Amnesia? Chapter Five-First Round
i STILL do not own pokemon, i just write stories now that thats out of the way, enjoy! ...
Round One: The Jungle - Jim Jambalaya
Still, he thought it was amusing that jim would be eaten by two snakes at once while he ate both his obstacles to winning the contest for that round.
Darkness and Starlight 9 - Round 1
"then let's begin round one!" with the ding of a bell, catherine charged forwards ready to give koopin a run for his money.
Ranch Rounds ch.1 - Fennikens
#1 of day 2 day life - ranch rounds this series has direct relation to the day2day life - main story. that will involve the many pokemon we all know and love.
I Think I Won This Round...
With a faint whimper of tiredness, John lifted his head off his arms. The sensation of his ears flapping loosely down against his head filling his mind suddenly as the scent of his bedroom filled his mind; the pizza from last night- the dirty plate...
Fates of the Unicorns 54 - Rounds Four
She hissed, "they didn't round them up! they were murdered! my friends... my comrades. killed in the raid. by dragons. all gone, because of your kind... master."
Vagueness Makes The Griffoness Go Round
Or... well... she will be round eventually once the wish is fully complete..."
Round One: Crystal's VS Hero's
Smith, mayra, angel, sage, jeff harvey, nancy cypress, trayvon miller, josh matthews, marcos,bob orton and jon anderson had all advanced to the next round. as for me, jackie cypress, matt harvey, and leon pewo will get our chance right now.
Hirsune Pt. 16 - The Round Up
(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) hirsune pt. 16 - the round up by argouru several hours later, the last of the hirsune had been rounded up in the middle of town, lt.
Behind Locked Doors: Round Two
It wasn't the long, thin shape of the previous one - it felt more like a series of round bumps linked together.
Behind Locked Doors: Round One
She struggled futilely against her cuffs, realising that she was unlikely to get any sleep tonight... and she knew jade well enough not to let herself hope that there wouldn't be a round 2 tomorrow.
Clarity - Chapter 15: Another Round
A quiet sigh escapes my companion, her rounded ears flicking slightly. it makes her teardrop earrings swing and jingle a bit, a sight i can't decide whether to call cute or amusing. "look, penn. i think i get it now.