Something for Everyone...

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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Full title is On the House II: Something for Everyone. :o

A TL;DR piece (500 USD, for those interested) for a fun customer of mine, Lioracouse This is the long-awaiting sequel to the hermy, MILFy romp, On The House, featuring more sexual misadventures of not just Khyha the buxom raccoon babe, but her new twentysomething boyfriend Buck the stallion too.

Inside you'll find sticky unfings, sexual exploration, and Inexplicable Stallion Penis(TM).

Thumbnail background is from CGTextures.


"Staying late like usual, huh? You must think I like you," Khyha grinned, laying her paws on the broad shoulders of the horse sitting at her bar.

"I just have a feeling you do," he replied, grinning and turning his head, but not far enough to look at the raccoon.

Last call had been almost an hour ago, and only one patron remained. As a raccoon, Khyha kept late hours, but even she had limits; the night had given over to the early morning sun, and though sagging clouds and heavy rain drowned out the light, her body knew how late it was.

More and more, though, Khyha was staying up even later than usual, into the day, for one specific reason: she'd found a man. A man half her age who, though loving, openly admitted to dating Khyha mainly because she was gorgeous and old enough to be his mother.

Khyha hugged the large stallion from behind, squeezing tightly, but harmlessly around his thick neck. Running her soft paws down over his chest, covered in just a linen shirt, she perused the definition of his musculature and churred fondly. What was in his pants was initially what interested her the most, but over the course of a few months with the stud, she had noticed the rest of him - personality included.

From the first day the stallion came into Khyha's tavern, it had been lust at first sight. Given the choice, the stallion would have gladly put his best moves on Khyha. A mature and pretty raccoon with long, curly hair, thick hips, and a well-stacked chest - any man would have been insane not to long for her.

He hadn't been given a choice, though; Khyha made it for him. Previously, she had never been a very sexual creature, and though this abstinence wasn't by choice, she still tended to avoid random lays and the strings that always came with them.

That attitude had changed months ago; without much say in the matter, Khyha had been swept up in a whirlwind of cock, musk, and stickiness when a pack of "ladies" graced her tavern. It would have just been a sexual anecdote and a good fantasy if not for the most memorable member of their group - a vixen-taur of staggering proportions, whose loving had left the raccoon bruised and sore, but dying for more equine cock, which the vixen-taur had inexplicably sported. So, when Buck came into her life with his thick meat, he was just what she needed.

Buck, like most stallions, had a sex drive with some personality on the side. Sniffing out pussy wherever he could, caring little if it belonged to his own species or not, he went where he pleased, and generally, he pleased where he went.

Meeting Khyha was lucky even by his promiscuous standards. Usually, he had to work at women at least a little bit by giving them compliments, listening to them talk, buying them drinks, or beating up their boyfriends. Conversely, Khyha had been blunt, waiting until the tavern was empty save for the two of them to climb up on the bar and sit, apron and dress pulled up, with nothing keeping her decent.

It had been a night to remember. Well? she'd impatiently asked, and when he didn't immediately bury his nose in her snatch, she had reached down and spread the lips for him, offering her delicate pink to him. A horse could be led to water, but it couldn't be made to drink. Buck, however, would always eat pussy when led to it.

Although he was no expert on the female orgasm, as many times as Khyha had desperately whined that she was cumming that night, Buck was quite certain that he deserved a ribbon for his performance.

A love for great sex was really all that they shared in common, but that was all they needed. Buck was happy to have to a girlfriend who was always on, just like he was, and though he had no mommy issues or a special desire for older ladies, something about Khyha's age just made everything even better. Likewise, Khyha got no special thrill out of the horse's age (though having attracted a twenty-something was reassuring), yet she had grown to love him deeply regardless of the emphasis on sex.

As Buck leaned back against Khyha, the back of his neck pressed against her breasts, concealed in a well-worn work dress. "You gonna throw me out in the rain?" he asked, while finding himself unable to keep from rumbling at the raccoon's reverent touches on his chest. "I'll get all wet out there, you know."

Equipped with a dirty tongue to match her dirty mind, Khyha churred into one of Buck's pert ears, "You'll get wet if you stay inside, too."

Buck laughed; he'd liked Khyha's sense of humor since he met her. If he had to say he preferred any one thing about her besides sex, that was it. He guessed it had something to do with the fact that she ran her own tavern, but she could talk and joke with the men. That crudeness also bled over into sex, making her a very rowdy, fun fuck.

Khyha nibbled on Buck's ear, and then down the side of his neck. The young stallion, despite his size, was actually rather quick to give in; she could control him even without the promise of sex. With that in mind, she eased off (he grunted and scrambled to grab the bar before he fell backwards), and she cooed, "Would you mind locking up the doors for me?" Just as he stood up (already, he was suffering from an erection, and it thudded against the bottom of the bar), she continued, "I'm going to bed - I'm very tired."

Watching Khyha saunter off to her small bedroom, his eyes trained on her hips, Buck narrowly stopped himself from drooling. Hastily, he locked up the doors and snuffed the lanterns, and he entered the barmaid's room.

Inside, the raccoon was just slipping off her dress, the apron already discarded. Underneath, she wore nothing at all (Buck was mistaken in thinking she had started doing this for his sake), and she smiled and winked at the horse before climbing into bed.

In the frame of the door, his eyes lusty but his face vacant, Buck asked, "Uh, so - did you actually want to sleep, or--?"

"Buck, you dumb thing - take off your clothes," Khyha laughed.

Buck knew he wasn't very bright, and he didn't care at all. Khyha could make all the decisions she wanted, since they always seemed to lead to him getting laid.


In the light of a candle, Khyha watched Buck undress with a small, coy smile on her lips. She loved every facet of his body; his work-carved muscles, his youthful face, his shiny, brown coat of fur, his untamed but dashing tail and mane. When Buck dropped his trousers and his long, pink-and-black mottled cock lazily dangled free, she gazed intently on it, her favorite part of him.

Dull, but well aware of his sex appeal, Buck grinned and squeezed the base of his shaft, wagging the whole thing. Even for equine standards, he was well-hung; his bi-color endowment was every bit of fourteen inches.

Khyha loved it every time she got her fingers (among other things) around it. Emitting a cute and pleasurable noise, an inviting churr, she swished her ringed tail and curled her toes at the idea of having the young stud yet again.

Stepping closer, his hooves scraping and clopping on the dense wood floor, Buck teasingly jostled his erection from side to side, and a drooling runner of pre dribbled down to the floor. Now up next to the bed, he knelt upon it, and his throbbing cock waited inches from Khyha's short snout.

The raccoon lunged for that cock, snatching it up in a soft paw, holding it in the middle. Parting her maw wide and moaning just before her descent, she forced the blunt, pink tip of that stallion cock into her mouth, eliciting a moan and a tail lash from Buck.

Just Buck's width alone was too much for Khyha, but she was always much too stubborn to give up. Even with that equine member bulging her cheeks out and depressing her tongue into uselessness, she kept pressing downward, consuming inch after inch of Buck's member. With a muzzle as short as hers on a cock as gifted as Buck's, Khyha quickly found the tip against her throat; closing her eyes and huffing out through her nose, she relaxed herself, and then she reminded Buck why she gave the best blowjobs by swallowing his cock whole.

"Oh, that's it," Buck sighed, his grin mellowing out, his eyelids drifting closed. Passively, he lay a strong hand on the back of Khyha's head, interlacing the thick digits in her hair. His other hand blindly (but gently) pawed and palmed around the barmaid's upper body, quickly finding purchase on one of her plump breasts. In his work-worn hand, he rubbed into the fluff of the fur, but his thumb in particular teased the stiffening nub of the nipple.

Feeling her loins grow wet, Khyha took in all the inches of Buck's endowment she could handle. Her skill was something to behold, for even in such an awkward position, she had greedily buried about nine give-or-take inches in the warm confines of her maw and throat. Moaning with a whorish quality that always got Buck especially hot, she suckled and swallowed, and she squeezed on what didn't fit in her maw. Hot drool ran down the stallion's manhood, coating the bi-colored flesh and giving it a luster.

Like sucking candy or a lozenge, Buck's pre drizzled down the buxom raccoon's throat. Scented heavily, its' smell of musk entered her nose from inside of her throat, and it filled her head with his unique brand of equine testosterone. Genetically incompatible with the raccoon or not, Buck's musk put her sex drive into a near-frenzy most of the time. At that moment, though, she didn't want to fuck - she just wanted to taste and smell her handsome, young mate.

When the ringtail pulled back and off of Buck's dual-colored battering ram, the stallion huffed, his palm on her breast teasing more skilfully, perhaps in the hopes of keeping her going. She was done, however, and this was most evident when she smacked her lips; when Khyha was ready to move on, Buck had learned, she was not to be questioned. Not because she was domineering, but because she always seemed to one-up herself.


"What now?" Buck asked, but not petulantly. He had opened his eyes, and he was gazing dreamily at Khyha.

Lying back in her bed, Khyha yawned tiredly, but she pushed the notion aside. She hadn't left Buck with blue balls yet, and she had no plans to start that night. "Now," she grinned, clutching the plump teardrops of her breasts, "you're going to fuck these."

Buck grinned and lashed his tail. Approvingly, his cock throbbed and spat a wad of pre onto the bed. "Ooh, that sounds good to me..."

"I'll bet," Khyha winked to the stud, who was already moving to straddle her torso. With other things in mind, she softly uttered, "Nuh-uh. Turn around, honey."

Incredulous but obedient, Buck awkwardly turned over top of Khyha, taking care not to hit her with a hoof or drop a knee on her, and then he lowered his rump close to her face. "Ky," he sheepishly said, "you sure about this?"

Nuzzling fondly into Buck's ass cheeks, Khyha churred in reverence of his young, studly form. Palming his legs, she coolly answered, "Oh, I'm very sure." Then, reaching up to his hips, she pulled at him and encouraged him to squat lower, the end result being that he uneasily sat upon her face, with his thick endowment coming to rest between her supple breasts.

"That's... A little weird," Buck mumbled, blushing, too preoccupied to fuck the tits he'd been offered.

Khyha replied reassuringly, but only with actions. Nosing into the crack of the stallion's ass, she found the pucker of his asshole, and she dragged her warm tongue across it.

At this new pleasure, Buck trembled and let loose with a long groan. Finding his opinion changing just that quickly, he languidly wrapped his mitts around the raccoon's breasts, and a dumb grin plastered his face. "Oh, hey, nobody's done that to me before," he shuddered, squeezing Khyha's breasts against his meat.

As the raccoon licked, she unavoidably took in the stallion's musk, a potent cocktail of hormones more concentrated than that from his loins. Adding to the strange naughtiness of the act was the feeling of Buck's colossal manhood nestling into her cleavage, drooling its' pre all over her downy, gray fur. Even more pleasure was Buck's grip on her plump breasts, kneading the pliable flesh in an intimate, enjoyable way.

To the tune of his own gentle snorts and groans, Buck ground his flare-tipped member into the raccoon's cleavage. As a result of shifting his hips like so, he also ground his virgin pucker against Khyha's cool nose and lapping tongue.

Ordinarily, when it came to fucking Khyha in any regard, the stallion's attention was unshakeable. Nothing could pry him away from screwing the raccoon; he always rutted her - nothing except for a rimjob, as he was learning.

"Ky, that feels so amazing," Buck sighed, eyes closed and grinning toothily.

Priding herself on her sexual progressiveness, especially for a woman of her age, Khyha was pleased that her stallion took so much pleasure from the act. Something that could have gone over very poorly instead turned out better than she expected, and it made her smile... As well as feel the need to press her luck.

