Bounty of the Deep

Story by Rykela on SoFurry

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#10 of Art Trades, Gifts, and Commissions (Received)

Zev's half of our art trade.

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Orcas are so fucking amazing.

They swam around in the murky water, tails occasionally flicking through the discolored fluid before the warmer temperature caused them to shimmy away from the spreading haze. The orcas tasted the ocean, familiar mixtures of salt, brine, and plankton, combined with a little bit of alien material. A pod of six circled around, inching closer and closer, more of their streamlined bodies cutting through the contaminant. In the right lighting, the glistening white of their forms appeared almost emerald.

The largest among the cetaceans lead the crew, at his side a slightly smaller female with a bit of a belly. Behind them followed twins who butted against one another in a battle to reach their mother's tail. The youngest of the lot, nearly half the size of his father, struggled to keep pace with his older siblings. Between the twins and the child, the slimmest of the group gracefully sliced through the water, lazily performing flips and tumbles as she trailed behind the adults.

Something in the current caught in their noses, a smell so alien from the normal sea that surrounded them. They chittered among themselves, swimming around the spreading murk, the green cloud thickest around the centre of a rock formation. The elder sniffed, poking his head through the haze to get a better whiff. it reminded him faintly of his own smell during the mating season, magnified to a degree he couldn't fathom. The intensity explained his partner's constant need to rut and mate.

His nose led him deeper into the mist, the rest of the pod following behind. Sight impaired by the dense fog, they swam on smell, going where the scent was strongest, permeating the area with a dense sexual miasma. The killer whales squirmed as their arousals hardened and opened, the two females eager to please the men. They kept in close proximity to one another when seeing through the haze became too difficult. The elder poked his snout into an opening in the rock formation, a six foot tall cave entrance, nearly a quarter of his size. Whatever was stored within, they would not be able to reach it and uncover the source.

The youngest did his best to squirm inside the hole while mother and father copulated, their whines of pleasure reverberating off the underwater rock face. The twins busied themselves with their sister, taking turns enjoying the tightness of her nethers as she writhed below. Father and sons switched places while the youngest thrashed at the cave, widening the entrance stone by stone. A barrel tumbled out and down towards the ocean floor along with the rocks. Two more barrels followed shortly after, one cracking open against a jagged outcropping, releasing the glowing green contents within. The pod ceased their orgy, entranced by the sight of the incandescent sludge as it spread through the water, surrounding their bodies in radiation.

Globules of nuclear waste clung to black skin, seeping through hide and mouth. The orcas wailed as the foreign matter entered their systems, clogging their spouts and throats with goop. The twins went limp, their bodies sinking, crashing down atop a barrel, crushing it beneath their weight and popping it open, releasing more of the toxic substance. Mother and father fell beside them, with daughter and child ending up on top of the pile. Their pitiful cries only allowed for more of the noxious goo to invade.

The males squirmed as they felt the chemical waste slip into their urethras, pushing down the loads they had been so close to releasing before extreme exposure. It mingled with their juices, gurgling around their insides, pushing it forward and out. They moaned in unison as ball sacs plopped out from underneath their members, insignificant compared to their bodies, but growing rapidly with the combination of fluids sloshing about within the newly exposed containers. Energy radiated out from the organs, returning strength to the hosts. The twins rose, eyeing the others deformity, marveling as each prodded and poked his sibling's nuts.

They latched on to the other's member, careful not to scrape the sensitive flesh with teeth, using their tongues and the warmth of their maws to pleasure. Neither needed to look to perform the task at hand, eyes shutting to turn off useless stimuli. They needed only the smell, the taste, and the heat of the moment to know what the other desired, just what spot to lick, or how long to blow. Their bodies pushed as close together as the twins could manage, the fullness of their lengths lodged down the other's gullet.

Mother and father went back to their mating, the male's swelling balls slapping his partner's tail. He had to keep readjusting his position, slowly moving behind her to avoid bumping into the growths that had sprouted around her genitalia. He uncoupled for a moment to poke at the protrusions, eliciting a whimper of pain from his mate. She scurried away, turning her back to him and lifting her tail, exposing a widening orifice just beneath the base, surrounded by a pair of mounds. The male aligned his member, grunting as he pushed through to the hole, both squeaking with the pleasure that ran through them.

