Selective Tongue Grooming

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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#23 of Pokemon

Pokemon Quickie for the adorable FA: vareoth who has the prettiest of burbs.

Professional Pokemon groomers always want to fuck your Pokemon, trust me. This probably applies to real-life pet groomers too.

Thumbnail background is from Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, dumped by Lemon for The Spriters Resource.

Writing (C) me

Vareoth (C) FA: vareoth

Absol and Pokemon (C) Game Freak and Nintendo

"Oh, yes, I can definitely work with an Absol," Vareoth said with a smile. "In fact, I've always wanted to!"

"That's excellent, then," cooed the Absol's trainer, an older lady wolf. The Absol in question looked well-loved and behaved pleasantly; clearly it was a beloved pet and not a fighter. "I'll be off on business in the Johto region, however. Is there an additional fee for weekend boarding?"

"Usually, yes," Vareoth admitted, "but I'll waive it just this once," he added with a wink.

The wolf smiled back. Just when it looked like she might kiss Vareoth on the cheek, she leaned down and kissed her Absol instead. "Now, my lovely little Adonis, be a good boy for this sweet groomer. Mommy will be back for you."

Vareoth saw her off. Adonis followed closely behind but ultimately bounded up on the couch to watch his owner go from the front window. When she was out of sight, he sat down on the sofa and looked to Vareoth discerningly.

The groomer was a disarming young lovebird. His vivacious green down and orange face drew in eyes while his slim and somewhat effeminate figure encouraged lingering gazes. He smiled at Adonis with the upturned corners of his beak and his cool blue eyes. "Don't worry, I'll be taking very good care of you. Best groomer in six cities, you know," he chuckled. "Come on, buddy," he cooed, beckoning the Absol, "let's get you a nice warm bath to start off."

Without a fuss, Adonis followed Vareoth, and for this the bird was grateful; too many Pokemon required elaborate muzzling, sedation, and coaxing rituals. "We'll start with some shampoo, a little conditioner, and maybe some wax for that horn," Vareoth murmured, looking over his shoulder at the Absol. The Pokemon followed along closely.

The bath went off without a hitch. Vareoth made a mental note to comment on the Pokemon's good behavior when the wolf returned. As he toweled the Absol dry, however, he started to think he had spoken too soon. The Pokemon proved troublesome to dry off, often wriggling and once biting the towel. By the time Adonis was completely dry, Vareoth needed a break. "I think that waxing can wait until you simmer down," he said with a small chuckle, and they walked to the den.

Vareoth took a seat in his armchair. Immediately and without invitation, Adonis bounded up into his lap, walked in a cute circle, and settled down.

"Well, hi there," Vareoth chuckled. He stroked the Pokemon's back slowly, running his digits through the creature's white coat, which was particularly fluffy due to the bath. He stopped each stroke at the Absol's haunches, not wishing to chance touching his blade-like tail. "You're a very pretty boy, aren't you?"

The Pokemon seemed to concur as he gazed up at Vareoth. The bird saw outright sass in those moody ruby eyes, and worst of all was how he liked those looks. He rubbed over the Absol's rear and legs, though he kept his fingers at a distance from the bladed tail. "Hm, I've never seen a Pokemon quite as unique as you. And trust me," he laughed, "I've seen some weird ones..."

First Adonis ground into Vareoth's gentle hand then rolled over and presented his belly. With only a glance at the Pokemon's genitals, Vareoth stroked the creature's belly warmly and cracked a smile at the resulting purr-like noises he made. Adonis blissfully kicked. "You like that, do you?" Vareoth grinned. It seemed that the answer was yes, and he kept rubbing. However, this attention was doing more for the Absol than the bird realized; he felt something stiff and fleshy against his hand. He blinked, then looked down. "Oh my," he murmured.

Fitting the theme of moody colors on the Pokemon's body, the Absol bore a black penis with an approximately canine shape. Its tip was pointed and the base knotted. Vareoth hummed absently and gave the flesh a brief stroke. Adonis huffed and bucked up into the lovebird's grip. "Aw, no," Vareoth sighed. "I really shouldn't get you used to that." In time, Adonis gave up and went back to simply cuddling Vareoth whom by then felt rather guilty.