Khyha ceased her laps, then merely nosed and nibbled at Buck's taint, while reflecting on her appreciation for the stallion's fine form; every time she gazed on him, smelled him, felt his body grinding against hers, she found her amorous feelings reaffirmed. That night, it was his tail hole that she enjoyed, and though that wasn't nearly as profound as admiring his good looks or his soulful eyes, she didn't care at all.

"Hey, don't quit," Buck said, a soft whine underlining his plea. It was a sure sign that Khyha had really gotten him going with her laps.

I'm not, sweet thing, she thought, as she planted a kiss on the black pucker of his tail hole. Beneath her lips, the wrinkled flesh tensed even tighter than it already was, and the stallion's long tail lashed, accompanied by a sigh from the horse.

Closing her eyes and pushing her tongue against that slicked pucker, Khyha perhaps fooled Buck into thinking she was going to resume her licking. What the stud got instead of that was unusual, but so enjoyable. He forgot all about being rimmed just on the surface, because Khyha began to push her tongue inside of him. Beyond the tender flesh that made up his pucker, Khyha's tongue encountered smooth, writhing walls that had never known so much as a teasing finger.

This attention stopped Buck's grinding hips and playing hands dead, and it made his muscular body go rigid. Around Khyha's invading tongue, he clenched tightly, but not enough to stop her from lapping in and out, twisting her tongue, and otherwise doing as she pleased.

"Ooh, yes," Buck cooed, trembling in complete bliss. Without grinding the raccoon's breasts against his cock (or the other way around), the mottled flesh still drooled constantly with pre, leaving Khyha stained and slicked from her cleavage to her navel.

Khyha's experienced paws roamed Buck's dense thighs, gripping and palming them, but avoiding the erotic flesh; her tongue was mired in enough of that. Said tongue was pumping in and out of the stallion's virgin behind, leaving hot, slippery saliva in its' wake, treating his tight walls to a whole new world of pleasure. His clenching made things tougher, but his groaning and trembling made it all worth the effort. She could feel his equine pre slathering her body, leaving her warm and marked with his stallion scent, and she knew his climax couldn't be far off.

Buck was an endurant partner; he could fuck all night long, which he'd demonstrated to the raccoon several times. On their first night together, the barmaid had wrung no less than four climaxes out of the stud; by the last, even his virile loins produced only a dribble of seed, but the proof that he could fuck for ages was there. His orgasms were never fast affairs, either; even after a long day at work, full of exertion and stress, Buck could pound away at Khyha's cunt or endure her suckling maw for the better part of an hour - but there he was, not ten minutes into getting his ass tongued, on the edge.

It was unbelievable that Buck could cum so quickly from anything - but suddenly, it was believable, because it was happening. Grimacing tightly, clenching his asshole so very tightly, Buck squeezed on Khyha's breasts perhaps harder than was necessary, and though their soft flesh bruised just like that, the raccoon was too enamored with her stud's rear to flinch. (That, and she liked it when he squeezed a little too hard; as long as it wasn't malicious, Khyha liked Buck to be a little rough sometimes.)

"Ah--, ooh, f-fuck!" the horse grunted through clenched teeth, his seed shooting forth. With his member resting flush against Khyha's body, his massive load of equine semen formed a long, unbroken line from just below the raccoon's bust to between her thighs on the bed itself. His cock twitched with each subsequent rope, and each spurt left abstract splotches on Khyha's legs and the bed alike. Not even the wooden floor was safe from his incredible release; as a stallion, Buck was second to none in sheer virility, but this climax was unlike any other, all thanks to Khyha and her bold tongue.

Not long after Buck's afterglow began, he finally relaxed, and Khyha used the respite to free her tongue, something that clenching tail hole had almost left numb. While her stallion huffed and cooed the inarticulate praises of getting his asshole eaten out, Khyha treated the spasming ring to kisses and bumps of her nose, nothing more than idle pleasures after what she'd just done to him.

Once he grew bored with the gentle kisses and licks (which, in Khyha's favor, took quite some time), Buck tiredly pulled his behind off of Khyha's face, and he flopped into bed beside her. So worn-out from his orgasm, he didn't even bother to turn around, and he lay with his hooves braced against the wall, near Khyha's head. With his bi-color member flopped against his stomach, drooling with the useless remnants of his orgasm, Buck looked truly content.

"How'd you know I'd like that?" Buck asked, incredulous, and still panting.

Grinning to herself, Khyha dabbed her fingers in the freshly-unloaded semen on her belly and tasted it. "I didn't."

"What, so you just stuffed your tongue in my butt for fun?"

"It was fun, right?" she asked.

Buck mumbled and considered it. "Well, yeah."

"Then, there you go - just for fun."

The stallion laughed. "I love you."


In the dead of the night, the forest was yet saturated with recent heavy rain. A bonfire heaped with brush burned frightfully tall, but its' embers fizzled uselessly against the soaked trees and grass.

Huddled around in the warmth of the fire, lying in grass and earth dried out by the flames, were dozens of bodies. All were creatures of at least breeding age, each fit and very attractive. Every gender - male, female, and the gamut in-between - was well-represented, and similarly, there was a diverse mix of species.

Foxes, wolves, big cats, horses and other mammals - even a gryphon in the form of a taur. Reptiles, from slender geckos to burly komodos; there was a dragon whose gender was unmistakably male, and he served as the largest among the scaled creatures. Then there were the hybrid beasts, some as simple as mutt canines or mixtures of feline genes, others beyond unusual, rendered not freakish, but unique and beautiful.

One such hybrid beast sat up on the smooth stump of a logged tree. It was a humble perch, but as he sat with one foot on the lumpy roots, the other braced against the side, he appeared as a regal king. It was fitting, for he was overlooking his subjects - the orgy was his doing, a monthly gathering of his cherry-picked clan for a free exchange of love and bodily fluids.

Though the air was chilly and he sat a ways back from the fire, nearly out of its' glow, that black fox kept warm. Kneeling before his perch was a nubile, reptilian girl; her exact species was a mystery, but her hide was vibrant, appearing prismatic even in the fleeting orange light of the bonfire. She suckled at the fox's heavy, furless balls eagerly.

The tod's sack was devoid of fur, and not by choice, but genetics. Without looking at his groin, he was a perfectly normal fox, albeit unusual in his black coat of fur. Examining every part of the tod, however, it came to light that he had a horse somewhere in his bloodline. Where any sane person would expect to find modest balls dressed in fluff and a sheath to match, Mahlten sported round, low-hanging balls with an equine cock, all of this in jet black, just like nearly everything else about him.

Few things about Mahlten weren't black. These exceptions were his amber eyes, the cotton-white tufts of fur within his ears, a matching shade for the tip of his tail, and a mere splotch of the color on one rump cheek, like a painter's mistake. Everything else, from his toe claws to the tips of his ears, were solidly black. A tuft of hair-like fur was on his head, and this, too, was black. These locks were short, maybe thought of as unruly to some, but it was charming in a youthful way.

Standing behind Mahlten, taller than the fox even as he sat up on the high-cut stump (and he wasn't small to begin with - though foxes weren't known for their great size, Mahlten had equine blood in him, and he stood at six-and-a-half feet), a toned, yet feminine brown mare held the tod in a loose embrace, her strong hands at work.

The mare let the fox's head rest on her plump breasts as if they were pillows, while her capable hands pleased him. One roamed the subtle lines of his chest, but the more dominant of the two slowly pumped his shaft, that piece of meat standing just over a foot. Musky pre sluiced through her fingers and drooled down the shaft itself, making a mess on his balls beneath which the lizard girl dutifully lapped up, all the while growing wetter still in her cold cunt.

That night was to be the lizard girl's first time receiving Mahlten's manhood - a sort of initiation for all who joined their fun. It was never coerced or forced; one could refuse the tod and still participate freely, but he had a sexual magnetism about him. No one had ever said no.

Little did Mahlten know that he'd be adding two new faces to his group that night.


"Ah, you're so frisky," Khyha said, speaking in mock-disgust. Making it clear to the dull stallion how playful she was being, she ran her paws down the back of his neck, while offering her own to the stud - which he was gnawing on, spurring her comment in the first place.

"I can't help it," Buck grinned, nipping, then kissing her throat. Sweetly, he flitted his tongue up along her chin, and then he kissed her on the lips. "Ever since the other night, when you tongued me..."

Smiling wryly, her dark coat and the low light completely obscuring her blush, Khyha remarked, "Oh, so that's why you've been a proper gentleman today. Does my hoss want his butt kissed again?"

Smiling back, lewdly, Buck shrugged and said, "Wouldn't complain if it happened."

Laughing, Khyha nuzzled into his chest; the difference in their heights let this come easily to her. "Later, I promise. I really did want to just enjoy a walk with you. I love the smell of the forest just after the rain."

Buck smirked. Khyha thought a remark was coming about other things she liked to smell, but instead, he joked, "How can you tell the difference? The forest is always soaked."

"Remember," Khyha chuckled, walking off and beckoning Buck, "I've been around a lot longer than you, sweet thing. This forest has seen a drought or two," the worst of which she went on to explain to the horse as they walked.

It surprised Khyha that she could lecture the stallion with a history lesson and keep his attention. He didn't grab at her shapely body - and it wasn't as if he was at a loss for opportunities. They were alone in the woods, their leaf-crunching footsteps and words hidden amongst a backdrop of chittering creatures in the trees. Buck could have mounted her anywhere he pleased, yet the thought didn't occur to him.

Not long after Khyha's tale ended, Buck was just getting around to thinking about sex again. Like an old friend, sorely missed, it cropped up front-and-center in in his mind - but then the both of them spotted the bonfire. In the darkness, they shared a glance to one another, and then a shrug.

"Wanna take a look, Ky?"

"Got anything better to do?" the barmaid grinned.

Buck shrugged dejectedly and then shook his head. Close together, they walked for the orange glow of the fire.


Well out of sight to the orgy's participants, Khyha and Buck watched, astonished, from the treeline. Buck stared with dumb, lewd interest; Khyha stared almost unblinkingly. An actual orgy, countless bodies writhing and grinding and humping, and it was simply there.

"Ky," Buck mumbled from the corner of his mouth, too transfixed to turn, "am I dead?"

But Khyha had spotted the gryphon-taur, and she was beyond words. Underneath her dress, she dampened with unspeakable arousal.

Even so far off, she could make out the details of the taur's body well. Unlike the vixen she had taken it from long prior to meeting Buck, the gryphon was entirely male. That long, equine body of his was dressed in the same sandy-shaded down as his upright torso, and hanging in between his hind legs, dormant after a recent climax, was a mottled stallion cock as thick as her own thigh.

"Ky, hey?" Buck mumbled, finally turning to her, but by the time he did, she was starting towards the orgy. Flustered and hard, the stallion followed after her, running at first, but walking once he caught up to her.

In a short time, the newcomers caught the group's attention (some of them, anyway, for most were too busy with each other). It was this moment that Khyha snapped out of her near-trance, realizing she'd been following her loins. She and Buck both stood blushing and dumbstruck, feeling overdressed and - despite the fact that they weren't the ones naked and contorted in pleasure - very embarrassed.

Everything was fine, however, when a cheetah boy with a truly effeminate male body stepped up to them, a small smile on his face. "Lost?" he asked, clasping his paws behind his back. Neither realized it, just for the innocent way he presented himself, but he was eying the bulge in Buck's trousers.

"We, ah," Khyha said, "yes. Yes, we are. We'll just... Show ourselves out of here."

It didn't seem to surprise the raccoon that the boy stopped her with a gentle paw on her arm, and so she didn't flinch. "Nonsense. You're as welcome here as any of us." A pause, and then - catching the stallion's attention - he added, "Especially your friend."