The daughter ground her nethers against a rock, smashing down on a natural spike in the hopes of getting it lodged into her. Each attempt resulted in deeper fractures spreading through the formation, until it snapped off at the base. She rammed into the dislodged piece of stone, knocking it out of the murk. A quick survey of the scene revealed a lack of any other such stalagmites to use for her pleasure. Grinding against the floor provided limited gratification, but it served its function. In their current acts of sex, she didn't dare disrupt her family members. She whimpered when a particularly strong thrust into the seabed resulted in increased stimulation. Each successive hump proved more enjoyable than the last, leading her to slam harder into the ground with each attempt.

Only the youngest withstood the temptation of his urges, the smallest orca continuing his attempt to crack open the vault that contained the radiant treasure that polluted the water. He poked his head into the cave, the entrance wide enough for him to stick his head in without it becoming trapped against the rock. His snout bumped against barrels, the taste of the fluid like his father's semen. Biting the containers only opened them prematurely, rewarding the killer whale with a splash of sludge to his face. He tried to blink it away, the glowing waste sinking into his skin. The barrels in the very back of the cave shone the brightest, out of reach, barely in sight.

The parents found a proper position finally, the mother in front, with dad behind, her tail draped over two stumps that were growing out from beside his elongating neck. The orifice grew tighter the longer he worked with it, applying constant pressure to his penis. Though he had already reached orgasm, he soldiered on, continuing to buck and press into his lover's backside. Her legs wrapped around his tail, keeping him locked in place behind her. She took to the new appendages admirably, clenching down on the dick that pierced her insides deeper with every forward motion. He wrapped his arms around her the moment that he gained control over them, the stumps at the end blossoming into hands.

Their mouths filled with cock, the twins found themselves pushed away by the other's swelling erection. Each familiar with the contours and shape of his brother's penis, they eagerly explored the change in the piece of meat they suckled upon. The pointed tip grew rounder, flaring out as it grew a cap, the shaft thickening until it reached a constant diameter from base to head. Dangling balls met their noses, waves of musk and male stench dripping through their nostrils, a perfect match to the smell that had lured them to the location in the first place. Though forced to take more and more cock into their throats, they championed onward, ensuring that they never had to move their snouts from the scent that captivated them.

Sister flipped over onto her front, marvelling as the last vestiges of her womanhood closed up, a point replacing the former hole. As the cap took shape, and the shaft poked into view, she licked her lips in anticipation, her body curling as she bent forward to lap at the new genitallia. Even at an inch long, the touch of her tongue had her shivering with pleasure, a dribble of pre welling up from her miniscule balls. In her contorted position, she had no difficulty taking the cock into her mouth, slurping on it as it grew longer, filling her muzzle with her own taste. The sight of her balls expanding held her focus.

The youngest grabbed at the rocks, pulling them aside as his arms rippled with sinew, each tug pulling more stone from the cave, widening the entrance. His fingers grasped at crags, rock cutting into the pads, sludge filtering in through the wounds. The barrels glittered with their cargo. He counted six of them, one cracked open from his earlier gnashing and bites. having arms made the tasks much simpler. His chest heaved, pebbles and debris bouncing off the muscle as he worked. A boulder bounced off his rigid cock, causing his moan to echo through the cave.

Father grasped at the mammaries of his mate, feeling as they hardened with each squeeze, the milk within evaporating, replaced with brawn and sinew. He pinched his lover's nipples, causing the barely female orca to growl and sputter, a jolt of pre spitting out from her new cock and spilling into the water. His legs intertwined with hers, their quads pulsing with size, heat spreading from the fires of their bodies. He slammed his dick into her ass, his balls slapping off the bottom of her bubble butt. The smell of her increasingly masculine scent mingled with his and the mist that surrounded them.

The twins dug their noses into armpits, sometimes sniffing at their own, but mostly focused on the others. Bristles tickled at any snout trapped beneath a shoulder, the scent of man intensifying the longer they remained exposed to the mutagen. While one partook of odor, the other jacked off, both hands barely large enough to encircle the mass of penis sprouting from his groin. As one brother discovered, even that wasn't enough, the girth of their dicks nearly a third the size of their waist. They switched locations, taking turns sniffing the other's ass.

The orca pleasuring herself couldn't consider herself female anymore. She lacked the equipment to be that gender, and she so greedily sucked on her own cock that she didn't want to be a girl. Everything about the masculine body she possessed turned her on: the smell of her package, the lithe muscles that adorned her frame, the deep growls that escaped her voice. She pulled off her cock to admire her body, rubbing fingers over the eight mounds of her abdominal wall. Her hips remained wide and flared, the only part of her shape that retained any trace of femininity. The over one foot of cock stretching out from her groin throbbed, begging to be returned to the warm and wet confines of her mouth. She obliged with vigor.