In the evening, after waxing the Pokemon's horn, Vareoth had his dinner. Adonis ate too. But when it came time for himself to sleep, Adonis became troublesome again. He longed for Vareoth's companionship and he refused to be boarded in either his kennel or his Pokeball. Tired and no longer caring if he instilled naughty behaviors in the Pokemon, Vareoth allowed the Absol to join him in bed.

At first Adonis was placid. He snoozed at the foot of the bed and left Vareoth to his own devices. Yet as the night went on, he thought of the bird's warm hands and gentle touch. Things on his body needed tending to, and he was not shy about asking for attention. Drawing on all his boldness, the Absol climbed up onto the snoozing, nude bird and walked around on his chest. Vareoth awoke with a mumble just in time to watch Adonis flop down on him with hindquarters presented. He could see only by the LED lights of the clock face, but he knew what he was looking at. Adonis' tender black anus waited just before his beak.

Vareoth's initial thought was to shoo the Pokemon off, yet he was just tired enough to give in to the earlier lurid thoughts. He closed his warm hands around the Absol's hips and flicked his tongue across the offered pucker. The Pokemon puffed and pushed back. Vareoth smiled. "You can't tell your mommy about this, you know," he said with a soft laugh, and he went in again. He closed his eyes and lapped firmly yet with care, knowing just how to please another male like so and in spite of the four-legged stature of this partner.

As Vareoth licked, Adonis huffed and growled. He frotted his black shaft into Vareoth's soft down and sniffed the swelling, similarly black (but pink-tipped) flesh of Vareoth's penis. Pre beaded on the tip and the Absol licked it away, to which Vareoth moaned. Coaxed by this feedback, Adonis licked again and again, but much more sloppily than the exacting nature of Vareoth's rimjob.

Several times, Vareoth lapped from the back of Adonis' balls to the base of his dangerous tail, pleasuring the pucker of his anus as collateral along the way. He reached down and took hold of his own shaft, which by then was fully erect, and tilted it towards his navel for Adonis. The lovebird expected more laps. Instead he was surprised when the Absol opened wide and engulfed the tip and a couple of inches. The Pokemon started to nurse at once, and he did so with surprising strength.

"That's great," said Vareoth in a coo. "Naughty little thing..." But if the Absol was naughty, Vareoth had no qualms about being even naughtier. He started to dig his tongue into the Pokemon, working open that soft black orifice with eager wriggles of his tongue. Adonis clenched tightly yet not enough to stop the bird. His teeth nicked Vareoth's penis, but the bird still moaned enthusiastically.

Vareoth lapped and slobbered deep inside of the Pokemon. He felt the creature's erection pulsing against his chest and smearing around viscous pre. For the darkness and how drowsy he still was, Vareoth wondered if it was all a dirty dream, but he chose not to dwell on the notion. He worked eagerly at his cute little partner's ass and in turn reaped the benefits of such a tight maw around his meat.

The bird's balls pulled up to his loins. His erection throbbed harshly in Adonis' mouth. Breaking so many taboos at once brought him immense pleasure, as did the anal musk of the Pokemon, not to mention that he found the agile creature attractive. He groaned aloud as he tongued the Pokemon's asshole, playing across velvet walls and fighting clenching muscles to pleasure and tease. Adonis nicked Vareoth more and more as pleasure rendered him inattentive, but still the lovebird's orgasm was a foregone conclusion.

At first Vareoth could not tell that Adonis was cumming. The Pokemon already clenched so much that to read into these new squeezes would have been foolish. It was when he felt the unmistakable ejaculate soaking into his down that he knew the creature had gotten off. A blush lit Vareoth's cheeks and the corners of his beak twisted into a grin. But he kept tonguing, and he noted that in spite of the pleasure the Pokemon must have felt, Adonis did not ease up with his suckles.

Within a minute of the Absol's release, Vareoth had his own well-earned climax. He groaned and slipped his tongue free of the Pokemon's snug anus as he shot his mighty and sticky wad into that obedient maw. Adonis blinked in surprise but never once hesitated in guzzling it down. Despite their difference in sizes and the generousness of Vareoth's load, not a drop went to waste.

Vareoth and his little friend slept quite soundly after moving around and snuggling close together. When the morning sun peeked around the curtains and stirred Adonis awake, however, the Pokemon looked hungrily upon his groomer, whom lie asleep on his belly. He nosed up under the lovebird's tailfeathers, and Vareoth was pleasantly awakened by a familiar, eager tongue...