Khyha smiled queerly, while Buck eyed the cheetah curiously. "Well, it certainly looks interesting here - you're sure we can stay?"

"Of course you can," the feline winked. "But first, Mahlten will want to meet you." Smiling at Buck, then glancing at the stallion's crotch, and then at Khyha again, he winked and cooed, "You're going to like him."


"Ahh, yes, yes!" Mahlten groaned through clenched teeth, clenching and relaxing his fists rhythmically. Faster than ever, the mare's strong hand glided up and down the length of his equine shaft, masturbating it so furiously that there was no hope of the lizard girl licking his balls, as haphazardly as they bounced.

Years later, Khyha would fondly look back on how she had met Mahlten. Beyond the surprise of encountering a fox so unusual, the fact that she first saw him at the tail-end of a handjob would stick with her until the day she died.

"Ooh, nnn-yesss," the horse-dicked fox hissed, curling his toes. From the flared tip of his cock came a massive release, a load that splattered all over his athletic chest and made for a contrasting mess in the downy, dark fluff. Panting as he settled into his afterglow, he lay his head against the breasts of the mare and spoke, "Your hands know my body better than I do, my lovely."

"I know they do, sweet Mahlten," the mare chuckled, "as your tongue knows better about my body." Coolly straightening her gaze, she said, "You have visitors."

Opening his eyes and sitting up, Mahlten stretched languidly and smiled at the cheetah. "Young Rias, bringing more of your friends to join our little clan?" he playfully tutted.

Smiling back, Rias shook his head. "I'm afraid they're not yet friends, lovely and personable though they may be," he purred. "I merely found them peering in from the edges of the woods."

Looking past the cheetah, fixing his eyes squarely on Khyha, Mahlten hummed thoughtfully, and then he beckoned them. "Please, come closer," he cooed. As the newcomers neared, he asked, "What are your names?"

"Khyha," she answered. After two full seconds of awkward silence, she nudged Buck in the ribs.

Prying his eyes off of Mahlten's inexplicable cock, the stallion said, "Um, Buck."

"Khyha and Buck, hm," Mahlten repeated. Resting back on the mare's breasts again, he cooed, "Buck and Khyha. Khyha and Buck. Those are fine names." He grinned. "Mine is Mahlten."

"So we heard," Khyha lowly spoke, flicking her ringed tail and leaning on Buck, who was again staring at the fox's cock. "This is, um, an interesting little arrangement."

"Isn't it, though?" the fox chuckled, mischievously Then, with considerable authority, "I'm no mind-reader, and I don't play roundabout games, so if there's something you want to ask, ask it of me."

It was Buck that spoke up, looking the tod in the eyes. "Can we join in?" His query made Rias, who had taken to Mahlten's side, grin widely.

Regarding the pair like a picky king, but with a coy smile that foreshadowed his answer, Mahlten said, "Hmm, not sure..."

Stepping up, folding her arms under her plump, clothed bosom, Khyha grinned, "I'm sure there's some way we can help you decide."

Mahlten chuckled easily and grinned back, his amber eyes gleaming with lewd intent, despite an orgasm only moments in the past. "With that attitude," he crooned, "you're going to fit in wonderfully. Lose the clothing, then lose your inhibitions, and come to me, my lovely..."


Nude in the chilly night air, Khyha's nipples stiffly poked through the gray fluff on her body. At Mahlten's request, the lizard girl joined the rest of the orgy, and the raccoon took her place, albeit standing before the black fox like an equal, a coy smile on her face.

Matching Khyha's smile, piercing her soul with his vulpine eyes, Mahlten was obviously studying her. Already, he'd made his decision on her - for such a lovely woman to have stumbled upon him was luck to be celebrated - but there was so much playfulness to maintain, a game to play.

Reaching out with a soft paw, his claws and pads as black as his fur, Mahlten clutched one of Khyha's breasts, cupping the subtle teardrop in a reverent grip; so softly as to not be heard, Khyha huffed and clasped her paws behind her back.

Not only were Khyha's breasts large, but also tender, and Mahlten's teasing and testing rubs over her nipple and down in the dense, downy fur made her tremble. Audibly, she moaned, and down between her legs, the smell of willing pussy grew heady. With a nose as attuned to sex as his, it was impossible that Mahlten didn't smell her.

Khyha didn't know of the tod's customs or rules, but she ventured to guess that they, like the group, were loose and casual. She reckoned if she was going to be appraised, then she would do the same to her appraiser. As such, she took hold of the fox's member, eliciting both a soft coo from him.

Ultimately, Mahlten said nothing, not even as Khyha palmed the flare of his tip and coaxed out great dribbles of his pre. He did deliver more attention to her chest, however, attending to both of those soft, warm mounds with both paws in play, and he gave her a kiss on the lips. "Bold, I see," he growled.

"If I see something I like," Khyha grinned before smooching back, "I take it. Just ask Buck."

The fox snickered lewdly, hefting and squeezing Khyha's breasts, biting his lip as he did. "Such a fine set of tits you've got, sweet Khyha. A lovely body all over, I must say. Make me a happy man, tell me you're mine tonight."

Stroking up the underside of that horsecock, Khyha savored the fox's coo and winked at him. "If I said I weren't," she cooed, smoothly dropping to her knees, "we'd both be disappointed." Hungry and whorish, Khyha took hold of Mahlten. Not by the shaft, but his massively plump and furless balls. Cementing her place in Mahlten's orgy, she squeezed that scrotum taut and then lapped over the tender inner workings as they pressed up against the flesh.

Being brought up to the threshold of pain made Mahlten squirm, but occasionally crossing it was the real thrill. Khyha's teasing tongue left him shivering in pleasure, and it coaxed rivulets of pre out, the mess making the raccoon's masked face sticky.

"Mmh, my goodness, you're fine with that tongue," said Mahlten, grinning lopsidedly and blushing obviously.

Lapping long and hard on Mahlten's sack, pulling off of it with an exaggerated and wet slurp, Khyha remarked, "So I'm told. Mahlten?" After her call to attention was a soft lick along the flesh, then a peppering of kisses all over it to show her respect.

Moaning, melting like sugar in hot tea, the fox purred, "Mmhmm?"

Khyha smiled up at him, peering into his eyes around the obstacle that was his cock. "Do you care to be rimmed?"

Mahlten's grin split his lips into a gleaming, white crescent. "You lovely ringtail, where have you been my entire life?"


"Mahlten seems to like her quite a bit," Rias giggled, turning to the dumbfounded and still-dressed Buck.

Watching the pair closely, harboring a swollen lump in his trousers, Buck answered only with a positive grunt. When Rias lay a paw on his thigh, however, he looked away from Mahlten and Khyha, just as the raccoon knelt. "Uh, hey, I don't... Boys."

"Don't what boys?" Rias asked, grinning.

Lost and confused, Buck could only ask, "What?"

If people weren't enthralled by Buck's endowment, they were endeared by his polite dullness; Rias was in both camps. It was painfully obvious how curious the stallion was, and the slender cheetah saw this as a good opportunity to loosen the stud up.

Squeezing Buck's thigh, then meeting his nervous gaze with a disarming smile, Rias did his best to be calming. "Now, now," he cooed, kneading that hard thigh, his knuckles brushing the bulge, "there are no worries here, no anxiety. Take a deep breath..."

Buck did, filling his lungs with the cool air of the forest, and then he let it go in a long huff. He did it a few more times, and his heartbeat slowed, his head clearing, yet his cheeks were still lit up with a blush, and his big eyes displayed clear anxiety.

"Have you ever laid with another man?" the cheetah asked, in the same moment going for the goods, putting his demure paw right on the stud's crotch. As with his attention to the thigh, he squeezed and kneaded, soon adding his other paw to the act.

Rumbling with pleasure that was queer in both senses of the word, Buck bit his lip and shook his head.

Widening his smile but keeping his overall sweetness intact, Rias nodded in understanding. "Let's change that tonight. Have me, Buck," he purred.

"I... All right," Buck mumbled, reaching out to the cheetah boy with trembling fingers. It was crazy, he thought, that Khyha so many women had gone much, much further than just idle, dry molestation with him, and yet a girly little feline had him melting. Not once had the stud even thought he might like men, and he still wasn't sure, but Rias was intoxicating. His male beauty was irresistible; he could see himself being gay for the cheetah alone.

Grasping the naked cheetah's shoulders, Buck leaned in low - for he was several feet taller - and bumped noses with his admirer. Nervously, he pecked Rias on the lips.

Fortunately, Rias was as bold as he was lovely. Expressing his desire to the equine, he swabbed his rough tongue over the stud's lips, then past them, across flat teeth and a much more massive tongue. He did this for a short time, kneading the stallion's cock harder and harder still; where the tip lay, the fabric of his trousers was drenched in musky pre.

Trembling in budding, gay pleasure, Buck at last took the bait and returned the kiss. His enormous tongue filled Rias' maw, leaving no room for the boy to counter, but the cheetah was perfectly fine with that. Deep in the boy's maw, he lapped and prodded, exploring and earning more and more pleasure from the twink's paws in return.

Though dominant enough to pursue what he wanted, Rias was - as his body suggested - a bottom at heart. Feeling Buck's oversized tongue growing familiar with his maw had his own small cock growing hard, emerging eagerly from its' sheath, though his own erection was of no consequence. That wasn't conditioning from Mahlten, for when he joined the tod's orgies, he was already a sweet and subservient bitch who put his pleasure last.

Long strands of equine saliva ran down his chin, just as much getting gulped down as the stud's tongue slopped about in his tight maw. The traditional dominance Buck exuded complimented his subservient nature well, and already, Rias liked Buck very much.

It was Buck who went a step further when his big hands began to roam Rias' effeminate body. So used to the mighty curves of Khyha's bosom and hips, the cheetah's inoffensive lines were a whole new world to him. The boy was small enough that Buck could nearly grab him around the middle and touch his fingertips together.

Cooing at Buck's touch (even if he couldn't make much noise with the stallion's tongue almost down his throat), Rias also took his play further. With nimble little fingers, he undid the buttons that held Buck's fly closed and unfastened the buckle of his belt. The end result was that Buck's trousers fell to the grass, leaving him nude from the waist down, his mottled battering ram throbbing in the cool air - and very quickly, in Rias' paws.

That cock had been an amazing bulge under the fabric, and under the touch of Rias' soft paws, it throbbed more and more intensely. After getting his feline pads covered in the pre, he slathered the entire length in that natural lube.

It had to have been Rias' skill, the fact that he undoubtedly pleasured so many men, but the way he worked Buck's cock even idly made the stallion shudder, knees weak. Breaking off the kiss suddenly (after which, the cheetah gulped down the great wad of saliva still in his maw), he breathlessly muttered, "I've never done anything like this."

Giggling easily, his small, soft paws roaming up and down the length of Buck's drooling manhood, Rias shook his head. "Relax, just relax."

"Ah, I don't wanna relax," Buck grunted, palming Rias' body with hunger. "I wanna fuck you..."

Spurred into a toothy grin, Rias stood on his tip-toes and kissed the stallion's nose. "Then fuck me."


"Oh-ho, yes," groaned Mahlten, pre running down his shaft in huge runners. Weak from such pleasure, he pressed his weight back against the mare, who just smiled wryly and held the tod up.

Lapping hard across the strangely-endowed fox's pucker, Khyha made her lack of inhibitions abundantly clear. As she learned, not only did Mahlten have equine genitals, but a behind to match them. Unlike a typical fox, there was only black flesh down between his ass cheeks and along his taint, and his tail hole was a large, yet snug one - an asshole to be expected of a horse, not a fox.

All the same, Khyha lavished that pucker. Her slutty tongue buried itself in the tight orifice, wriggling past the outer black flesh, into the pink walls within.

