Twin's story(Part 1)
He started to blush and try to ignore the thoughts that were coming to his mind, she was his sister after all.
Sky Ocean Chapter 5
He laughed under his breath at there ignorance, feeling great pity towards them all. he checked the clock and noticed harvy was running a bit behind.
Troubles of Love, part 2
"just ignore them." he said. ignoring them wasn't an option. "hey, you're right! it's a couple of pansy fags! let's get 'em!" kevin's eyes widened in terror, and as he stood up, three guys came from behind and shoved him to the ground.
Suncrest - Chapter 1
Even then, it was easy enough to ignore. as was it easy to ignore how close the voice was getting. and the sounds of trampling feet. and the gust of wind following something landing at his side.
Ch11. Lesson Five. Defining the Roles.
He was walking in calmly, trying to ignore any stares or laughter. he wore his jeans. i'd always noticed that almost every pair he had were tight. it didn't dawn on me how tight until now.
Silent invation (2)
. my naga-part also ignored the information. the situation was to comforable.
Curious Con-Cock-tions - Office Fun
You manage to clock-in before you're late and move to sit at your desk to begin providing tech-support to older ladies and ignorant kids.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Fifty
Stepping through the other hole in the wall, ignoring how cold the snow was to my bare feet, i made my way across the yard to where mom lay. still breathing, but not moving. that was good.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Six
Part of him wanted to get down on all fours and crawl, but he ignored it. even more of him wanted to take his pendant and pierce again. he ignored that as well, though it was harder.
Faux Pas: The Next Generation
His balls ached from his fourth climax of the day, but randy ignored the aching pain.
Blood on Ice - Chapter Five
It was a kind of cold and hunger that i was familiar with but those merchants and wealthy seemed ignorant to the pain i felt. they must have never felt it themselves.
The Fig Tree Revolution
I couldn't choose to simply ignore the abyss that not only had already introduced itself but had proposed to me as well.