his feet.

I stood next, feeling clearly more exposed than the man in front, and stepped closer to him. I brought my hand down to return the favor and looked to meet Kajan's eyes but was returned a more sharp and angry expression. He grabbed both my wrists before pushing against me aggressively. "Hey, uh, Kajan, what's wrong?" Frightened I tried to escape his grasp but his strong hands kept me in place pushing me forward and ever closer to the edge of the roof. "Come on buddy, cut it out, please." I pleaded again, as my feet reached very edge, I could feel people chattering below me and soon my mind began to spiral. This was going to be how I died? Naked in front of a crowd of strangers? Why was this my fate? What was wrong with Kajan? Had he gone insane? Did I piss him off somehow? Why was this such a turn-on for me? I could feel my now exposed erection stirring in the night air, distracting me from the task at hand.

Before I knew it, I was off the roof, falling toward the ground, Kajan inches from me, a smile creeping across his face. Suddenly I was burning, every inch of me suddenly engulfed in heat and fire. I had to shut my eyes as the heat was so astounding and soothing. It tugged at my engorged dick massaged by the heat and I suddenly reached my peak shooting my load in the fall. Not a second later a felt my back smack onto smooth stone and then Kajan followed landing on top of me.

I opened my eyes met with the Jackal who opened his mouth to say. "Alright, now, you need to tell me everything about your dreams."