Mahlten squirmed and huffed, and he pushed his head firmly against the pillows of the mare's breasts; were it not for her holding him up, he would've tumbled off the stump. "Aaah... Dirty gods and horny angels, you're fine with that tongue."

"These are big compliments, Khyha," the mare chuckled, stroking over Mahlten's chest. "Mahlten may be painfully easy, but he's stingy with his praise."

Blushing but emboldened, Khyha lapped harder and deeper. By then, her nose was pushed up into his taint and under his sack, and all she smelled was the heady mixture of vulpine and equine musk that Mahlten exuded. It was a thrilling scent, and it only made her hornier, more desperate to please.

Snuffling the fox's musk as much as possible and eating out his quivering asshole as greedily, Khyha made an example of herself as a selfless, shameless slut. In other words, she was Mahlten's new favorite girl.

Reaching up, she grasped his stallion penis and fervently masturbated it. It was impossible to tell that Mahlten had just been the recipient of a handjob, for he was so hard, throbbing so heavily, and whimpering with such pleasure. It had to have been the fusion of genetics - the virility of a stallion, but the ever-ready horniness of a fox.

Slobbering deeply inside of Mahlten, huffing harshly but struggling to breathe, Khyha found her world growing fuzzy and tingly from the lack of air and overabundance of musk. That just made the pleasure greater, the subservience more rewarding. Pleasure was her duty, musk was her prize.

"Ooh...! Oh, aaahn," Mahlten grunted through clenched teeth, with splayed ears and tightly lidded eyes rounding off his expression. The climax Khyha and Buck had witnessed at the hands of the mare had been an incredibly messy event, and this one was no different.

From those big, furless balls came a load so thick that it painted Mahlten's dark chest and even splattered a rope on the mare's snout, and in climaxing, he clenched tightly on Khyha's tongue. Having her tongue wedging open his anal walls as he came made this orgasm even messier than the last, and he telegraphed his pleasure with a long, shuddering moan, one tapering into a vulpine whimper of pure bliss.

Freeing herself from that clenching tail hole, Khyha jerked her tongue back sat on the grass, breathless and woozy.

Mrowling in appreciation, Mahlten's expression softened as afterglow settled in, his erection finally waning for the first time since the newcomers had met him. "Khyha," he sighed, "where did you learn to use your tongue like that?"

Khyha, still a little breathless and blushing crimson, said, "Practice."

Turning his eyes on Buck, by then fully engrossed in the wonders of Rias' tight behind, Mahlten put on a coy grin. "On your partner, I assume?"

"Mhm," Khyha said, also turning Buck's way. When she saw him with the cheetah, she just sighed and shook her head. "Oh, he'll fuck anything with a pulse."

"And why not?" Mahlten asked, turning back to Khyha and earning her gaze in return. Smiling and winking, he said, "You're an incredibly beautiful lady, and your boyfriend is quite the stud. You can both fuck anybody and anything you care to. Don't be ashamed of your perfection."

Khyha laughed weakly. "I'm not perfect, trust me."

"Don't be coy," Mahlten winked, standing up. Offering Khyha a paw, he hoisted the raccoon to her feet. Finally standing toe-to-toe with her, he kissed the very paw he held, and then he smiled in a way that was charming, not lewd.

Blushing brightly and finding herself smiling back, Khyha blurted, "I don't know what to think of you."

Mahlten chuckled easily and stroked a few locks of hair from her eyes. "Then don't waste your energy on it... There's still so much for us to do tonight, lovely Khyha."

Tugging at the raccoon's paw, Mahlten led her over to Buck and Rias, away from the swell of the orgy itself.


Anal sex was nothing new to Buck. With Khyha, it was a common act - but Rias was so small, so tight around him. Just entering the cheetah evoked a long, quaking moan from the stallion, a comparable sound squeaking past the boy's lips, albeit at a higher pitch.

"You're very big," Rias cooed, wrapping his dexterous tail about the stallion's arm, while his expression settled into that of an utterly relaxed grin, his eyes focusing on nothing in particular among the trees.

Buck only grunted absently, pushing slowly into the depths of Rias' bowels. Just when he'd begin to think his massive endowment could sink no further, when those walls got too tight, the cheetah would sigh to calm himself, and then he'd urge the stallion onward. After much careful penetration, Buck's toned hips pressed up to Rias' slender behind, and he squeezed on the boy's hips and flanks.

Balanced despite being so sharply bent (but relying on Buck's grip to some degree), Rias grasped his knees and sighed in contentment. Hard and curving up in a futile attempt to bump his own smooth belly, his small and inoffensive cock dribbled with feline pre. That cute drip was in sharp contrast to Buck's massive, endowment, throbbing so heavily as to betray every beat of his heart to Rias, squirting and spitting so much pre that the boy would be lubed for days.

Being part of Mahlten's harem, Rias was used to the well-hung men, sometimes coming at him three or four at a time, but breaking Buck in, getting him comfortable with the idea of fucking men, was as worthy an act as any for his talent. Usually, it was Mahlten himself who got those honors.

"Fuck me, Buck," Rias sweetly purred to the grumbling, somewhat apprehensive stud. "As slowly or as quickly as you like - just fuck me."

"You sure?" asked Buck, though already, he was sliding back.

Even the reserved grind of Buck's equestrian flesh backing out of him made Rias whimper in erotic bliss. Tingles danced up his spine, and his toes curled into the pliable earth. "Yes," he crooned, though weather this was in response to Buck or just out of gay pleasure, the stud didn't know.

Buck took it to be the positive answer it was, either way. More quickly, behaving as if he were with Khyha, he pulled back his shaft until only the blunt tip remained inside.

Already, Rias' tight walls were closing back in. The snugness made Buck's re-entry almost as challenging as the first, but it coaxed another set of deep moans from both the horse and the cheetah. Buck growled, his hips butting up to the feline's rear, "It's like your ass is made for this."

Panting in a haggard way despite having just begun, Rias coyly answered, "Some say it is."

"I know I would," Mahlten chortled, stepping into Buck's field of view; the stallion regarded him with a nod, one the fox respectfully threw back. "Made a new friend, Rias?" he asked, keeping his eyes on Buck.

"Uh-huh," the cheetah shuddered, grinning at the tod. "Now I need not wait for you when I crave a stallion," he winked.

Mahlten sneered and cupped the boy's chin, lifting it, reinforcing eye contact he was already getting. "Or you can get stallion cock from both ends now... Mind if I join in, Buck?" the black fox asked, sensuality heavy on his tone as he met the horse's eyes.

A little surprised by how casual it all was, but not disturbed by it, Buck flashed the fox a grin. "Won't bother me any."

Then regarding Rias' blushing, grinning face with a toothy smirk, Mahlten took hold of his flaccid, equine shaft, and he pumped and squeezed it a few teasing inches from the feline's lips. With the flesh so close, the boy could sniff it, but he couldn't lick it, try as he might.

Recent orgasms aside, Mahlten achieved an erection yet again, his member dribbling with viscous pre like a leaky tap. "Open wide," he lowly growled to the cheetah, who obeyed.

With the feline's gay maw opened and offered, Mahlten braced his meat just behind the flare with one paw, holding the cheetah's jaw with the other, and he entered the humid warmth in silence. Pressing up to the hilt quickly and efficiently, he then lay his paws on the back of the twink's head, his tail softly lashing for no particular reason. "Such a good boy," he remarked, albeit not directly to the cheetah. "He's among my most prized lovers, you know - you're a lucky man to get to claim his rear," he cooed to Buck.

Buck just smiled modestly, and turned his attention back to his slow, but firm fucking.

Khyha chose this moment to weigh in. "Well, I think my Buck is a worthy man..."

Turning his eyes on Khyha and smiling tightly, Mahlten growled, "If he's worthy of you, he's worthy of anything he wishes."

Buck wasn't completely stupid, and he understood what was going on, but he said nothing. Slowly making love to Rias as he was, it hardly seemed appropriate to reprimand the fox - and there was the fact that he rather liked Mahlten, himself.

Grinning, Khyha watched her stallion and the curiously-endowed fox have Rias for a few minutes. As she did, one paw made itself busy. Tweaking her clit and tenderly stroking the lips of her pussy, she vocalized her pleasure only with a quiet sigh, one unheard by any ears.

Rias was indeed a beautiful young man, and though the raccoon had a taste for the largest she could handle, his feminine body and demeanor was compelling. But, before Khyha could offer the cheetah a little pleasure and explore his slim form, she felt a strong hand come to rest on her hip. It made her flinch - being caught teasing her cunt like so gave her a sense of shame.

"What a silly thing to be doing," cooed the mare, into Khyha's ear; her big hand squeezed on the barmaid's hip, reminding the raccoon of Buck's own touch.

"Ah, wh-what is?" said Khyha with a nervous laugh. Like a naughty child caught stealing cookies, she had already snapped her paws away from their lewd touching.

Chuckling deeply, the mare added her other hand to Khyha's body. One gently wrapped a breast; it was still moist with the secretions of Mahlten's shaft. The other brushed over the raccoon's pussy, coaxing her to groan out sharply (thus earning the gazes of Mahlten and Buck - the latter stared for a good, long while, but the fox went back to Rias nonplussed).

"Why would your touch yourself when so many of us would happily do it for you?" the mare cooed into Khyha's flitting ear, one thick digit just parting the ringtail's folds to tease the pink within.

Melting at the mare's touch, Khyha leaned back, and - thanks to the difference in their statures - lay her head against the soft mounds of the horse's breasts. At a loss for anything clever to say, too shy to admit she'd begun pleasuring herself without even realizing it, Khyha instead said nothing at all.

Emitting a low, lewd rumble, the beautiful brown mare deeply fingered Khyha's tight passage, spreading open her humid snatch with only one finger, thus coaxing the mature raccoon to a mewling cry. "You can have anything you wish here - any pleasure of the flesh," she whispered, teasing over one of Khyha's stiff nipples with her thumb.

"Ah-anything?" Khyha shuddered as the mare's finger sank in knuckle-deep, where it stayed.

"Anything you wish," the mare reiterated. "Tell me, or seek it out for yourself..."

Meeting Buck's gaze, Khyha blushed crimson. She began to feel naughty, unfaithful, but when Buck began to lose his composure and more strongly fucked the cheetah (as well as averted his eyes from hers), her own boldness returned. It wasn't outwardly expressed - the mare was too enticingly domineering for that - but she felt the urge to act on her most slutty of desires.

"I can tell you exactly what I want," Khyha whispered back to the mare.


"Oh, yes," Buck shuddered, slapping his strong hips into Rias' taut butt again and again, making the young cheetah rock on his feet and bob more deeply into Mahlten's lap.

Quirking his face into a smirk, Mahlten coolly remarked, "Cum inside of him."

"Ah, whuh-what?" Buck asked, startled, still nailing Rias with haggard thrusts.

Winking and briefly sticking out his tongue at Buck, Mahlten said, "It's rather simple, isn't it? Rias likes it when big, strong stallions," a chuckle, "or close approximations, fill him up from behind."

"Oh," Buck mumbled, feeling dumb and flustered, "I get it." That seemed to be it, and the stallion was fine with the idea. Panting and grunting with every thrust now, his big balls swinging up in-between the feline's thighs, he got ready for his climax. Every synapse was burning with pleasure, his loins tingling and burning. His tail lashed, his muscular ass clenched, and his battering-ram of a cock throbbed so harshly as it reamed that cheetah.

Everything came to a head when Buck practically staggered into his climax, possibly the most intense he'd ever felt. Emitting a long, labored whinny (a noise reserved only for his most wild of releases), he buried his cock in the boy, and emptied nearly every drop of seed in his aching balls.

