Walk With You – The Light of His Love
Hope you enjoyed the story, and i do hope that you'll leave some feedback! see you soon!
Break Up On The Highway
As always, your feedback is most welcome. have an interesting read! ] \* hey waassup?
Dragon Story Ch: 2
feedback greatly appreciated! that's actually the main reason i'm posting this (feedback) so, good, bad, happy, sad, tell me what you think. **chapter 2** the next few days were spent in the forest learning to hunt.
Of Wolf and Man (Part 1)
This is my first story and i wanna know how i did so leave me some feedback.
Under the Tiger's control - Crevan's New Life
(sorry if it's a little short, i'll make the next one longer with enough positive feedback, you can be sure of that!)
The Temple of a Forgotten God
Anyways, feedback sustains me, and once i've got the whole series to date uploaded i'll take any feedback into consideration when writing the next story. the temple of a forgotten god this story contains oral vore, magic vore, and resurrection.
Chapter 14
"then i suppose you wont mind if i monitor all of the feedback that telepathy casts off when it's used."
Wolf Tech 1 - The Beta
Please send me feedback; the more feedback i get the more i publish! i have felt i finished the first story, and the second is also here, as i didn't bother changing it.
Prisoners of War – Questions
I hope you had a good time reading, and i look forward to your feedback!
Also, this happens to be my 300th posted story on sofurry, so i might as well do a little shout-out on that here as well, and thank you all for your patronage, continued feedback, and for enjoying my work!
All feedback is always appreciated, the folks here are very welcoming, and the feedback always helps others to find these stories to enjoy as well! :) have a nice read! cheers!
The Mook Maker, Chapter 30: Point of No Return
The poorly explained link between us flared with now positive feedback from the tearful reunion.