He wrapped a muscular front leg around my waist and i could smell his musk as he drew me closer to his heat.
Ass, Black, Buff, Claws, Clit, Clitoris, Cock, Consensual, Dick, Ear Fetish, Ears, Eyes, F/M, Feet, Foot Fetish, Foot Massage, Kissing, Licking, M/F, Musk, Naked, Naughty, Nude, Nudity, Paw, Paws, Piss, Pussy, Standing Up, Tongue, Urine, Vagina, Vanilla, Vulva, Wet
Chloe woke up. She still felt tired. She mustn't have slept for more than four hours. Thankfully it was Sunday, that meant the shop was closed but she still had a lot of work to do around the house and go downtown to get house supplies. She went...
Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Bandana, Black, Boy, Brown, Buff, Canine, Cat, Character Development, City, Doberman, Drama, Emotion, Feline, Female, Fox, Girl, House, Hybrid, Male, Mild Drama, Multiple Species, Muscles, No-Yiff, Outdoors, Plot Development, Purple, Sleeping, Story, Story Progression, Story Series, Third Person, Yellow
The strong, muscular male was taken down by four others. blood just flowed from his torn, ripped, flesh as the others laughed; only to be beaten by the ice balls falling from the heavens.
Athletic, Betrayal, Black, Black Wolf, Buff, City, Dark, Emotion, Fear, Forest, Friendship, Gay, Gay Relationships, German Shepherd, Grunge, Heartbreak, Homosexual, House, Husky, Innocence, Male, Mild Romance, Muscle, Muscles, Music, Musk, No-Yiff, Rock, Story, Story Progression, Topless, Young, Young Love, Young Romance
You'd wreck everything...you're just too strong"
"huh? that doesn't make any sense" todd interrupted.
"todd, play your game" toby and sasha both said.
Action, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Blood, Boobs, Boy, Breasts, Buff, Canine, Chubby, Destruction, Disaster, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fat, Female, Giant, Girl, Gore, Horror, Male, Mammal, Muscle, Paw, Romance, Sad, Size Difference, Supernatural, Teen, Transformation, War, Werewolf, Wolf, amazonian, ginger, hourglass
Cause you like strong women?"
"well, won't they think i have a furry fetish?"
zoe laughed and slapped his back. "who cares?
Action, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Blood, Boobs, Boy, Breasts, Buff, Canine, Chubby, Destruction, Disaster, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fat, Female, Giant, Girl, Gore, Horror, Male, Mammal, Muscle, Paw, Romance, Sad, Size Difference, Supernatural, Teen, Transformation, War, Werewolf, Wolf, amazonian, ginger, hourglass
The sleeves on xilimyth's sweatshirt reached their limit, exploding to ribbons around arms developing muscles over their muscles.
Abs, Boobs, Breast, Buff, Butt, Cat, Cheetah, Day, Dracat, Dragon, Fat, Feline, Giant, Girl, Growth, Hyper, Jugs, Macro, Monster, Muscle, Paws, Plump, Sexy, Sorsha, Spurt, Surge, Tits, Xilimyth, bad, expansion, growing, hot, hourglass, huge, large, mall, shopping, tf, wide, woman
"if you are as strong as they say you are, then you should have taken down ian single handedly. i'm going to expose you for the fraud you are!" he shouted before he charged at him.
Action, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Blood, Boobs, Boy, Breasts, Buff, Canine, Chubby, Destruction, Disaster, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fat, Female, Giant, Girl, Gore, Horror, Male, Mammal, Muscle, Paw, Romance, Sad, Size Difference, Supernatural, Teen, Transformation, War, Werewolf, Wolf, amazonian, ginger, hourglass
Also make sure to have some strong werewolves to give us some muscle" she said.
bernie nodded. "okay, i'll make that a priority" he said.
the doctor sighed. "so why are you really here?" she asked.
bernie looked over at toby and sighed heavily.
Action, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Blood, Boobs, Boy, Breasts, Buff, Canine, Chubby, Destruction, Disaster, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fat, Female, Giant, Girl, Gore, Horror, Male, Mammal, Muscle, Paw, Romance, Sad, Size Difference, Supernatural, Teen, Transformation, War, Werewolf, Wolf, amazonian, ginger, hourglass
She hid her face into his muscular chest sniveling somberly, while toby held onto her doing the best he could in consoling her as her grandparents looked on helplessly.
bernie sighed heavily. "i'm sorry..." he muttered.
Action, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Blood, Boobs, Boy, Breasts, Buff, Canine, Chubby, Destruction, Disaster, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fat, Female, Giant, Girl, Gore, Horror, M/F, Male, Mammal, Muscle, Paw, Romance, Sad, Size Difference, Supernatural, Teen, Transformation, Werewolf, Wolf, amazonian, ginger, hourglass
"not all of us are bad"
"oh, okay"
meanwhile, toby was still in a coma like state, while sasha remained in the bed having not moved a muscle since she got there.
Action, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Blood, Boobs, Boy, Breasts, Buff, Canine, Chubby, Destruction, Disaster, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fat, Female, Giant, Girl, Gore, Male, Mammal, Muscle, Paw, Romance, Sad, Sci-Fi, Size Difference, Succubus, Supernatural, Teen, Transformation, War, Werewolf, Wolf, amazonian, ginger, hourglass
"your muscles are still twitching..." she muttered.
"watch out for him.
Action, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Blood, Boobs, Boy, Breasts, Buff, Canine, Chubby, Death, Destruction, Disaster, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fat, Female, Giant, Girl, Gore, Horror, M/F, Male, Mammal, Muscle, Paw, Romance, Sad, Size Difference, Supernatural, Teen, Transformation, Werewolf, Wolf, amazonian, ginger, hourglass
Toby growled and his veins bulked up and muscles twinged. he was itching to transform. "i'll kill you before that will ever happen!" he yelled in a raspy tone.
ian laughed.
Action, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Blood, Boobs, Boy, Breasts, Buff, Canine, Chubby, Destruction, Disaster, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fat, Female, Giant, Girl, Gore, Horror, Male, Mammal, Muscle, Paw, Romance, Sad, Sci-Fi, Size Difference, Supernatural, Teen, Transformation, War, Werewolf, Wolf, amazonian, ginger, hourglass