For Rias, it felt like a geyser had erupted in him, spraying sticky warmth that coated his sore innards, soothing raw, reamed flesh and giving him intense pleasure. Around the black fox's cock, he shuddered and whined, his cocksucking duties faltering, but the tod allowed the slip.

With an eager paw, Rias reached down and took hold of his own cock, so very small and inoffensive compared to the stallion members that spitroasted him. His erection raged; Buck's endowment and his orgasm put pressure on almost the entirety of the twink's anal walls, stimulating his tender insides so well that, had it not been for the studs, his shaking knees would have given out.

It took precisely six fervent jerks of his cock for Rias to orgasm. Clenching tighter on Buck in the throes of his release, nicking but not harming Mahlten's shaft with his teeth, the cheetah's meat spasmed and spurted with a quartet of thick ropes, a very respectable load for a twink of his size.

"Ooh, dammit," Buck sighed, though not in negativity. "I've had some wild sex, but that..."

Smiling his usual coy smile, Mahlten asked, "Rias has that effect on men. I've seen fellows straighter than you lose their eyesight fucking him."

Buck chuckled impishly and stroked down the cheetah's back; his small form resonated with a content purr, matched in volume by his extravagant suckling on Mahlten's shaft.

Rias' ministrations on the tod were short-lived, for Mahlten eased his cock back, out of the boy's maw to some noticeable relief from the twink, who worked his jaw a few times as he stood up more-or-less straight.

"So, Buck," Mahlten said with a calm inflection, stepping around Rias and standing beside he and Buck, tweaking his saliva-covered meat. He said nothing more; he merely winked and smiled.

Blanching, and becoming so distracted that he didn't even notice Rias' riotous giggling, dumbfounded Buck said, "Hey--, hey, you're too big!"

"No bigger than you are," said Mahlten, "or, only just." With a touch Buck found surprisingly calming, the tod stroked over his hard, muscular ass; Mahlten's pads were soft, pillowy flesh, his fur like silk. "It's nothing you wouldn't enjoy."

"I'm not so sure," Buck grunted, frowning.

Still mounted by the stallion, Rias pressed back against Buck's chest and purred, "It feels good - it hurts a bit the first few times, but Mahlten is a masterful lover..."

"Ky, what do you think?" Buck nervously asked with a glance to the side, yet both she and the mare were gone, closer to the fire with the rest of the group. Rather than try to pick her out of the crowd, Buck turned his eyes back on Mahlten's and sighed. "Well... If you say so," he conceded, directing his gaze down to Rias. So far, the little cheetah had been right about one thing already, and his girlfriend was nowhere to be seen; a stallion as simple as he was needed somebody to lead him to the trough, so Rias' guidance would have to do.

"I'm glad you see it that way," Mahlten chuckled. "Rias - go find someone else to play with, my little gem."

As Rias wriggled off of Buck's endowment (at which both of them shivered), the stallion felt his unease flaring up again, more so when the boy sauntered off, nonplussed at the syrupy mess of horse seed drooling down his thighs.

"I'm having second thoughts," Buck said in the closest thing a stallion had to a whine.

Saying not a word more, Mahlten took Buck further to the perimeter, almost totally out of the bonfire's glow. He guided the stallion to stand against a tree, which he did, and then he further guided him to part his legs in a wide cowboy stance.

Interrupting his silence and kneeling simultaneously, Mahlten said, "I promise few things, dear Buck - and I promise right now that you'll be just fine."

As Mahlten delivered the first slow, hot lick to his tense pucker, Buck grunted and leaned heavily on the ancient tree, and he believed the tod's promise with no further coaxing.


"If that's what you want," the mare chuckled, "then that's what you'll get." She eased her finger out of Khyha's heated depths, and led her away from the threesome. As they neared the fire, the sound of Buck's powerful whinny carried to their ears.

The sound made Khyha smirk; it was a noise she'd gotten him to make a few times, and she knew precisely what it meant. The acknowledgment fast faded into obscurity, however, buried under more pressing matters like lust.

"These two," said the mare to Khyha, gesturing to an interspecies duo kissing a short distance away, "should provide exactly what you're craving." Tentatively, Khyha started towards them, but the mare stopped her with a paw on her shoulder.

Their gazes meeting again, the mare winked, "And if you want to track me down again... Well, nothing beats a woman's touch on a woman's body."

Khyha chuckled and nodded. "It's an offer I think I'll take you up on sometime." There was a lull in the exchange, and then she asked, "Um, what is your name?"

Smiling a smile devoid of coyness, the mare said, "It's Chalia. Now, enjoy yourself."

Unattended, Khyha padded close to the writhing pair, some details becoming clearer, even as tangled as they were. Both were female at a glance, but not quite in actuality, for both of them featured male genitalia, as yet in a state of half-erection. Whether they were just winding up or down was unclear, but if Mahlten's attitude were anything to go by, she guessed that they'd welcome her anyway.

Kneeling in the dry grass nearby, Khyha chuckled, "Hey - excuse me."

First, the "lady" on top eased off of her partner, and they untwisted their tongues with some reluctance. She moved up to her knees while her partner stayed upon her back, and she asked with a smile, "Yes?"

It was now that Khyha got a good look at the both of them in the bonfire's light. The kneeling, seemingly more domineering of the two was a deer of some sort; Khyha was no expert on their specific breeds, but she recognized the basic shape. Though young, her curves were delectable, her hips thick and made for breeding, her breasts plump and round, but not enough to rival Khyha's. Down between her legs, a swollen, pink cock stood at half-mast, musky pre alternately running down the shaft and dribbling onto the grass.

Lazily lying on her back was the other girl, whose reptilian species was far-removed from Khyha and the doe. In the flitting orange light, the moody, blue hues of her hide were difficult to make out clearly, but the slender lines and modest endowment of her breasts were easily seen. Less than modest was her shaft; it, too, was only half-erect, but it was thicker than the doe's. Her blue colors made their way partially up that shaft, but they segued into more delicate cyan, and then near-white on the very tip itself.

Scooting in a bit closer, feeling out-of-place with her lack of a penis, Khyha at first said nothing. She found herself eying the doe's endowment, and then that of the reptile. Only after a moment of that did she chuckle, "This is embarrassing."

Still smiling but adding a little lewdness to it, the doe reached out to Khyha and softly stroked her muzzle. "Nothing to be embarrassed about here. We're all big girls," she winked.

"Mhm," the lizard chimed in, sitting up and allowing herself a stretch. Gracefully enough, she sidled up to Khyha and gave her a soft squeeze. The doe joined in on the other side, and together, they sandwiched Khyha between their respectfully cold and warm bodies. "You're a pretty thing - anything we can do for you?"

"Mmh, well," Khyha uneasily laughed, resting one paw on the doe's thigh, wrapping the other arm around the lizard's body.

"We-e-ell?" the doe pushed, grinning.

Rolling her eyes and chuckling in good nature, Khyha nuzzled the doe and said, sheepishly, "I want both of you, at once, in the same hole." With this confession, she hung her head for comical effect, but she spared a glance at the doe from the corner of her eye.

"Is that all," the lizard rhetorically sniggered.

"And which hole would that be?" cooed the deer, rubbing her erection (by then, a full ten inches long and throbbing) against the raccoon's outer thigh.

Khyha grinned coyly. "I... I do like anal," she muttered.

"Well," the lizard said, "that works out for everyone." Then, pulling away from Khyha, she lay back once more, a position she seemed to be most fond of, with her arms folded behind her head. Her new alignment made her full erection all the more obvious, its' girthy, blunt-tipped flesh covering itself with its' own pre, some of which ran down far enough to wet the hide of her balls.

After a reassuring glance from the doe, Khyha moved close to the lizard, her locomotion on all-fours, and then she knelt in-between the reptile's shapely legs. In a soft paw, she grasped the lizard's masculine flesh and treated it to a squeeze; viscous pre oozed from the tip, and the girl's body shivered with pleasure.

"I've never had a lizard," Khyha admitted, albeit matter-of-factually, and then she kissed the blunt glans. All at once, the girl's musk hit her full-force. Khyha thought she'd smelled it all before, having had her nose in many a crotch and under more than a few tails, but that had always been with mammalian partners; a lizard's scent was new and almost off-putting to her.

Unaware of Khyha's initial shock or not, the doe nevertheless said with good timing, "They grow on you." It helped the raccoon a little, as did the cervine's loving touch on her hip. "You've got such a wonderful figure," she complimented, squeezing the well-padded flesh of an ass cheek.

"Ah, thanks," Khyha said, absently. Pushing herself past the unusual musk, she took in the lizard's plump shaft, and she was stricken by another oddity: cold-bloodedness. Against her tongue, the lizard girl's meat felt chilly, and the pre itself actually felt cold. It was a contrast that was pleasant, though; already wondering how that cold cock was going to feel elsewhere in her body, she began to suckle and bob.

The lizard's size was impressive, her girth great enough to choke on, but Khyha had cut her teeth on Buck and other such-endowed males; the lizard was nothing if not a simple challenge, but her size was pleasant, her temperature a thrilling twist, her musk an acquired taste. It didn't take Khyha long to begin bobbing, and her paw, once gripping the remainder of the cool shaft, instead busied itself with the those balls, dressed in soft hide.

Exhibiting a lusty hunger of her own, the doe shifted herself behind Khyha, and with pushes and nudges on the raccoon's back, she directed the barmaid to adopt a face-down, ass-up posture. With those perfectly curved, plush ass cheeks presented and prone, the doe grasped both, and she kneaded softly. With each little squeeze, her fingers dented the flesh, but these marks pushed out the moment the deer let off.

Purposefully, Khyha pushed her behind into the deer's affection, all the while swaying her long, ringed tail. Gifted with such a plush and round ass, she was always happy to have it admired, and the doe seemed to have the right idea.

Taking that pleasure and turning it around, the full-figured raccoon suckled upon more of the lizard's shaft, at least three-quarters of that cold cock buried in Khyha's hot maw. Similarly, her warm, furry paw stroked the chilly hide of her scrotum, fondling the tender insides with a skilled touch. More often than not, her digits trailed further south, teasing over what she expected would be the lizard's cunt - but no, she found merely an unbroken taint dressed in soft hide, at the end of which was a tight, fleshy tail hole.

It started Khyha wondering if the lizard had been born male (it would have explained some of the less-than-feminine hips), but in the same train of thought, she didn't particularly care. A nice cock was a nice cock, and with all her escapades at her back, who was she to turn down a dickgirl?

Unlike Khyha, the doe wasn't surprised by the raccoon's anatomy, but neither was she displeased; in parting those cheeks, she was treated to a view of a tasty, pink pucker, involuntarily winking from the feel of the cool night air. Further south, much more of a needful thing, was Khyha's dripping snatch. Running down her thighs was thick, clear juice, heavy with pheromones, doing everything possible to draw attention to the pussy dribbling it.

What started as the intention to ready the raccoon's asshole changed when the doe caught sight and scent of that cunt. Relinquishing Khyha's pillowy cheeks, she dropped to the grass and twisted as she did, ending up on her back, aligned with her reptilian friend. With her hooves, she pushed herself forward, getting her head ideally in-between the raccoon's thighs, and then with both hands on the mature ringtail's hips, she nonverbally instructed Khyha to lower her rump, leaving the doe's short snout comfortably smothered in damp pussy.

Drinking in Khyha's scent and juices alike, the doe went to work licking and kissing the outer folds of Khyha's pussy first, coaxing the ringtail to tremble and falter slightly in her own oral sex.

This attention to the surface was brief; with two fingers, she soon parted the folds of the raccoon's snatch, exposing the pink within, freeing more pheromone-laden musk. With just one lick across the inner flesh, she made Khyha tremble.

