Oh yes, i remember all they taught us in middle school. we're all genetically diverse to keep as many genes and species alive. they say the old timers were all one race, one species.


S1 Ep 8 Artemis's backstory

Growing up with his very famous brother really made artemis resent his brother and envied his looks, his personality and the one crush he stole from him during middle school.

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6. Break Away (100 Theme Challenge)

I did this a lot in middle school and high school, and i was a lazy tiger because of it. hell, i've done it while i would live in the dorms at college, if i got lucky.

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Canvas and Melody - Prologue

When they entered middle school the skunk tried playing his guitar in the halls.

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The Redeem: Chapter 13

The last time jason had been like this was back then...my mind began to recall the year that i spend apart from jason, in my last year of middle school, and jason's first year of high school.

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Locker Room Cub 6

That was what the older wolf saw anyway when darin would hop onto the back of averal's motorbike and the two would take off for the darin's middle school.

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Times have changed Prologue

Fuck him leo said, after all the shit he did to us back in middle school i don't give a shit about him or what happens to him,eric continued. he isn't our friend, martin added. i must of got here late ashley commented, what did derrick do?

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August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Third Part

"then, last year of middle school came." "what about it?" "my curiosity got to the point where i really wanted to get hands-on, if you know what i mean. so i went and told him about this. guess what he said?"


Chapter 4 (Riley)

Most schools in the country also try to squeeze in science and history in their screening, but here in california, we don't focus on that as much until middle school comes around.

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A day at school

I currently visit the seppala middle school. i really hope i can go to college after high school, but mom said that its pretty expensive to visit one, so i have to get very good grades, and maybe i will get a scholarship or something like that.

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Home Down the AlleyWay pt. 1 (RE WRITEN)

She walked by the foot ball feild, then came to the middle school. she walked passed the school, and walked about another mile until she reached the alley behind her house.

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