Chapter 10
In that moment i learned tara was more than a domestic cat, she definitely had tiger in her. everyone jumped but, they quickly did as the professor instructed. the rest of the period went by with no problems thankfully, well, outside the stares.
Squad Goals - Ch18
**A Minor Modification By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** "You sure you're ready, babe?" Shodan asked for the hundredth time as they stood outside the studio. April glanced up with a forgiving smile and squeezed the hyena's hand. "Yes, yeeny...
My OCs Want You to Vote
Amidst an incomprehensible flash, nine figures suddenly found themselves standing in a white void. Among them were an imposing, broad-shouldered dark wolf who scowled at the voice of a nameless narrator, a lithe ocelot wearing denim shorts, who clung...
The Voyage chapter 4
A black female domestic cat walked up to him returning williams' salute. "we have a scramble, a flight of southerners are heading over here. you know what to do lt..." replied jane looking at him with her silver colored eyes.
Black Haven (Chapters 1-3)
The small domestic cat would have none of it, as it climbed up the front wall of the car and hid in the overhead luggage rack, giving it's young owner a "fuck you" expression.
Ms. Leifou
I've been given a key to like...babysit my friends domestic cats, but that's about it. razi is an only child but his mom and dad consider me a second child. well third sense my good friend fenna is like a lil sister to razi.
Unlucky Cats 04
While diana wrote her findings and decided to give the newly domesticated cats the answer. "yes it is. got to check everything so your owner doesn't feel lied to. never know what you might be used for." sammi nodded with a mew.
He was a hybrid, which was a rare oddity in itself, but he was a mixture of a type of marsupial known as a 'sugar glider', and a domestic cat. because of this, his sub-species was often coined as a 'sugarcat', a name that kippy had taken on with pride.
Breeding Transformation
The feline hissed, sounding more like a domestic cat than a wild lion for a moment, but he didn't get a chance to reply as the stallion cut across him, taking the floor. "who are you?"
Aware of Dog
The black dog blushed as he realized he had an audience, walking for the door and realizing the domestic cat's position was nearly blocking his path. "erm, pardon me..."
The Rooftop Muse
Related to the domesticated cats, the tall, lanky gray tabby was a guitarist and singer/songwriter who went by the nickname of rennie, since he was so often part of the renaissance festivals in the surrounding areas.
Alcatraz Ch. IV ~ Lesson in Pain
She did a quick database search on the dedicated laptop, for gibraltar, white domestic cats... and janus disease. as it processed results she bit her nails, taking a glance over at the setup now across the room, tai had just been shot in the ribs.