Khyha's long and fluffy tail lashed, telegraphing her sexual agitation. Below it, past her thick behind, the doe suckled and lapped at the tender flesh of the raccoon's cunt, stealing its' natural, musky moisture, replacing it with saliva. Around and against that tongue, her walls throbbed and tensed, aching not for tongue (no matter how skilled it was), but for hard, throbbing cock.

For all of her talents with her tongue, the doe was skilled all around. Sliding her capable hands up and along the curves of Khyha's rump cheeks, she first kneaded and toyed with the pliable flesh, and she savored the warmth and depth of the fur there. Short-lived was the molestation, though, and she went for a naughtier target in short order; slipping one paw between the cheeks, she rubbed slowly but insistently on Khyha's puckered tail hole.

Anal stimulation was a relatively new favorite of Khyha's, but very little else got her going quite as well. From only the doe's touch, the raccoon tensed, her entrance winking and quivering against that finger.

In a hint as subtle as a scream, Khyha pressed her thick rear against both the doe's finger and her face, and her reward was a slender digit pushing into her. Though her finger was dry, the doe worked it in slowly and carefully, causing the raccoon little discomfort, and mostly just a deeply rewarding sense of pleasure.

Groaning heatedly around the reptile's cock, Khyha sought to pay the pleasure forward. Reaffirming her seal around the dickgirl lizard's member, she began to suckle and bob yet again, this time keeping her work consistent. Beneath the lizard's balls, Khyha also worked with her fingers. Unlike the doe, she didn't particularly care to explore inside (that was a job often reserved for her tongue), but she did rub and tease the lizard's tight entrance.

Arching her spine and hissing in outright pleasure, it became glaringly obvious just how male the lizard actually was; no woman enjoyed anal stimulation quite so much, not even exceptional cases like Khyha herself. "Oh, you're a shameless woman, aren't you?" she chuckled, hissing as she did, as though every syllable had a leak in it.

Khyha said nothing (not that she could have), but her answer seemed to be in her actions; she gulped down every inch of the reptile's endowment, down to the slit that was the sheath, and she hugged it within her throat.

The pre this deep-throat loving coaxed from the reptile came heavily, squirting right down Khyha's throat. The heady musk still drifted back up, entering Khyha's sinuses from the backdoor; unfiltered by the passages of her nostrils, it was an especially potent scent, and the result seemed to be that Khyha would stop at nothing to have the lizard's seed.

Khyha was past the point of no return, and the doe was getting there herself. Down below, her cock alternately drooled and spat heavy wads of precum, leaving her tawny coat glistening up the front. She had never worked her tongue too deeply into Khyha, sticking to the easier route of lavishing the flesh just past the lips, but here, she gave the raccoon's depths a few teasing laps.

Around her finger, Khyha's ass was snug and hot, and undoubtedly, it would be a divine hole to fuck. Once she and her lizard friend got through with it, probably not so much... Yet as eager as she was, the deer doubted if Khyha was new to sitting softly on pillows.

Seemingly as quickly as she'd begun, the doe slipped out from beneath Khyha. Like a dog just after a drink of water, she licked the immediate area of her lips clean, but she left what was unreachable on her face rather than wipe at it with her arm. Sitting up and kneeling behind the raccoon, giving those large, gray cheeks a squeeze, she spoke, "Now, what's this about you liking a nice assfucking?"

Loathe as she was to do so, Khyha pulled up and off of the lizard's shaft. Twice, she coughed, and when she spoke, her voice was rough, but it still had an eager edge to it. "I love to be fucked under the tail," she rasped, then clearing her throat. More smoothly, she managed to say, "I just want both of you to screw me, at once - I can take it, just do it."

Pulling apart the cheeks again, the doe leaned down. What seemed to be the beginning of a deep rimming turned out to be only a tease; she licked once across the needy pucker of Khyha's tail hole, and that was it. The neglect made Khyha groan heavily.

"If you want to be fucked," said the doe, palming Khyha's rear, "then fucked is what you'll be. We'll do it your way, so show us just what you want."


Khyha didn't have to think about what to do. Prone on paws and knees, she padded over top of the lizard's hips and straddled the reptilian dickgirl. Feeling that cold cock - slathered with her own hot saliva - grinding against her cunt made the full-figured raccoon shiver.

Tempted as she was to plop down on it and just ride like a cowgirl, Khyha wanted even more to know the thrill of being sodomized two at a time. Tentatively, she reached back to guide the lizard in, intending to take the girls one at a time, but the doe had other plans.

Grabbing the lizard's cock, the deer pressed her own flush to the bottom, their two shafts menacingly thick together. Smiling coyly, she pressed these shafts, lashed together with only her own hand, against Khyha's puckered asshole.

"Hey, now!" Khyha squeaked, whipping her head around so quickly that she slung her curly, brown locks.

"What?" the doe winked, ever smiling. "I thought you wanted both of us in there."

"I do, but at the same time is asking a lot," Khyha said, grimacing in unease.

"Isn't that the definition of double-penetration...?" the lizard chimed in, earning a flustered glare from the raccoon. Meeting it, she twisted her craggy, but pretty face into a playful grin.

Pressing forward, the deer watched, smirking, as those two cocks started to enter Khyha. Though very tight, Khyha was obviously no virgin, and both of the well-endowed girls could tell.

Khyha didn't swear or cry out. In fact, she took their entry with considerable grace, yet she still bit her lip and trembled. It was absurd that even combined, their girth didn't surpass Buck, whom she could take without so much as a twinge of pain. It had to have been the act itself of being double-penetrated, the subtle differences in their speed, and the oblong shape their cocks made of her tail hole.

"Deep breaths," the doe cooed with fondness and concern.

"Mmhmm," the lizard agreed, hissing as sweetly as she could, though it still proved a menacing sound. She did manage to be affectionate with Khyha, however, with her touch instead of her voice. In the smooth, almost fleshy hide of her palms, she cupped the raccoon's pliable and plump breasts, and she played with their soft curves, earning moans from the well-aged ringtail.

Although Khyha was taking deep breaths, it wasn't to ward off the pain. She knew that the pain wouldn't disappear so easily, but the pleasure overrode it. Already started up by the doe's tongue, her snatch tingled with pleasure. Accidental stimulation struck as the doe and lizard ground into her and pressed against her vaginal walls from the other side. Viscous juice from her pussy dribbled onto the reptile's hide and made it glisten in the firelight.

Far from ideal circumstances, the angles the two not-quite-women entered Khyha at kept them from entering her fully, but they were deep enough inside to get the job done. Their balls pressed close together, almost as tightly as their lengths ground against one another in the depths of Khyha's rear.

Intimately, Khyha could feel the beats of their hearts, but she was understandably disinterested in that. All that mattered was the sex, the incredible stretch and the thrill of it all. The doe leaned over her and reached around, clutching her tits and sharing them with the lizard, and Khyha blissfully whimpered, "Fuck me, please..."

"For a pretty 'coon like you, we'd do anything in the world," the lizard cooed, for once sparing the reptilian hiss.

With lacking synchronicity, the doe and lizard really began to mate Khyha's rear. At first, the sex felt inefficient and awkward, but Khyha realized in short order that they were never leaving her empty; one of them was always deep inside of her when the other was almost out. They alternated skilfully, their cocks working deep into her like pistons, and in this way, they kept her from getting too used to the act.

In a steady upwards curve, the deer and reptile sped up their work, but they lost some of that precision. More often than not, as their paces increased, they found themselves just fucking Khyha together, ramming in and pulling back in near-synchronization, but whatever they did was fine with Khyha.

Fixed into a lewd, blushing grin, staring off at nothing in particular, Khyha's expression was one of pure bliss. Although she knew her rear was being wrecked, and that sitting on anything that wasn't covered with three or four pillows was going to be painful, it felt so wonderful that she didn't care. Even with both paws braced on either side of the lizard, occupied and absently ripping up chunks of grass, her pussy was throbbing and drooling.

Inarticulately, the doe huffed crude nothings to Khyha's flitting ears. Your tight ass this and your big tits that; the general message was that the voluptuous Khyha had an admirer. Less articulate was the lizard, who hissed and gasped but offered no words. Her cold cock throbbed even harder than the doe's member, and its' chilled pre sent shivers up Khyha's spine.

"I-I think," Khyha squeaked, letting her eyes drift shut, "I'm gonna cum."

"Then cum," the lizard shuddered, rubbing over Khyha's nipples with her cool thumbs, teasing the hot nubs. Her own tits, full and pleasantly round, bounced nicely with every buck into the raccoon.

It wasn't exactly on cue, but Khyha felt the first twinges of her climax a few moments after the reptile spoke. It came on like a flash-fire, igniting the flesh of her cunt with raw pleasure, making her box throb and squirt viscous juices. Just as violently, her anal walls clenched and writhed, milking the doe and the lizard, making them grunt and hiss, respectively.

"Oh, a-a-ahn," Khyha groaned, whole body shuddering, limbs almost going slack. In the heat of the release, her vision went blurry, and the other writhing figures of the orgy were just pointless shapes. All senses coalesced into a tangled mass of stimulation. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and her tongue slopped out of her maw.

Aware of Khyha's bliss and striving to join in, the doe and the lizard rutted with everything they had. In their rush to cum and share in the ringtail's afterglow, the reamed her walls and swatted their heavy ballsacks into each other, causing themselves twinges of pain, adding to the pleasure by putting it in sharp relief.

Their performance toward the end was simply violent, full of huffing, gasping, hissing, and jiggling breasts and balls, but it was amazing, and Khyha only made a stunned mewling sound, for their work prolonged her climax.

That long-awaited moment where all of the rough fucking paid off came at last. The doe orgasmed first, spearing her warm seed deep into Khyha. Before the raccoon could get too used to that hot semen clinging to her walls, the lizard added to the mess with own wad, cumming with a sharp hiss. Her seed was cold, just like everything else about her, but the shiver it elicited from Khyha was not entirely from temperature.

"Ooh... Amazing," Khyha huffed, slowly and gently lying down atop the lizard, soon sandwiched in-between her and the doe.

Relaxing against Khyha's plush rear, enjoying her warm coat, the doe said, "It was."

"Good to see Mahlten picked out a nice MILF," the lizard chuckled.

"Mmhmm," the doe cooed, "that's something we've been missing."

"I guess I look the part, but I'm nobody's mother," Khyha added, with a weak chuckle.

"Close enough," said the reptile, "but Nael was a MILF in more ways than one..."

"Nael?" Khyha asked, lifting her head to try and look down at the lizard. It didn't work, and she fell slack again.

Kissing Khyha on the ear, the deer softly spoke into it, "Nailtem - something of a clan mother. Very strong woman, very discerning. There was no finer lover." After a beat, she hastily added, "Ah, but, I wouldn't bring her up to Mahlten."

"Say no more," Khyha said, and she chose then to drop it, but the seed of curiosity was there.


"I always kinda thought I was straight," Buck lamented, his tail lashing.

With his nose up under Buck's tail, Mahlten chuckled lowly. Pausing his laps on the surface of the stallion's asshole, he said, "There's nothing wrong with going both ways... Or with changing sides in the middle of the game."

"Ah, hey, I like women," Buck hastily said, glancing back at Mahlten, but in the dark, he couldn't make out the fox's ebony body. "I love Ky, she's a good woman."

"I'll say," mused Mahlten, kissing Buck's tail hole.

Shivering softly, Buck let his legs creep a little further apart, and he idly scratched his fingertips against the tree.

"You need only to relax," the fox crooned, kissing Buck's entrance again, then licking across it. Taking in the stallion's wavering groan, he smiled and added, "Me and mine believe that if something feels good, it should be enjoyed, not stigmatized or second-guessed."

