
I practiced every day," i said, "turn onto that road behind the sign that says 'the majors repair shop'. turning in she said "you were luckier than me, in my opinion at least, i was born into the damn high society.

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Talk of the Town

They own the gas station, tractor supply store, auto repair shop." she counted on a paw. "local royalty," akira said dryly. "practically! one of 'em hit on me when i first go to town. last summer.

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Racing by Instinct

At lehman brakes, the abandoned brake repair shop on the side of an otherwise featureless state route, a couple of spotters, a badger and a red fox, waited for the racers to come in.

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Party Pack

That said, of course, he never did get much of an education beyond secondary school where he instead worked at his dad's car repair shop until he was big enough to enter the competitions.

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 31

The one unique feature of the place was that although the theme of it seemed early renaissance, it had a computer repair shop. "_that's a little different_," miriam thought to herself with mild amusement.

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More Than This

"must be a repair shop too considering the busted up ones over there." i thought as i glanced over at to a couple of beat up cars. one was a black jeep that looked like it got sideswiped by a red car judging by the streak of crimson on it.

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Mechanic's Lien

Since business was somewhat slow, vincent let one of his hired hands take care of the things at the vehicle repair shop.

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The Fixer - Revenge Porn

Specialised services, like the web designers, marketing consultants and the computer repair shop were just off the main street in the community business centre, a relatively modern building considering the town's very old roots.

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Roadside Collision

"my car's engine belt snapped, and the repair shop across the way won't have the part my car needs for another two days, so i'm stuck here." the stallion winced sympathetically. "i'm sorry to hear that, ma'am.

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The Forest Throne

It had been an easy feat to add members to his pack, starting with his high school best friend at his car repair shop before moving on to his customers.

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