"Hey everybody!" The youngest one called as he held the barrels in his palms, three per hand. "I finally managed to get these things out, who wants a taste?" The rest of his family continued in their ceaseless acts of sex, his two fathers brutally fucking as the twins danced around one another, trying to vie for superiority as they flexed and sniffed at the sweat rolling down the other's torso, the salty runoff catching in between their pecs. His other brother eagerly engaged in autofellatio, the twinkish frame of his once sister curled over itself, tail lifted to expose an ass that begged for something to be stuffed inside of it. The youngest briefly considered using one of the barrels for the task.

"Go fuck your sister," the original father snarled, pointing with his face towards the lone killer whale. "Or I'm going to do it for you. Your mother is damn tight." Said mother whined as the previously female orca stroked over his exposed cock, squeezing the pre out and rubbing it into the shaft. His ass clenched around the male behind, eliciting groans and snarls of lust. "Better idea," the father said. "Why don't you crack open one of those barrels and pour it on your mother's cock? Give him something to really work into that pillar, make it huge."

"Pops, that's a great idea!" the twin who didn't have his head stuffed into his brother's ass said. "You should pour some over here, too! I bet Geoff would go crazy if you could make the smell a little stronger." The orca howled, his muscles tensing as he bucked his hips forward, jets of translucent white spunk briefly shimmering in the water before the green murk surrounded them. "Fuck, he's good with his tongue. Get out from there, I want a turn."

"Do it, Tod! Get me and Jeff here covered in the stuff," Geoff shouted as his twin lapped at the anal wall. "Can you believe these things? They've gotta be at least four feet long already, I can't even grab it with both hands wrapped around." He wagged his cock at his parents, the plump member snaking past his belly button towards his upper rows of abs. The thickness of the meat rivaled his legs, though his height made the length comparison laughably small. The orcas kept the scale of their feral selves throughout their mutation. "Start with Tracy, he doesn't seem to know what's going on anyway."

Tracy gave the thumbs up, his eyes darting towards Tod. The twinkish whale rubbed at his own hips as he slobbered around his cock, keeping himself curled for as long as he could manage to fit the fullness of his meat into his mouth. His muzzle stretched wide to accommodate the limb sized dick he sported, the head leaking pre down his throat. A bulge in his neck indicated the exact location of the tip, adam's apple pushed forward from the stretching. Tracy flipped over in the water, exposing his rump to Tod. The self-sucking orca slapped his rump, a finger circling around the hole.

"I'll do you all in turn, let me start with Tracy. She's really begging for it." Tod cracked a barrel open against the destroyed cave, the lid popping off as the contents oozed into the water. He walked over to his sibling, his footprints leaving furrows in the seabed, rocks turning to powder under his steps. Glowing slime trailed out from the barrel, mixing into the toxic stew. He tried to grab it in his hands, but it slipped through his fingers, as impossible to hold as the water that served as their home. The opening of the barrel met with Tracy's ass. Tod shoved it inside, plugging the entrance, allowing the toxin only one direction to travel. "Mum, can you make sure the twins get their share too? I'm gonna help out Tracy." Tod tossed four of the barrels towards his rutting parents. The last drum he bit into, chewing through it until the snack was consumed.

Mum only managed to catch two of the barrels, the other two lazily drifting past the parental orcas, mother and father sucking face for the first time. With their bodies pressed together, their pecs grinding with swollen cocks trapped between belly and abs, the children had no trouble determining the difference between mother and father. Father was larger, his limbs thicker, brawny, his cock more impressive as it reached the eight foot mark, curved around his impressive gut before reaching his pecs. Mother lacked the paunch, but his musculature was no less impressive than his spouse's, biceps bigger around than the drums of sludge he held in his palm. They broke the kiss, each popping a barrel like a pill before returning to the make out session, the nuclear waste bloating their cheeks as it dispersed.

Geoff recovered the two missed barrels, the twins pouring the contents down the other's shaft, biting their tongues as they attempted to keep their yowls of pained pleasure down. Urethras bulged as the chemicals flowed counter to the rush of cum that attempted to force its way out. Their nuts sagged lower, past their knees, as combined fluids pooled within their scrotums. The moment the barrels were empty, they were down in a sixty nine, lapping like puppies at the treats before their eyes, huge sticks with dangling balls at the end. Though their members passed the nine foot mark, the thickness of the lances bigger than their trim waists, they successfully deep throated the cocks, nose buried into the other's pubic hair, the enriched scent of potent male barricading their senses from registering any other smell.