"I guess that makes sense," Buck grunted.

"And does my tongue feel good on your virgin rump?" Mahlten grinned, nuzzling into a muscular cheek.

Buck's reply was a two-syllable grunt in the positive.

"Then enjoy it," the fox reassured, and he pressed his tongue to the stallion's pucker again. Going past the pucker itself, he wriggled his strong and skilled tongue deep inside. The many inches of his velvet-like tongue caressed those virgin walls in a way that, though not unfamiliar to the stallion, still gave him knee-trembling, fist-clenching pleasure.

Under his breath, Buck uttered some lewd nothing with a swear. Expressing his sexual agitation further, his tail lashed over Mahlten's head, eventually coming to rest. Something he was noticing was that Mahlten, by virtue of his canine-descended species, had a much longer and more flexible tongue than Khyha did; the black fox's slobbering and lapping put the raccoon's rimming to shame.

Playing off of Buck's pleasure, Mahlten soon lapped in as far as his tongue could go. Well before that pleasure grew familiar, he brushed his lips against the pucker, smooching and suckling it. They were all moves that Khyha had, but something about the way Mahlten worked made everything sexier in a way that Buck couldn't put his finger on.

Stroking around the stallion's muscular ass cheeks and chiseled thighs, Mahlten worshiped the outside of the stud's body as much as the inside. Predictably, his grabby mitts found purchase on the stallion's member soon. Like meeting an old friend, he stroked the familiar shapes and savored the heat and girth; to feel up a stallion cock on an actual stallion was unusual for someone like him.

"Oh, hrrf," Buck sighed, resting his head on the tree, "that feels so good..."

Chuckling impishly and groping the blunt flare of Buck's cock, Mahlten seemed to be in concurrence. Down between his own legs, his solid-black endowment pulsated in a way not unlike Buck's, drooling musky pre and staying hard without the aid of a helping hand.

Eating Buck out was a fine and good pleasure for Mahlten, who regularly and gladly did such things to both muscular studs and twinks like (and including) Rias, but neither was pussy off-limits to his slutty tongue. The fox was insatiable, and foreplay certainly wasn't enough for him. Marathons of sex couldn't exhaust him, and so one simple rimjob had no chance.

Easing back, Mahlten extracted his tongue from the velvet depths of Buck's rear. Grasping the stud's cheeks and keeping them parted wide, he gazed on the stallion's well-licked tail hole; his eyes were attuned enough to the darkness that he could easily see in it.

"C'mon, don't quit," Buck shuddered, but Mahlten's mind was made up.

Relinquishing Buck's rear and standing up straight, Mahlten slipped his member in-between the cheeks of the horse's ass. He ground into that hot cleft, hotdogging Buck and allowing him to feel the staggering length of what was about to enter him.

Chest to back with Buck, Mahlten nibbled on the stallion's burly neck, and then he softly chomped on the thick cords there. Buck's flesh was too tough for him to break with such a playful bite, but all the same, the pricks of his teeth made the horse shudder and press harder into the tree.

Sneering at the submission, grinding harder and harder into the burly stallion's ass crack, Mahlten said, "Now, you can say you don't want to be fucked, and I'll stop... But I think we both know you want this."

"Ah, mmf," Buck noncommittally grunted, biting his lip.

Wrapping his arms around Buck's body, Mahlten cooed, "You want to be fucked like your lovely mate, to know what she feels when you shove your throbbing meat into her... Am I wrong?"

Again, Buck said no discernible answer, but he was blushing and hard.

"Your silence tells me an awful lot," mused the fox, pulling back, but not far. Gripping his shaft in one paw, pulling aside an ass cheek with the other, Mahlten pushed forward, and he ground his wet tip against the saliva-smeared pucker of Buck's tail hole. Before the stallion could really protest, Mahlten pressed forward, and he spread open the handsome stallion.

Buck broke his vow of silence. "Ah, nngh, fuck!"

"Shhh, shhh," Mahlten shushed, releasing Buck's ass cheek to stroke down his back and flank instead. Easing in after the rude penetration, gradually working his inches inside, the horse-dicked fox said, "It always hurts at first, relax yourself."

From the low, displeased noises Buck was making, one would have thought that Mahlten was sticking a knife into his back, but despite every opportunity to stop, Buck kept his concerns to himself. "I think you're way too big to be anybody's first time," he grumbled instead. Resting the side of his muzzle against the tree's bark, feeling exhausted and hot from the pain, he sighed heavily.

Mahlten chuckled easily. No longer needing to brace his shaft, he put both paws on the stallion's formidable hips, holding them warmly. "I'd disagree," said the fox. "If you can handle my endowment, there's nothing you can't take. What do you think of that?"

Beyond Khyha's tongue or one of her fingers if she was feeling bold during a blowjob or a titfuck, Buck had little point of reference for anal penetration, but he kept an open mind. Mahlten's malleable equine cock pushed only softly against his walls, proving pleasant despite the size of it. Letting out his first sigh of pleasure since the rimjob ended, he said, "I guess you're right."

"Mhm," Mahlten purred, agreeing with himself. By then, three-quarters of his shaft had found lodging in Buck's ass, with the final quarter sliding home nicely; it occurred to the tod that Buck hadn't even noticed the medial ring.

Warmly wrapping his arms around the stallion, kissing the back of his neck, Mahlten went on to say, "Take lovely, young Rias, for example. I personally broke that little darling in when he was but days past the age of law." He grinned tightly, and Buck, with his head turned all the way to the side, just caught sight of it.

As his hips kissed up flush to Buck's muscular ass cheeks, the fox cooed, "I fucked that barely-legal ass until he couldn't walk. I conquered him over and over, and still, I wasn't done." Easing back only a few inches, Mahlten thrust briskly back into the horse, coaxing him to grimace tightly and huff, with an involuntary clench to boot.

After finally managing to unclench his teeth, but without opening his eyes back up, Buck said - as obligingly as he could - "Ah-and?"

"Well," said Mahlten, his grin having twisted into a sleazy smirk, "Besides the fact my seed dribbled out of him for what seemed like days, he was a veteran overnight. Anybody in the clan, he could handle - two at a time, even."

The idea gave Buck pause, and he slowly opened his eyes, but he wasn't trying to meet Mahlten's gaze.

Once more, the fox gave him a quick buck of his hips, and this time, the stallion took it more easily, with a soft gasp. Spurred on by the horse's growing pleasure, Mahlten began to slowly, but surely breed that virginal behind. Soon, as his grinds took on a rhythmic quality, he unhanded Buck's hips and instead clutched the fine shock of his tail, stroking it, worshiping the hair in an absent way.

While Buck's role in the conversation stayed a quiet harmony of moans and huffs broken up by the odd snort, Mahlten receded into fantasy. In a dreamy tone, he crooned, "Mmm, I've shared Rias' behind with stallions. Picture that, please. Our fair young cheetah, just days a man, riding triumphantly on two swelling, drooling equine members..."

The poetic quality (and the amusing juxtaposition of sleaziness) in Mahlten's words was lost on Buck, but the message was not. Having just so recently tickled the deepest reaches of Rias' cock-milking behind, it was simply impossible to imagine two stallion dicks reaming it. Not out of logistics, but out of respect; how dare such a sweet thing like Rias be defiled! Yet there he was, getting fucked like a mare in heat, loving it more by the second, his own cock slathering the grass below with its' pre.

His newfound gay desires coming to a head, Buck needfully shuddered, "I wanna fuck Rias again..."

"I'm sure you do," Mahlten purred without a hint of patronization. "Later," he promised, "because right now, you're mine."

By then, Mahlten's thrusting was, however smooth, fast. With the overbearing need to release (brought on by his insatiable libido), he was rutting Buck's behind; there was no other word for it. Heavily, his furless balls smacked against Buck's own, making both sacks swing in low-hanging arcs. Mahlten's equestrian manhood flared up inside the horse, and though still malleable, its' bulge saw it grind against all of the best spots inside the stallion.

Buck's release may not have been as close at hand as Mahlten's, but his composure was much less than that of the charming, experienced fox. Feeling an orgasm nevertheless nearing, Buck scarred the turf with his hooves and snorted in agitation. Strong fingers digging into the tree and peeling off bark, cock twitching hard, anal walls clenching with authority, he was a sexy beast in every sense.

Closing his own eyes, grinning in a tight and toothy way, Mahlten welcomed what he expected to be his very last orgasm of the night - or at least of the next few hours. Relinquishing Buck's tail, he hastily wrapped himself around the stallion, squeezing his muscular body in a manly embrace.

Gruffly panting into one of Buck's twitching, pert ears, his balls smacking against those of the horse harder than ever, Mahlten's release was as obvious as it was imminent. His usual sleaziness tattered by a very near orgasm, Mahlten groaned, "And here comes your first load under the tail..."

Half-mad with pleasure, dying in equal parts to feel Mahlten's release and to get his own, Buck bearhugged the tree, and with bated breath, he awaited that vulpine seed.

It was a moment later that Mahlten, pressing flush in every manner possible, came. Emitting a strangled cry of pleasure, he erupted with everything he had left in him, down to the very dregs of his seed. Potent ropes gushed into Buck's freshly-deflowered ass, sticking to his walls and coaxing feral snuffles and snorts from the horse's nostrils.

Feeling that male mess filling his stuffed ass, putting pressure on his walls where it pooled, had Buck teetering on the edge of his release - hands-free, no less. Pushing him over was the taboo thrill of the act - a formerly-straight man, anally fucked by the most endowed partner imaginable. His sexual identity was bound up in bondage, missing in action; all that he really knew was that having Mahlten inside of him felt so good that he didn't dare question it.

Trembling and going curiously silent, Buck's release nevertheless came in spectacular form. His equine cock slopped rope after rope of murky seed, his load exceeding that of the virile tod; a full pint of his fertile mess splattered into the muddy grass, with even more drooling out after the fact.

Buck was left panting laboredly by the time afterglow swept him up, leaving him to stew quietly in the recent events.

Mahlten, having already been in his afterglow for a few moments (and having had that dreamy warmth intensified by the perfect timing of Buck's release), cooed warmly and gnawed upon the stallion's prone neck. "And did you enjoy that?" he asked, aware of how unnecessary it was.

"Yes," Buck all but whimpered. He was slack against the mighty tree, holding up very little of his own weight. "I'm gonna be limping for weeks."

"Probably only a few days," Mahlten offhandedly said, stroking down the sore stallion's flanks. "Not to worry. With an ass like this?" He grinned. "You'll have more tongues than you can count rimming and soothing you. Mine included."

"This is all so wild," Buck mumbled, tiredly.

"You'll grow used to it," Mahlten grinned, "but never tired of it."

For a time longer, Mahlten stayed cuddled against Buck's backside; they enjoyed the mutual warmth, and spoke lightly of idle things.

When his shaft was no longer hard enough to pain Buck, Mahlten eased it back. With its' gradual deflation, the seal it created had long since been imperfect; his spent semen was drooling down Buck's taint and balls well before he slid free.

Buck made to step back, doing so on shaky legs, but he was stopped by Mahlten. Too weak to protest, as coordinated as a newborn foal, he leaned back against the tree.

Smiling in a fond, genuine way, Mahlten squatted in the grass, and he parted Buck's ass cheeks again. That formerly-perfect pucker now gaped promisingly, wet with white, sticky semen. Briskly, Mahlten cleared the excess from the outer rim of it, and then he kissed wetly on the wrecked pucker itself. Inside, he snaked his tongue, spurring Buck to gasp and wince. He also clenched down, although clench was, by then, too strong a word to use.

