In the beginning:
^-^ i hope you enjoy the beginning, there will be some yiff in the next part, i promise! \<3 a soft buzzing sound filtered through the quiet room.
It begins
You're on your way to bed when a sound draws your attention, just a few steps away your daughters door is partially open and there are soft whimpers coming from inside. She's been having bad dreams lately so you quietly move the few steps to peek in...
The Beginning
"then perhaps i should get moving," connah replied, turning from the naked beauty and beginning towards the door.
beginning's by michael j.
To begin his journey on becoming a better dragon. he is upto his fourth or fifth chapter when he hears someone sit next to him.
Everything finally is done, now only is still pending to begin to exchange the information with barret to create the plan. in his mind begin to think about some previous ideas that fade away when he hears that they knock at the door.
In the Beginning...
They had been best friends for over sixteen years now. Their dads worked together in a corner office and had become good friends, also. But this story isn't about them. Brandon was a calico who was the first of four generations to have the trait....
The Beginning
The charmander cried softly, curling tighter within himself, and waiting for the pain to begin again. however, when it didn't, he began to wonder why.
The beginning
A new day has dawned and a young female fox was standing in her room watching the sun rise. Her fur was the usual foxy orange and the white chest tuff. Eve the tip of her tail was white. Looking around, she sighed and dug in her dresser drawers. There...
Sunao felt himself begin to tremble, all this attention was making him nervous. "so(rry) i'm late miss" he stuttered out unclearly. "what was that young man? are you trying to be funny?"
The Beginning
_"Yeah...this is my first assignment. There's a guy named Joel Smith I'm interviewing for the paper. He's ninety-four, and looks, and acts, like he's still twenty. Last time I saw him, he had more energy than I did, and I'm thirty-six!" "That's...
In the beginning.
In the beginning!