Feeding Day

She was a young anthro canine, a dog of purebred status: a golden retriever to be precise. although their non-anthro counterparts tended to be very easy to get along with, this one was proving quite the contrary.

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Kitten Adoption Center

She didn't want to get her new little baby at a shelter, as she wanted a purebred cat. but she could not find the exact one she wanted, nor anyone willing to sell to her for some reason. so here she is, adopting a new cat from a shelter.

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Teaser: Hazing Hideyo

Apparently, she was from a long line of purebred hokkaido inus. varsha, a two-legged rampur greyhound, raised her eyebrow at the tiny pledger. "you backing out?"

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Coffee... for One

As the collie turned, alex saw instead the softer, less sharp and hardened face of a purebred collie; a collie with warm eyes as brown as amber... not the sharp, heterochromic orbs of tristan.

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Ricky's New Adventure Ch. 1

The young tiger swerved on his heels and hissed at the purebred. realizing his error, he left without another word, and broke into a dead run to the bathroom. the little town's school was named stag high, but really it should have been named bitch high.

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EIX: Bio!

*species: purebred celestial of the furred dragoness classing.physical age: early twenties, around 21-23.true age: unknown, even to her.celestial type: "seer" celestial. eishe was able to see small visions of the future.

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Now you'll never forget your place among us purebred otters." kilani was helpless, and he realized it way too late. what would his ancestors have thought about this?

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Dante | Prologue

The doctor shook his head once more, bringing a paw to his forehead he ran his claws through his head fur,"none that i know of, he's simply as he is, the pup of a purebred silver wolf clan member, but for his..." he trailed off.

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The Chaos begins

It was amazing he could look so harmless when he was a purebred helldragon, one of the legendary xenomorphs. of course, i was one too, but like him, i was just a teenager. we never sought out any villages to terrorize or demonized structures to exorcise.
