Vadim Chapter 15: Like Deja Vu

"my name is emil." he said through a sob. vadim petted emil softly on his head. "hi emil, i'm vadim. i'll take care of you for right now." "ok..." said emil.

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Jim and Claude 2

I'll talk to them monday morning when nigel and emil and i go to work. dad spends 30 minutes answering press questions. truthfully, but firmly, and i know what he's doing.

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Claude and Ivan

Nige and emil are very much in love and happy. emil's bigger than his badger. nige's 5'9" and 165. emil's 6'7" and 320 pounds. we have a very successful and busy practice. i make a lot of money even though i don't really need it.

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Just Like Clockwork #01

One of our greatest scientists" she put her back hand to the side of her face, and in a whisper, "if not the craziest" then back in her normal voice, "professor emilium "emil" chronos" emil took of his hat completely, bowing down slightly before wearing it

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Exodus Fornicatio Chapter 2

emil spoke up and waited for the panther to respond. with his head turned to the side, maurin notices the bull standing directly in front of him.

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The Prologue Part 2

emile walks over to jack and gives him a big hug. "welcome to the family jack and don't bother with what johan says he is more bark then bite anyways?" emile laughing at johans face.

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 38

I should have moved on after the emil job, but i was busy training you. i don't know where i'll be going. probably a place like this." "really?" "yes." there was hesitation in tristan's voice.

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Bridging The Years and Confronting Fears

Which means you have me and corinne and emile to entertain. and yes, i did over hear leo when you two were in the bathroom. i can guarantee you that everyone here is willing." she raised an eyebrow. corinne and emile smiled shyly.

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Unholy Smoke

emile was a little hasty, rushing in from the side. the cardinal saw him coming and stopped him in his tracks with his stump.

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (13)

One is captioned **renée fairthorne (1483-1755)** and depicts an unsmiling hamster in elaborate red robes; the other is**emil fimble (1756-1846)**, depicting a grinning wolf in simple blue robes, easy on the eyes and full of lustre.

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Deciphering The Past - 07 - On Your Marks

"emil eagle." mickey's expression changes from surprised to angry in a matter of seconds. "what the hell are you doing here?"

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