Tod flexed his biceps, his tongue lapping at his armpit, the rough surface of the pink organ dragging through the bristles hidden beneath his shoulder, sweat pooling on his taste buds before he swallowed. Tracy screamed around the dick he refused to stop sucking, Tod's mammoth member rammed up Tracy's burgeoning ass, the container filled with mutagen lodged somewhere in his pelvis, crushed by the force of their sex. Tod rubbed the slime into his skin, lathering his white and black skin in green oil, working the sludge until it creeped into his pores and plumped his muscles. He was having trouble seeing his rolled up brother with the mass of pecs blocking the view.

"Sons, why don't you come help your mother and I relax a little bit? A man should consider himself lucky, having such fucking gorgeous children to enjoy." Father aimed his cock, lining it up with his partner's ass. The member had grown to half his height, over twelve feet of prime flesh that plowed into the waiting orca before him. Mother screeched in ecstasy, his dozen feet rocketing cum into his face, bathing the slightly smaller of the two in his own juices. The rhythmic clenching of his ass caused father to climax before he'd even managed to get half his dick inside. He kept shoving forward all the same, his hard belly pressing into his lover's backside, pecs with a crevice big enough to hide a person within smashing against lats that could support a house.

The twins worked on opposite sides, licking and rubbing their parents bodies. They nearly rivaled their father in stature, only a head shorter and half a foot less in cock length. Their defined eight packs glistened with the water and globs of cum that stuck to their torsos, the pair kissing their parents from head to toe, stopping along the way to admire muscle groups and get a whiff of the muskier areas. Particular attention was paid to balls and armpits. Unlike their father and mother's smooth bodies, the twins were covered in dense patches of hair, tufts of the curly fuzz surrounding their cocks, hidden in their pits, leaving a treasure trail from their mighty pecs to their belly buttons. "You smell great," Geoff said as he sniffed his father's ass. "But I think we smell more masculine then you, Pops," Jeff followed up as he licked the elder orca's sac.

"We'll be right up," Tod called between expletives, a bit of cum dribbling out from the edges of Tracy's rump. "He's gotten real tight, you guys have to try this ass when you get a chance! Fuck, it was worth putting this off to get the extra drums out. Can you guys believe this?" Tod leaned forward over his sibling, his pecs and biceps flaring as he flexed, his snout bumping off the shelf of muscle. Though the smallest, pound per pound he appeared the most muscular, his thighs so packed with tissue that the gait he was forced to keep caused his balls to swing wildly back and forth as he rammed Tracy. The orbs thwaped between their butts in sync to their grunts.

Tracy remained the smallest, his wide hipped and large bottomed figure comically in comparison to his family. He still maintained some muscle, enough that would make a bodybuilder balk at the size, but compared to the others in the pod it was barely noticeable, forever proof that he had once been a she. Tracy sucked ravenously at his own member, pulling off it only to marvel at its length, how it curved perfectly around so it slid right into his snout. He didn't care if it was longer than his father's. Tracy never planned on having anything other than his own lips wrapped around the object of his attention.

They swapped partners routinely, the orcas falling into patterns and preferences. Nobody was allowed to top father except mother, and then only if father had one of the children wrapped around his cock. The twins aimed for mutual pleasure when possible, whether that meant both sucking or giving the other a handjob while receiving one. On the rare occasions that they did engage in sex, the moment that one party ejaculated, top and bottom rotated. Tod loved getting worshipped, taking particular delight in trapping a snout in between his pecs and flexing around a nose. Tracy searched for a cock to have in his rear, and if nobody was ready to provide, he used rocks and his own fingers until a dick was ready. Not a cock among them was under ten feet, stretching out to their mouths, and in the case of the twins and their father, over their heads. Balls sagged low enough to brush over their feet, the orbs that each orca carried around individually wide enough in diameter to be used as a couch.

Above the surface, a marine vessel noted the odd colouring of the water, the mixture of noxious green and off white. The air smelled foul, the dozen sailors on the ship holding their noses as they worked. Nobody verbally acknowledged what the scent was reminiscent of, nor did anybody point to the obvious tents in the pants of the males. They went on with their recordings, attempting to discern the source of the contamination and assess the damage caused by the spill. Two members of the crew brushed by each other, their hands briefly touching. They stopped and turned, seeing the lust in the other's eyes. Their bodies fought for space as they engaged in their first homosexual act, a passionate kiss that had them stumbling on the deck. They fell over the railing, tumbling down into the tainted water, their exposed skin changing from beige to black and white.