We two: Fill the gaps
Ed began to cry, rage filled him from head to toe. "you ruined me! you monster!" ed insulted christian again. "listen ed, what you're doing is no better!" eskar shouted, trying to calm him. "taking his side again?" ed said, calmly.
Filling the Void - Chapter Thirteen
#13 of filling the void chapter 12 of filling the void, a collaborative work between myself and victus lupus. special thanks go out to thegoldenunicorn for helping us appear not to be mouth-breathing gits.
Filling the Void - Chapter Twelve
#12 of filling the void chapter 12 of filling the void, a collaborative work between myself and victus lupus. special thanks go out to thegoldenunicorn for helping us appear not to be mouth-breathing gits.
A Doe in Heat: Filled and Fulfilled
fill me with your seed." she gasped when his tongue pulled out, and groaned like a feral beast when his tapered length replaced it. he surged through her expecting muscles like a storm, filling her with unbearable waves of heat and ruthless stimulation.
Filled Easter Eggs "Adventure"
It was unlike anything he ever felt before, the sensations were stronger than all of the times he pawed off to fill whole eggs with his spunk combined.
Slave Trade - Filling the Order
The fox knelt down and picked up the bucket, which was filled with herb-scented water and a sponge.
Filling Fast (Ending 1)
The chamber was filling fast. musky fluid was still flowing freely from vert's possessed cock. he was already submerged up to his neck, his own seed creeping farther up his body every second.
Filling Fast (Ending 2)
The chamber was filling fast. musky fluid was still flowing freely from vert's possessed cock. he was already submerged up to his neck, his own seed creeping farther up his body every second.
Filled with Darkness [Mini-Fic]
The warrior freezes and gives a soft whimper before a look of fury fills her face. "you foster a potent and insidious darkness within you. by removing these restraints - the floodgates are opened, and all the cravings you denied fill the void."
Equine Cream Filled Lions
Jim is humping my spasming cunt like a mad horse desperate to fill my now fertile belly with his foal. he grips my shoulder with his teeth as he bucks on top of me, flooding my egg bearing womb with hot, viscous horse sperm.
Filled with More than Corruption
Please check out his gallery for more writings like these.draconicon and story © draconiconmagnus © to me posted using postybirb filled with more than corruption for magnus strange by draconicon draconicon softly panted as he looked
Filled with Regret (Ch. 12)
He was longer than khaesho, longer and thinner, with scales as deep as the sun-lit ocean and filled with just as many mysteries.