A New Dawn - Chapter 21 (The Wager)
He was testing me, callidus had wanted to see my fighting ability and no doubt had ordered tal'nar to test my abilities to the fullest, and not to end the fight too quickly. with any luck i would be the one ending this fight, not him.
Chapter 20: The Final War
Despite of knowing that this wasn't his fight, he didn't want to back away from fights, not if seraphor was in the fight. they were counterparts; parallels. they knew each other better than their friends and families.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 22
You have absolutely no idea what i'm really fighting for, and i have absolutely no idea what you're really fighting for." "me?" dorin stopped and cocked his head. "don't be stupid. i'm fighting for the title of chieftain, same as you."
Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 10
fight after another against each other.
Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 16
Still, amazing fight scene in this one with a lot less groping due to the character's fighting methods.
Rise of a Giant
#1 of efg, erotic fighting group the feline hit the wall hard, fighting to hold herself up while she felt the cold stone wall press against her large chest. her breath heavy from how long her and this male wolf had been fighting now.
Beaten to Arousal
That was all how it was meant to be, dan's groans fuelling the crowd, lost in their lust for the fight, after the fight, everything to do with the fight.
And so ends the first and last fight of zynko the lion. the end
+1 bonus on fighting or ranged fighting) **two-fisted** [ag d8] (attack twice in one turn without multiattack penalties)
Mercy over Punishment
All those lessons you learned about the proper way to fight, forget about them. you are in crystal, we are the second highest league here and we fight everyone. there is no such thing as a fair fight anymore."
Lucario and Renamon's Sex Fight.
''oooooh yes lucario, but it's more than that, it's called a 'sex fight''' she explained. ''sex fight? what's that?'' ''well........
The Mourning After - Chapter 22 [Part1] (Kinyar)
While this one exchange was not going to decide this fight, it was a critical point in the fight where it would determine who was the true challenger in this fight!