Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Nine Point Two
_title awarded : spider-slayer: 10% damage vs. spiders. 5% chance to automatically intimidate spiders. equip?(y/n) 4 ap and 5 sp require assignment do so now?
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twenty Two
"pitting spiders," he grunted in disgust. "hate those things!" he wasn't out of danger yet, though.
Chapter Twenty Three (The Real One)
The other spiders learned to stay away from-- nuh uh!" he kicked the spider in the face again just before it could sink its teeth into his leg. "the other spiders know to stay away from her. that means that when she comes down..."
Slutcat and Sworddog #11
However, you won't see any spiders. any spiders." "no spiders..." "no. you'll see... bears. whenever you think you see a spider, you'll see a bear instead." "bear. no spiders..." "that's right.
New Found Filaments
For decades all that it had seen were spiders. and upon her touch, it had released it all into her, making penny more spider in body than human. the power that now filled her wasn't supposed to be able to do that.
A Perfect Bomb - Chapter 3 - Poisoned Paradise
spider, amusedly.
The Gardians Shadow ch10
Both me and the spider "shit!". just then the spider leaps back and the shot goes under the leaping spider legs. ‘damn. that stupid renamon just blew the whole plan. not only is she a horrible actress, she's also incompetent.'
Always Me - Chapter 3
The spider lunged, and ducked under the stick, grabbing ludme's foot, but ludme took the opportunity and swung at the spider's unguarded eyes.
bound birth
This lead to me being completely stuck to what i now realized was a spider's web. a huge spider's web. shit. i struggled for a bit, till i remembered that spiders can sense vibrations on their webs. i then i held completely still.
Additional Spoils
The wizard let out a horrific scream as the spider suddenly flew back from the wizard from some sort of repulse spell. the spider collided with an archer who got knocked out cold. the spider slowly standing but notably was battered and bruised.
Vore For All: Tim The Tiger & Friends
I've also always enjoyed the way the prey of spiders kinda hang around in the web after they've been eaten, a reminder to fresh prey of what awaited them when the spider's mealtime came. enjoy guys!
The Hotel Employees of the Future 12
Isabella looked down, only to find that the spider had woven another web.