After this very intimate kiss, Mahlten stood, and he helped to support the weight that Buck's jellied legs couldn't. "Come along," he softly said, walking easily with the horse, leading him back to the warmth of the fire and the hot bodies that surrounded it.

A short few minutes after they came back and settled, they were treated to a borderline-outrageous act - one featuring the insatiable Khyha.


Not even two well-endowed women could satisfy Khyha. It seemed like her libido could withstand anything, and that she did everything it so much as suggested to her; how else could she explain her current situation? Down on her knees, she fondly stroked the broad flank of the gryphon-taur she'd seen earlier in the night.

Lying on his side, sprawled in the grass, the gryphon made for an imposing sight. His body of a four-legged stallion was enormously muscular, dressed in downy fluff of a sandy shade, which gave over to white on his chest, down his front, continuing along the underside of his colossal body, where it also dressed his sheath and large, well-furred balls.

"Quite a touch with those soft paws," cooed the gryphon, each word a low rumbling by virtue of his size.

"I'm happy you like them," the raccoon purred, stroking up and down the length of the gryphon's belly. None of his fur was matted, all perfectly groomed. Undoubtedly, he was serviced with brushes on a daily basis.

Unable and unwilling to keep things tame, she began to palm the taur's sheath, a bulging cylinder of flesh that emanated with a musk both avian and equine - potent to the senses, but not offensive. "Listen," she chuckled, while the gryphon softly huffed and shifted, "if I've learned anything tonight, it's to just take what I want."

"If what you want is gryphon seed by the pail full, lovely ringtail," crooned the gryphon, "then take all you wish. My manhood," he purred, "is yours to paw as you please..."

"But that's the thing," Khyha grinned, her teeth gleaming in the firelight, "I want to be fucked."

Shifting around, spearing Khyha with a quizzical gaze, the gryphon said, "Not to brag, but I'm a bit large for you."

Scooting over, Khyha sweetly kissed him on the beak. "You're not my first taur," she wistfully said, "and you won't be my last. So - interested?"

While the raccoon stroked fondly over the fluff of his head, the gryphon rumbled amicably, lashing his long tail against the grass. His sheath was growing plump, his musk heady. "I never go easy on my partners," he winked. "I take no responsibility if you end up hobbling for the next month."

Khyha kissed him on the beak again. "I'd have no use for you if you did go easy on me," she grinned.


When the gryphon stood, he was magnificent. Tall, graceful, burly - a war mount if the raccoon had ever seen one. He was wingless, a sad trait of his half-horse blood, but he felt he didn't need them to begin with; to take to the sky was dull, to roam the earth with ladies like Khyha was anything but.

Stepping up onto a felled, not-yet-hollowed tree, the gryphon lashed his tail and glanced back at Khyha. "Well, ringtail - if you want to be bred, get me ready!" he huffed, the corners of his beak upturning in a grin.

Men and women alike always went for the sheath and the balls. They lavished his genitals, savored his size and smell. Khyha was as enthralled as the next whore, but time with Buck and Mahlten meant she knew what a dominant man really liked. Burying her nose under the taur's tail, she frightened him into a squawk, but he then maintained an obliging silence once she got to work.

Upon the gryphon-taur's equine pucker, Khyha nuzzled and kissed, lapping and suckling at the edges, leaving the bare, black flesh covered in a sheen of saliva well before the main event. Slipping her tongue beyond the pucker, the tightness and obvious inexperience of which led her to rightly guess that anal sex was new to the gryphon, Khyha treated him to a rimming that was wonderful whether it was the first or the thousandth time for him.

Velvet anal walls were slicked and revered by her pink tongue, that clandestine flesh slathered with slobber merely seconds in. Down beneath his huge body, his sheath bulged. Mottled equine flesh slid free, erect, but still amusingly floppy in that way stallion dick was apt to be. From its' flared tip came a constant drizzle of pre, and the gryphon could just barely stand the anal pleasure. He scuffed his hooves on the tree, balled his hands into fists, and clicked his beak in a good kind of agitation.

With her soft paws, Khyha fondled around the furry curves of the gryphon's balls, all the while suckling and slobbering on his entrance in a way uninvited, but hardly unwanted. Meanwhile, down between her own legs, her pussy outright throbbed in need, and female juices ran down her thighs, smeared with encrusting seed from her earlier romp.

"While I really do appreciate what you're doing with that tongue," the gryphon grunted, his tail giving another lash, "I fear that if you don't let me fuck you now, I'm about to waste my seed on the grass."

Reluctantly, but with eagerness (and anxiety) to be fucked by the taur, Khyha eased her tongue free of that needful, winking pucker, and mentally reminded herself to come back to that later. Walking up along the gryphon's body, she longingly trailed a paw along the easy two feet of thick, blunt-tipped stallion cock that awaited her. Under her paw, it was pliable, but ready.

Grinning devilishly, the well-proportioned raccoon bent over, draping herself over the dead tree.

With a bit of effort, the gryphon stepped over the tree. In a lucky move, he prodded his thick flare into her cunt, and he lewdly ground forward; Khyha, however, gasped and asked that he stop.

Rolling his eyes, the gryphon sighed, "They always get my hopes up..."

"No, no," Khyha shivered, reaching back. Grabbing that menacing, wet cock, she braced the flare higher, between the pillows of her ass cheeks - right against the comparatively tiny pucker of her tail hole.

"Under your tail?" the gryphon blurted, incredulous.

"Come on," Khyha huffed, "just do it. Just fuck me..."

"Mmh," he grunted. "Well... If a sore bottom is what you're after."

Grinding forward, defying the tight ring of Khyha's asshole wasn't necessarily hard for such a muscular beast. Braced by the raccoon's guiding (but increasingly shaky) paw, his masculine flesh forced open the well-fucked pucker of her tail hole and gradually worked its' way inside.

It was hardly a sudden entry, and so there was no sharp pain with it, just gradual penetration as the raccoon's rear allowed that cock more and more purchase. It was hardly a painless endeavor for Khyha, who hissed and groaned, yet she was dedicated, and she never asked for the horse-bodied gryphon to stop.

"Uhhhn, such a tight body," he grunted, the inches slowly grinding into Khyha. "Are you all right?"

"Nuh-never been better," Khyha gasped, squeezing down on that stallion cock as it slid through her paw; her bracing was no longer needed, but she couldn't remind herself to let go. All of her energy was going towards fielding the pain and pleasure of the situation.

"Not even little Rias can take me under his tail," the gryphon chuckled coyly, his cock halfway buried in the apparent void of the raccoon's body. His pre, coming in heavy rivulets, left Khyha's innards so slathered that friction was nonexistent - all she felt was the massive stretch.

Toes curling, pussy dribbling, cheeks flushed, Khyha was obviously straddling the line of pain and pleasure, but it was so wonderfully blurred in that way only a taur's cock could provide. More than a foot of it was buried under her tail, reaming her in ways not even Buck and Mahlten together could achieve. It was as thrilling as it was uncomfortable. "You're so deep in me," she whimpered, at last reminding herself to unhand the taur's cock, resting both paws on the tree.

"Indeed I am," the taur cooed, his cavernous body rumbling for Khyha. "And," he grinned, pressing himself flush to her plush ass, "now I can go no deeper. Congratulations."

"No congratulations," Khyha shuddered, her eyes rolled all the way back. "Just fuck me...!"

"My word, but you're needy - I should expect Mahlten will keep you around for years to come." Easing back, he earned a wavering groan from Khyha, another when he pushed back in, and a steady, if not unbroken stream of blissful coos and cries as he gave it to her well-loved behind. "You really are experienced, although that word might not be strong enough here..."

"I practice," Khyha huffed. "Oooh, yes, do I practice, and it's all worth it right now..."

Only chuckling, the taur sped up his pace. Pre kept the raccoon slicked enough that he could truly fuck her, and each buck of his hips bumped his heavy balls into the backs of her thighs. Too large to more intimately slap at her cunt, that more generalized spanking would just have to do.

"Yeah, yes!" Khyha whined like a girl half her age, clenching unnecessarily on the taur, her cunt aching and throbbing even without a touch; when she added her paw to it, groping and plunging her digits deep, her pink flesh clenched down with pleasure.

And so the raccoon squealed and squirmed as her capable partner anally wrecked her to unspeakable degrees. The gape would be astounding, as would her need for pillows to sit on, but it was worth it in the moment. "Fuh-fuck me as hard as you can! I need it so much harder than this!" Khyha squealed, and by then, all bodies, idle or otherwise, watched the pair.

Grunting, grimacing, lashing his tail and pummeling Khyha's pliable rear, the gryphon huffed - with an air of frustration - "I've fucked mare-taurs less needy than you, ringtail!" But he wasn't admitting defeat; on the contrary, he was fucking Khyha with everything he had. His powerful hind legs smashed his sheath and balls against her again and again, his equine meat spreading her open and depositing slippery pre so deeply that it was a surprise she wasn't tasting it in the back of her throat.

Inarticulately, Khyha squealed and thrashed. She abused her cunt in ways she would have punched Buck over. Pain was pleasure, and pleasure was bliss. The gryphon's throbbing, massive endowment was ruining her asshole for weeks to come, she knew it, and she didn't care because she was cumming.

With a protracted, almost feline yowl of dizzying pleasure, Khyha squirted. Her juices sluiced past her fingers and splattered a very respectable distance away, in a number of heavy spurts.

It seemed unlikely, as stretched as she was, that Khyha could have clenched down at all - but with her release, she did. Her supple anal flesh wrapped itself even more tightly around the gryphon with the utmost intimacy.

Pounding a flexible creature a third of his size proved too much for the gryphon, who, after a rapid succession of particularly brutal bucks, rutted in one very final time to the hilt of his shaft. Emitting a shrill shriek befitting a gryphon, he came with astonishing force and volume, his male mess blasting deep into Khyha's ass, eliciting a blissful, wavering cry from the raccoon.

Such was the pressure that more of the gryphon's seed squirted past the plug of his cock than what would remain inside of the raccoon. It ran down her taint, drenching her post-orgasm pussy in that sloppy, white mess, painting her like a proper whore.

Well after the fact, Khyha lay totally slack over the dead tree, her tongue lolled out of her maw. Tears were in her eyes, by then bloodshot and agitated, but she didn't care. "Ooh... That was wild," she weakly laughed.

"Mhm," her enormous partner answered. He started to pull back, but Khyha reached back and grabbed his flank, gripping a handful of fur.

"No, wait," she said, lowly and kindly. "Stay inside for a while longer."

With no objection, the gryphon chuckled easily, and he stayed put.


"Sheesh, I knew she was a size queen, but..." Buck trailed off, shaking his head.

Mahlten smirked. "A stallion cock brings out the size queen in all of us," he growled, reaching over, palming Buck's meat. "Wouldn't you say?"

"Ah... I guess," the horse uneasily chuckled. The thrill of what he'd done with Rias and Mahlten still burned in his mind, just as his rear throbbed from the experience. "So, uh..."

"Speak," rumbled Mahlten, kissing the stallion's cheek.

"We're welcome to join you guys anytime?" Buck asked, coolly wrapping an arm around the fox.

"Of course you are." A smile.

Buck smiled back, and when Mahlten leaned in to kiss him on the lips, he didn't resist. Afterward, he caught sight of Rias lingering in the grass nearby. "Hey, excuse me."

Mahlten watched as Buck laid with the cheetah, and mere moments later, he had the boy bouncing in his lap. Smiling, he looked over at Khyha - lovely, eager Khyha, hilted with the largest male in his clan.

Getting up slowly, feeling the tiredness that precluded his withdrawal from the fun, Mahlten trudged over to speak face-to-face with the raccoon. In his chest, he felt a flutter, reminding him of a love lost, of a beauty Khyha so strongly resembled, not in form, but in spirit.