Chronicles of Ceto - Trilogy
The red head imagined himself restoring breath to kai, but not taking him to the surface...
Fuckchester - The Badgers Come to Town
She pranced off over to the red headed mutt skunk. "so, any questions?" bravo asked, a soft smile on his muzzle. "where's the pub?" alice and charles both asked.
New Experiences on a Long, Alaskan Summer Day
Jenna gave her a lick on the face, making the red-head laugh. "good," the husky said. "and i'll do whatever i can to help." together, the pair headed outside into the crisp, june air.
Horse Play 2
Whimpering, the red-headed teenager gasped, "no, no, no, no!" but while her words said one thing, her cock said another. like mine, andy was rock-hard as she got it up the hoo-hah.
The End OF Tyrony Chapter 2 (Intro)
A tall red headed couger bellied from across the room. "yes.i allied with the dragon. and no. not all humans sought to desrtoy us. some, like dak wanted a return of the peacethat we all once shared." damian answered,turningto look at the couger.
High School Transformation:Ch 8 Coach Brick
The dark, red headed stud of a coach jumped as the blinds of his office suddenly flipped shut, blinking his deep blue eyes. "what the..."
Akseli's NSFW biography
His bright red head is harder than the rock and is very rough. he has a dazzling and fierce olive-green eyes. his arms are longer than his legs, giving him the appearance of a hunchback.
Command: Rape
"hey kat," she sneered, and the red-head grew suddenly wary. "been having fun?"
Fury of the Dragonborn
The dragon rasped in her deep, growling voice, gently caressing the red-head's hair. "obedient little sluts get a treat. i do hope you're hungry..." "mmnf! nnm, nmf mf mmmn!"
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep01
You'll always be my favorite assassin," khan then gently whispered, petting megalo's red head fur in an oddly caring way, especially when he almost choked him to death just a second ago. "i... i know... master khan... i'm sorry, my master..."
Then to hell with it
" she was in a shock "i don't know where your talking about...i must go'' she stood up with a red head, but stef stopped her. wait... i don't want to scare you....but if you open my slide you can have a better look, what do you say?
Jordan and Jenny
The bull stepped over to her, his fat belly pressing against her's as he wrapped a strong arm around the red head's waist.