Parasitic Co-dependency Chapter 3: In which Sonny shows how fucked up in the head he is
Lillie sighed, having come down from the venom again.
Queen of the Night
Her running had elevated her heart rate significantly, aiding the flow of the venom. this was no ordinary venom, however. the aim was not to kill the prey, but to elicit very specific responses.
Betrayal and Revenage
"it can't be" venom said shocked. tyrant flew at venom knocking into a tree as he began a merciless pounding to his body connecting with right and lefts, each blow making the tree shake.
Children chapter 4: Sunny Side Up
"greens and browns have venom sacs and are highly poisonous.
Snakes Never Eat Dragons
He was hovering just over the young female snake he had his fangs deep in her neck no doubt injecting her with massive amounts of venom. (whitch would not kill her but sedate her, because snakes have a naturial immunity to all types of venom.)
Love and Vengeance
Unlike layla, who received a dose of snake venom designed to prolong a torturous demise for a long time, russ was bitten in the middle of a heated battle. a full dose of potent venom was coursing through the fox's veins.
Turning Point
He could feel her blood rushing around them, as he let his venom flow freely. kathryn screamed as the venom started to burn in her veins, trembling. she could feel it moving throughout her each time her heart beat.
Going Green: The Counter-Strike
A cock all its own hung in front of sean's face, dripping foul smelling venom from the tip that he was unable to turn away from.
Cafe Garou
"off the wolf venom board, i'll do a cold brew frappuccino and a coffee, black."
New Dark Champion
That includes factories and venom warships," kharr said.
Code of Dishonor: Flames of Temptation
Stone fangs growled in great disgust before he moved, jets of venom spraying from the fangs on his head. the green venom showered over ragnus, soaking his hair and uniform, running down in rivulets across his skin... his pale, human skin. "no!"
A Sticky Situation
The venom was acidic, meant to melt his organs and make them into soup for her. the venom was doing it's job, but the little quilava didn't notice that he was dying. the feeling left him feeling warm and pleasant.